4 weeks 6 days pregnant ultrasound pictures

Ask A... Mom

I really wanted a baby, but now that I have a positive pregnancy test result, I'm suddenly not so sure. Is this normal?

I felt exactly the same at first and after talking to friends discovered that lots of them had mixed feelings, especially at the beginning. I found a good way to overcome this was to focus on the reasons why I wanted the baby. I wrote these down. Then I tried to figure out what I was really worrying about. Was it the thought of giving up some freedom? Financial worries? Concerns that I wouldn't be a good parent? This helped me get things in perspective and realize I really did want the baby.

If you have any doubts while you're pregnant, try talking to a close female relative – perhaps your mom – or a friend. You're likely to find they, at times, had similar doubts, but went on to enjoy their pregnancy and being a mother.

At 5 weeks into pregnancy things are so small there is very little to see on ultrasound. Even at 6 weeks it can be difficult to see an embryo with some people.

4 weeks 6 days pregnant ultrasound pictures

The image above shows a 5 week + pregnancy, but it won't always be this clear for all people. We say 5 weeks plus because without being able to measure the embryo, we can only measure the mean sac diameter which is a combination of 3 measurements of the sac to gather an approximate date, but it isn't as accurate and measuring the embryo. At this point we can see the dark area with a small circle inside. The dark area is the gestation sac and the small white circle is called a yolk sac. The job of the yolk sac is to provide the growing embryo with nutrients until the placenta takes over later on into pregnancy. With only a yolk sac to see, we can confirm that the pregnancy is in the right place or not ectopic.

4 weeks 6 days pregnant ultrasound pictures

The image above is now showing a 6 week pregnancy at this point it is possible to see the embryo and measure the gestational age quite well, but it is not always possible to see a heartbeat at this time. If the heartbeat is not visible it can cause a lot of worry waiting to scanned again in a week or so time so it's always best to avoid this situation from occurring. This is why, at Early Life Ultrasound centre we offer early pregnancy scans from 7 weeks. 

4 weeks 6 days pregnant ultrasound pictures

In this image the embryo is now 7 weeks measures approximately 10mm from head to bottom or crown to rump. There is a yolk sac but it can't be seen in this particular image. It is normally possible to trace a heartbeat at this stage, which is why we tend to offer early pregnancy scans at this time. It can can avoid the worry and stress of having wait to be re-scanned if all that needs to be seen cannot be seen in one scan appointment.

 There is a however here... Because of the variability in cycle lengths cycle lengths are normally estimated at 28 days but can range from 21 to 35 days. If your cycle is longer then you could be a little less pregnant than 7 weeks on the other hand you could be further along if you have a shorter cycle. If we aim for 7 weeks then most of the time we should see all that needs to be seen in one appointment. It does seem like a long wait to see your baby particularly with the sensitivity of today's pregnancy tests letting us know we are pregnant so early on, but it is worth it.

It is important to remember that if you are experiencing bleeding and/or pain then it is always important to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. A visit to the early pregnancy assessment unit may be in order. There, they can scan and obtain quantitative Beta hCG (pregnancy hormone) measurements that combined with a scan can offer further information, but again, it may be that watching and waiting that would be the appropriate course of action. More on ectopic pregnancy later.....

Take a look at the below blog to see more images at different stages.


Another informative read - https://www.earlylife.co.uk/blogs/news/what-is-an-ectopic-pregnancy

Best Private Ultrasound Practice - South West England & GHP Healthcare Dedication Excellence Award Winners 2021/22

4 weeks 6 days pregnant ultrasound pictures

4 weeks 6 days pregnant ultrasound pictures

When going for an early pregnancy scan or a viability scan the Sonographers will want to see a few important landmarks. In the early weeks they would want to see an intrauterine pregnancy (in the womb), a yolk sac and a heartbeat amongst other checks.

Take a look at some images that can give you an idea of what you might see at each week in the first trimester.

As you can see an awful lot is happening in the first few weeks so is it any wonder that most women feel exhausted?!

Can you see anything on an ultrasound at 4 weeks 6 days?

But an ultrasound doesn't immediately show what women might expect. It's typically not until a woman is six weeks pregnant that any part of the fetus is visible, which allows the doctor to determine whether a pregnancy will be viable.

What does a 4 week 6 Day fetus look like?

At 4 weeks pregnant, baby is smaller than a poppy seed—practically microscopic. Baby is now known as a blastocyst, a teeny ball of cells, and is busy settling into their new home (your uterus), prepping for all the crucial development that will happen over the next six weeks.

What can you see on ultrasound at 4 weeks pregnant?

The gestational sac contains amniotic fluid and surrounds the embryo. You may see the gestational sac in an ultrasound as early as 4 1/2 to 5 weeks.

What's happening at 4 weeks 6 days?

In week 4 of pregnancy, your body is beginning to form the placenta and amniotic sac. Symptoms like abdominal pressure and tender breasts may appear this week, and as the cluster of cells that will soon become your baby burrows into your uterine lining, you may also spot some implantation bleeding.