You dont want to know days gone

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Days Gone (PlayStation 4)

Why can't I progress in the Bounty Hunter Mission :- Collect Proof of Kill in "You don't want to know"?

  1. I can't progress on my Bounty Hunter Encampment Job mission from Crater Lake because i'm NOT getting the option to collect the proof of kill. It's been like this for a while and the last 2 updates did not help fix my issue. Please helpppppp


  1. All I can say is it's just going to have to be fixed in a patch. Even though the last two didn't fix it, it will eventually. Did the same for me. Try to close the application, shut down the PS4 completely, and reload your save. Sometimes that tends to help. I had a mission that wouldn't "finish" for a couple weeks. Finally it did.

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You dont want to know days gone

level 1

I agree that people go way overboard with praise. It’s definitely a great game and absolutely doesn’t deserve the negativity it’s received, but when I think “masterpiece”, I think of games that have literally made my jaw drop or at the very least shown me something I’ve never seen in a game before.

Red Dead 2, despite having clunky and frustrating controls and formulaic mission design, is a masterpiece in world design and interactivity.

Horizon: Zero Dawn, despite the gameplay not being all that innovative, is a masterpiece in world building and story telling.

Hitman is a masterpiece in limited sandbox gameplay, GTA is a masterpiece is open sandbox gameplay.

I struggle to think of one area where Days Gone stands head and shoulders above all else. It can definitely run with the big boys in many ways, but what does it do better? The Hordes I suppose, but whilst they’re impressive and great fun, they do boil down to a pretty simply game play loop- attack, agitate, run away, repeat. Once you learn this hordes are no longer a serious threat.

The bike riding feels great but as a gameplay device, Mad Max already did it - fuel and all. The gunplay feels good but not distinct in any way. The story is good and interesting and well told and acted but again, none of it is mind blowing or things we haven’t seen before (with the exception of the Nero ending).

Is Days Gone an absolutely lovely game that I’m currently hooked on and enjoy every minute of? Yes. Is it a masterpiece? I just can’t go that far.

level 2

I couldn't have said it better myself. I agree woth everything you say. Making that comparison also puts a lot of things into perspective. All those games have done something which none other have done or even if they tried they couldn't do it as good as them. Yes days gone is good in many ways but I just can't call it a masterpiece.

level 1

Putting this in a second comment because the first was too long.

I think your take on the story is off.

Deek and Boozer not only got mad about Skizzo’s double cross, they drowned dozens, maybe hundreds of people as payback and let’s not forget what Deek did to Skizzo once he finally got his hands on him.

Sarah treated Deek like an errand boy to get him out of the camp and to keep him busy with her stuff so the Colonel wouldn’t use Deek for some crazy bullshit- and also as an excuse to see him frequently. Deek was recruited as an errand boy so he was gonna he sent out on jobs regardless of who was issuing them. Might as well be his wife.

Deacon does start off the game dead inside. He’s a broken person. He’s even a little crazy. This doesn’t necessarily come across in full but the way he talks to himself and the things he says demonstrate that he’s gone over the edge. By the end of the game he’s still dealing with those issues because you don’t just rebound to sanity overnight, but he has found hope and belonging and it shows.

level 1

Sorry, don't agree, compared to most games i feel it's got much more depth. Did you watch at the cutscenes? Listen to all recordings? It explains the way characters are and gives more depth. It explains about Jesse as well, gives the backstory about why he hates deacon and boozer. Each to their own, but for me it was better than most games, IMO the only ones that really tell a better story or have better characters are Horizon Zero Dawn and The Witcher 3. But, you miss the point that the game simply plays wonderfully, the mechanics are a joy that means repeat plays are much more fun, people continue playing it long after finishing the story, not many games can do that.

level 2

Are you saying the only 2 games that tell a better story than days gone is horizon zero dawn and witcher 3?

level 1

First off, I don't think you deserve to be downvoted for having a different opinion, how can anyone really argue the point? If you didn't feel immersed, you didn't feel immersed. It doesn't diminish my experience of the game to know someone else didn't feel the same about it. I also appreciate that you put the things you liked before your critiques!

Personally, I liked the encampment jobs just because I liked the combat and being in the world longer, but I totally get why they'd feel tedious to someone else.

I absolutely agree with some of your assessment of the game's storyline. There were definitely some parts that had us laughing and saying "No one acts like this!?!" Looking at you Deek, with your random (bordering on unhinged) yelling precipitated by absolutely nothing. And his inexplicable attitude towards O'Brian despite O'Brian doing his literal best to help Deek out when he absolutely didn't have to.

I also will never understand why Deek and Sarah pretended not to know each other? I get the Colonel doesn't allow fraternization, but they were literally married before everything went down and she's a top scientist. And he's literally like their best soldier. Pretty sure no one would have an issue with that. What happens if a pre-existing couple joins the camp? They have to break-up?? Felt like it was pretty forced to create conflict and it robbed us of that sweet moment of reuniting.

My boyfriend and I both agreed that the story was where the game shined the least. It made him not like it. For me though, it made me love it A LOT. The campy vibes and inexplicable character moments were honestly pretty great to me, in the way a bad movie can be hilarious.

The game can definitely be a mess, but oh lord I love it BECAUSE of its flaws as much as its strengths. It's just endearing as hell to me.

level 1

I totally get some of your points (the skizzo fight at the end was appalling) and yes there are some bugs and moments that don't seem to add up.

I think you have to look at the whole game on balance with others in it's genre, I personally think the game mixes a lot of elements from 'typical zombie games' and does them extremley well. The speed of freakers and the ability for them to come from anywhere mixed with the other factions and animals works really well for me. The stealth elements such as following nero scientists and sneaking into ambush camps is also a lot better than other attempts in various games.

I also personally think the narrative works well in terms of emotion considering the remaining people in the game have been 'in the shit' for a period of years. Again i think some of the dialogue is better than the walking dead series that tends to look past peoples current dilemma.

The story is long and well crafted, the inventory system is intuitive and the stand out horde moments and boss battles are extremley well done.

In the same vain of GTA (go to dot, get mission, go to next dot) I understand what you are saying but I feel DG did a better job of installing a sense of urgency. Upon multiple replays I have also noticed all the finer touches that are placed into the game which show really good attention to detail (how many noticed DSJ has his ring back in NG+, the patches reflect mission progress etc).

For me the game manages to hit so many different gaming aspects (survival, crafting, stealth, open world play) with tons of different ways to complete missions. So for the same reason you have your opinion, mine is to disagree with you as i think it's an amazing game and deserves a 2nd installment to expand of the world (considering how many GTA games and witchers were made to get the formula right)

Sorry for the long winded post but i wanted to explain my points, now for DG2 please include base building and online multiplayer..👍

level 1

Saying deacons emotionless is like saying ice cream isn’t cold wtf

level 1

I think if Days Gone didn't have the whole motorcycle/MC vibe, I wouldn't have been so into it. I love all that motorcycle/Sons of Anarchy stuff. But aside from that, there wasn't any politically correct bs thrown in like you see in The Last Of Us. It was a man being a man. He was a regular old school guy. The characters were all normal. Sure, there was a lesbian relationship, but that's super mild compared to some of these games where there's frequent glorification of drugs, trannies, etc. Basically, no PC stuff was forced down our throats. No agenda was pushed. It was just a great game and I really hope they can give us a sequel.

level 1

I respect your opinion, and you’re more than entitled not to like the game, but I disagree with you for the most part. Definitely agree that Boozer is a great character tho.

I found Deacon to be very emotional and have a lot of depth. My biggest criticism about the portrayal of the character is technically-based. Deacon yelling about rippers or freakers while I’m actively hiding in a bush stealth killing these fuckers broke immersion at times, but it wasn’t terrible. I, too, would have preferred a more fleshed out ending to Skizzo, but it is what it is.

The interactions with Sarah make a lot of sense, but I appreciate that they’re frustrating. I actually like that they went differently than I expected because I get more bored by predictable outcomes. The feeling of frustration regarding Sarah is actually a desired outcome of the writers. You’ve been searching for her for years, and you’re finally reunited. You want your big, emotional scene, but they make you wait for it. When you reflect on their interactions, you can see it makes sense that she’s standoffish at first. She’s assumed he’s been dead, and I’m sure she had moved on in a lot of ways. When you add the environment of the military camp, she essentially hyperfocused on her mission as a way to cope with the loss of Deacon. His return doesn’t faze her at first because of how focused she was on her goal, but Deacon’s ability to help her got her closer to her goal and allowed her heart to open.

Regarding the criticisms of the fetch quests, well, that’s basically all sandbox games. GTA, RDR, Spider-Man, etc. are filled with missions like that. Go to location, get item, return elsewhere; go to location, kill some baddies, return with evidence; go to location, be stealthy, obtain item/information, escape. To me, it just sounds like you didn’t vibe with the story, so it was never worth it for you to do the quests. The quests feel less tedious with a story that engages you, and they seemed to feel tedious to you because you weren’t engaged.

It’s cool you didn’t like it, but it’s a masterpiece in my book. I hold it in similar esteem to RDR and GTA, but there are even people who hate those games.

level 1

Who told you it was a masterpiece? I've played it four times and still find many flaws with it. Not a masterpiece at all. Still great fun.

level 2

This I don’t understand. I’m in the camp that think this game was okay at best. I was really over the repetitive missions: clear camp, save captured, retrieve item, halfway through my gameplay. The only thing that kept me going was wanting to know how the infection/virus storyline was going to play out.

How have you played through it 4 times? There are plenty of other game out there to explore.

level 2

The majority of posts on this dub are claiming it to be the best game of the generation, underrated masterpiece or 10/10 experience with obligatory shitting on sony for rejecting the sequel pitch.

level 1

A couple points I'd like to make.

The reunite section with Deacon and Sarah. At first I thought the same thing. I just went through all this shit to find you, and you wanna treat me like a random?? Fuck you too sarah. But then I started thinking. Why would she act like this? It's because the camp leader (not Kouri) was extremely against love in the camps. He was clearly a nutcase and I think they had to keep it on the low so they wouldn't get caught in my opinion. At one point when they were on the radio, she tells him not to use that line as people could be listening. She was definitely a lot less formal when they were together. Example: the cabin when they were coming back from the north

Sarah didn't want to wage war against the freakers though, she wanted to come up with a cure. She felt responsible that her research was being used to create these mutations so she wanted to make it right by finding a way to cure the illness. Unfortunately when you had to get the Newt and try the first batch of the "antidote" the kid seized up and every cell in its body exploded.

I do get what you mean though, personally, I would have liked to see something happen between rikki and deek.

Sarah and deacons relationship isn't too far from a normal imo. They crack jokes at eachother a lot but always seem to have something there. However, rikki and deek seem to have better chemistry

Story was pretty okay though. Nothing too fancy, but when you're working with a zombie game it's kind of always going to have the same theme imo. That's why I typically don't play zombie games. But in this case, the open world aspect is definitely more fun than being a mailman

level 2

I scrolled way too low for this. I was gonna say the same thing about Sarah and Deacon's reunion. Although I knew that Deacon and Rikki arent going to be more than friends because Rikki knows that Deacon still hasn't let go of Sarah. That's why she left them in the 1st place. That tension in the cut scene where Rikki patches him up, i think is more of an admiration because Deacon can go on while hanging on to the memory of his wife. Remember, at this point in the game, only Boozer knows that Deacon suspects Sarah survived.

level 2

Comment removed by moderator · 1 yr. ago

level 1

· 1 yr. agoMy one and only platinum! 🙌

Well, everyone has different tastes, wants and expectations in games. So you are not as thrilled as some others are. OK.

As already mentioned, Deek is a broken man with a death wish in the beginning who seems to have slowly been losing his mind, too. It makes perfect sense to me the way he behaves considering two years of a freaker apocalypse and no idea what happened to his wife. His behavior is all over the place, but his feelings seem absent, for sure.

I don't get your complaint that you shouldn't have to listen to tapes or find the other collectibles to have a fuller understanding of the storyline, though. So many games do that - both open world and narrative games. TLOU and TLOU2 come to mind as well as the DragonAge games and Skyrim. I don't play a lot of games since I don't like most of them ;) But finding info in collectibles is pretty common in my experience.

I felt the same way about Sarah and really disliked her until I read here someone explaining the thing about needing to keep their relationship secret and also her dealing with her guilt over her work having caused the outbreak (after she so proudly told Deek it was in her contract that it couldn't be used for military purposes, but it was!).

I think they could have done a better job with the story, but I think they were so far behind schedule that they had to go with what they had. After all it was released all buggy, too, though they addressed it pretty quickly.

The stuff that bothered you (and even how Sarah bothered me!) just didn't detract from my overall enjoyment to the same degree as it did you. Glad you were still able to enjoy parts and the game itself, anyway.

level 1

Gonna reply to this later maybe but I'll point this out real quick - the game pretty much hits you over the head with the idea that if you don't work, you don't eat in this world. Yes Deacon is an errand boy, everyone that is capable of going out into the shit are running errands. Those who aren't, are working in the camps. So no, it's not crazy that Deacon, someone who is very capable, is constantly being asked to do things out in the world. And he does so because he gets things in exchange (credits, favors, information, lodging etc).

level 1

it's not my favorite game. it's not the game that touched me the most.

but i admire deecon. he's even cooler than joel (LoU) and nathan drake (uncharted). he has ethics that nathan doesn't. he has stamina and emotional intelligence and self-control, despite also having a good heart. when his wife rejected him, and sent him on an errand that could get him killed, he didn't sit down and cry or lose his temper, he bit his upper lip and proceeded to continue doing his job. when he got the napalm cocktail and went to Chemult, he insisted that captain Kouri would spectate from a distance, while he takes the horde alone. Deecon's emotional intelligence, stamina, self-control, self-reliance govern his decisions and reactions. he doesn't act on emotion.

his code about "thou shall not harm unarmed women" is impressive. i like deecon. he's the coolest character i've ever played.