What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

Get the real numbers on how likely you are to get pregnant at each month, at every age, and how to increase those odds.

When you’re trying to conceive, it can feel like everyone around you is getting pregnant without even trying. It can be heart-rending, but it’s important to know that most couples don’t get pregnant in one shot.


What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating
   How long does it take to get pregnant? According to Yolanda Kirkham, an OB-GYN at Women’s College Hospital and St. Joseph’s Health Centre in Toronto, your chances of conceiving each cycle you try are 25 to 30 percent if you’re under 35, eight to 15 percent if you’re 35 to 39, five percent if you’re 40 to 42 and one to two percent at age 43. Age affects not only fertility rates but also miscarriage rates, which go up from around 10 percent in your 20s to 15 percent after age 35 and up to 50 percent by age 45.

It’s worth tracking your ovulation to improve your odds: According to a 2003 study published in the journal Human Reproduction, when 346 women ages 20 to 44 timed their intercourse to help them conceive, they had a 38 percent chance of conceiving in one cycle, a 68 percent chance within three cycles, an 81 percent chance within six cycles and a 92 percent chance of getting pregnant within 12 cycles.

In general, Kirkham says 85 percent of women will get pregnant within one year of trying. But if you have been trying for a year without conceiving and are under 35, she suggests that you seek a fertility consultation. If you’re 35 or older, you should seek help after just six months of trying because egg quality declines and medical conditions become more prevalent as we age, so the likelihood that you may need some fertility help is higher.

Still, this doesn’t mean you need to look at other fertility options at this point, says Kirkham. “It’s just to see if your intercourse timing is correct and if there are other factors that need to be looked at,” she says. Those factors could include your hormones and the quality of your partner’s sperm.

How do you know if your timing is right? You can find out when you ovulate by counting 14 days back from when you get your period or looking for other signs of ovulation, such as an egg-white-like mucus. Kirkham recommends having intercourse every other day in the time leading up to ovulation. Since sperm can survive for about three days, this will help ensure that there is sperm at the ready when your egg is released.

While it’s helpful to know these stats so that you’ll recognize when it’s time to seek help, Kirkham says it’s important to not get too hung up on the numbers. “We aren’t robots,” she says.

Every woman or couple has their own individual risk factors that can affect their probability of conceiving, and a healthcare provider can help sort out what those might be and what can be done about them. Even if you are among the 12 to 16 percent of Canadians who don’t get pregnant within the first year, meeting with a doctor to test for specific problems and explore other fertility options can increase your chances of having a baby.

Read more:
Can you boost your fertility?

Trying to conceive: Myths vs. facts

What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

Understand Your Monthly Cycle


When you know your menstrual cycle, you improve your chances of getting pregnant. The first phase starts with the first day of bleeding during your period. Your body releases hormones, like follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), that make the eggs inside your ovaries grow. Between days 2 and 14, those hormones also help thicken the lining of your uterus to get ready for a fertilized egg. This is called the follicular stage.

What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

What Happens During Ovulation


The average menstrual cycle is 28-35 days. Ovulation usually happens between days 11 and 21 of your cycle. A hormone called luteinizing hormone (LH) surges, triggering the release of the egg that's most ripe. At the same time, your cervical mucus becomes more slippery to help sperm make their way to the egg.

What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

It's All in the Timing


Women are born with about 1 million to 2 million eggs but release only 300 to 400 through ovulation during their lifetimes. Usually, you release just one each month. The egg travels along one of the two fallopian tubes that connect your ovaries to your uterus. If the timing is right, sperm may fertilize it on its way to the uterus. If fertilization doesn't happen within 24 hours of the egg leaving the ovary, the egg dissolves. Sperm can live for about 3 to 5 days, so knowing when you are ovulating can help you and your partner plan sex for when you're most likely to conceive.

What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

Track Your Most Fertile Days


Generally, the best chance of pregnancy is when sex happens 1-2 days before ovulation. If you have a regular 28-day cycle, count back 14 days from when you expect your next period to start. Plan on having sex every other day around that time -- say, days 12 and 14. Your cycle may be longer or shorter, so an online ovulation calculator or over-the-counter ovulation and fertility kits can help you figure out the most likely day.

What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

Track Ovulation by Temperature


After your body releases an egg, the hormone progesterone kicks in to build and maintain the lining of the uterus. It makes your body temperature go up slightly. So taking your temperature with a basal thermometer every morning before you get out of bed can help you figure out if you ovulated. You can buy these thermometers at the drugstore. They're inexpensive, but they aren't as accurate as other ways of monitoring fertility.

What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

Predict Ovulation by Hormone


A surge in LH triggers your ovaries to release an egg. The surge usually happens 36 hours before the egg is released. Ovulation kits and fertility monitoring kits measure LH levels and other hormones to help you pinpoint the day of ovulation. These kits use hormones or come as wearable devices and are convenient and highly accurate. You may want to test 1-2 days before you expect the surge so you can note the rise in LH. 

What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

The Last Phase of Your Monthly Cycle


During the second half of your menstrual cycle, the hormone progesterone kicks in to help prepare the lining of your uterus for a fertilized egg. If the egg isn't fertilized and doesn't implant, it disintegrates, progesterone levels fall, and about 12 to 16 days later, the egg -- along with blood and tissues from the lining of the uterus -- is shed from the body. That process is menstruation. It usually lasts 3 to 7 days.

What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

Weight Affects Fertility


If you're overweight or obese, losing weight can boost your chances of getting pregnant. A study found that women whose body mass index (BMI) was above normal took twice as long to get pregnant as those with a normal BMI. But a drop in weight of 5%-10% can dramatically improve ovulation and pregnancy rates. Obesity can also cause infertility and low testosterone in men. Being significantly underweight can also lead to infertility.

What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

Age Affects Your Conception Chances


Fertility goes down with age, especially after the mid-30s. It also lowers the chances that fertility treatments will be successful. Experts say you should talk to your doctor if you're under 35 and have been trying to conceive for more than 12 months, or over 35 and have been trying for more than 6 months.

What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

Fertility Declines in Older Men, Too


Studies show that sperm count and sperm movement decrease as men age, as does sexual function. But there isn't a cutoff age that makes a man too old to father a child. One study found that it took men age 45 or older longer to get a woman pregnant once the couple started trying. If your partner is older, you may want to talk to your doctor about ways to boost your chances.

What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

How Men Can Boost Fertility


  • Manage stress.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco.
  • Maintain a proper weight.
  • Eat a diet high in zinc (found in meat, whole grains, seafood, and eggs), selenium (meat, seafood, mushroom, cereals, and Brazil nuts), and vitamin E. 
  • Keep the testicles cool -- no long, hot baths, hot tubs, or saunas, which can reduce the number of sperm.

What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

Treatments for Infertility


A number of things can cause infertility. The first step is for your doctor to check out you and your partner. Infertility treatments can include fertility drugs, to stimulate ovulation, and in vitro fertilization, which involves removing eggs from the ovaries, fertilizing them, and then implanting them into the uterus.

What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

How Home Pregnancy Tests Work


Home pregnancy tests check your urine for the "pregnancy hormone," called hCG, that your body makes once a fertilized egg implants in your uterus. Some of these tests may be able to tell if you're pregnant around the time of your missed period.

What are your chances of getting pregnant while ovulating

Pregnancy: 5 Early Signs


  • You miss a period.
  • You need to pee often.
  • You get tired easily.
  • You're nauseated in the morning -- or all day.
  • Your breasts become larger and more tender.

Show Sources

(1)    WebMD Health
(2)    Claude Edelmann / Photo Researchers, Inc.
(3)    Claude Edelmann / Photo Researchers, Inc.
(4)    Heinz Mollenhauer / Mauritius
(5)    Photographer / Collection
(6)    Zave Smith / UpperCut Images
(7)    © BSIP / Phototake -- All rights reserved.
(8)    Robert Daly / Stone
(9)    Jose Luis Perez, Inc / Blend
(10)  Dr. David Phillips / Visuals Unlimited
(11)  Gary Cornhouse / Digital Vision
(12)  Derek Berwin / Riser
(13)  3D4Medical.com
(14)  Beauty Archive

The National Infertility Association, Resolve.org: "The Menstrual Cycle," "Tracking Most Fertile Time," "The Impact of Environmental Factors, Body Weight & Exercise on Fertility."
American Pregnancy Association: "Understanding Ovulation," "Ovulation Calculator: How to Track Ovulation," "OV-Watch Fertility Predictor," "Pre-Conception Health for Men."
UptoDate.com: "Evaluation of the Menstrual Cycle and Timing of Ovulation."
The Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine: "Fertility Tests -- Ovulation," "In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)," "Ovulation Induction (OI)."
News release, National Institutes of Health.
American Society for Reproductive Medicine: "Patient's Fact Sheet: Weight and Fertility," Age and Fertility: A Guide for Patients."
Womenshealth.gov: "Healthy Pregnancy: Trying to Conceive," "Pregnancy Tests."
Eskenazi, B. Human Reproduction, February 2003; vol 18: pp 447-454.
Hassan, M. Fertility and Sterility, June 2003; vol 79: pp 1520-1527.
Mayo Clinic: "Symptoms of pregnancy: What happens first."