Natural remedies for high blood pressure and cholesterol

Heart Health

Fewer than half of people with high blood pressure have it under control. The problem: When your pressure is too high for too long, it can stretch and damage your arteries.

The resulting health problems can include heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney damage, vision loss, memory loss and cognitive decline. So it’s important not to brush off high blood pressure. Your first line of defense: Try these lifestyle changes as natural ways to lower blood pressure. Try these lifestyle canges as natrual ways to lower blood pressure.

  1. Balance nutrients.

    Go for less sodium (under 1,500 mg per day) and more potassium. Learn the top sources of each.

  2. Put probiotics on your side.

    Eating food that contains probiotics—consumable live bacteria—has been linked to healthier blood pressure. See how you can put this finding to work for you.

  3. Lose even a little weight.

    Researchers are finding that extra pounds can actually cause heart muscle injury. Read more about the implications for your heart health.

  4. Move more.

    Did you know that physical activity can be as beneficial to your heart as medication in some cases? Find out just how it works and how to get started with simple steps.

  5. Relieve stress.

    Everybody has some stress in their lives. But prolonged stress can raise your blood pressure and keep it higher longer than is healthy. One way to relax your mind, body and blood pressure: Practice yoga.

Will It Work?

Sometimes you can lower high blood pressure solely through lifestyle changes. In other cases, treatment requires both a healthy lifestyle and medications, according to Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center cardiologist Michael Blaha, M.D., M.P.H.

Research Shows Losing Weight Leads to Heart Health

A diet that’s low in fat and carbohydrates can improve artery function, according to a 2012 study by Johns Hopkins researchers. After six months, those on the low-carb diet had lost more weight, and at a faster pace. But in both groups, when weight was lost—and especially when belly fat shrank—the arteries were able to expand better, allowing blood to travel more freely. The study shows that you don’t have to cut out all dietary fat to shrink belly fat. For heart health, simply losing weight and exercising seems to be key.

Natural remedies for high blood pressure and cholesterol

Natural remedies for high blood pressure and cholesterol

You can live a healthier life if you treat and manage your high blood pressure. There are many ways to do so: losing weight, making some lifestyle modifications, quit smoking, exercise, and also – taking natural remedies.

In this article, we will review 7 natural remedies that science suggests might help in treating hypertension

1. Raw Almonds

Natural remedies for high blood pressure and cholesterol
When added to a healthy diet, almonds can help influence lower blood pressure levels. In fact, almonds are included in the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension — DASH Diet.

In the diet, almonds are included in the “nuts, seeds and legumes” group. The diet recommends eating four to five servings of this food group per week. With regard to almonds, one serving of almonds is just one-third cup.

The healthy monounsaturated fat in almonds contributes to lower blood cholesterol levels and reduced arterial inflammation, which ultimately helps lower the pressure inside the arteries.

Here’s a great pasta recipe with Almonds

2. Cayenne Pepper

Natural remedies for high blood pressure and cholesterol
Cayenne Pepper is probably the fastest way to lower high blood pressure. Cayenne pepper is a powerful vasodilator, which means it helps expand blood vessels and improve blood flow.

This effect naturally lowers blood pressure levels by increasing the rate at which blood flows throughout the circulatory system, which in turn takes some of the pressure off arterial walls.

Either mix one teaspoon of cayenne pepper with half a cup of lukewarm water or mix two tablespoons of raw organic honey with two teaspoons of cayenne pepper; boil them with eight ounces of water and drink when it is warm.

Here are two recipes for the spicy lovers:

  • Amazing Cauliflower Gold Recipe
  • Grilled Peanut Chicken Recipe

A side note: Be careful how many Scoville Units your cayenne pepper is. I bought mine, 90,000 Scoville Units, and OMG. I thought I was going to breathe fire.

3. Coconut Water

Natural remedies for high blood pressure and cholesterol

Coconut water finds itself high on the list of home remedies for high blood pressure. One of the causes of high blood pressure is an imbalance of electrolytes in the blood.

Since coconut water contain an adequate supply of minerals and salts, it can help counter this imbalance. Modern researchers say the potassium content in coconut water plays a huge role in lowering blood pressure.

Both potassium chloride (seen in supplements) and potassium citrate (seen in foods) can help with your blood pressure levels. Potassium helps balance out the level of sodium in your blood and keeps your body functioning properly.

Coconut water sometimes appears in the market as coconut milk but coconut milk and water are two different things. They are commonly used in Asian recipes as their vegetable version of milk cream. Here are a few great recipes we collected:

  • Spicy Coconut Curry With Basmati Rice
  • Thai Style Coconut and Coriander Chicken
  • Sri Lanka Vegetable Coconut Curry
4. Raw Cacao

Natural remedies for high blood pressure and cholesterol
Flavanols an anti-inflammatory and heart-protective antioxidant found in raw cacao may protect against cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of stroke, and help improve blood circulation.

Thus lowering your blood pressure. Cacao contains over 700 compounds and the complex antioxidants found in it known as polyphenols help reduce ‘bad cholesterol’ and prevent hardening of the arteries.

How about a vegan truffle? Try this recipe.

5. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Natural remedies for high blood pressure and cholesterol

A study published in the Journal of Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, looked at the effect that vinegar has on blood pressure if it is introduced to your diet.

The results of the research showed that consumption of acetic acid (which is found in apple cider vinegar) caused a significant reduction in hypertension (high blood pressure). The research found that the acetic acid reduced blood pressure by lowering the renin activity. Renin is an enzyme which helps regulate blood pressure.

I mix 1-2 tablespoons in a glass of warm water in the morning. I have found one I like: Braggs.

To read more about the health benefits of apple cider – click here

6. Raw Garlic

Natural remedies for high blood pressure and cholesterol
As the body increases production of an enzyme called angiotensin I-converting enzyme, or “ACE”, blood pressure increases. Pharmaceutical drugs called ACE inhibitors work by blocking the formation of this enzyme, but they have multiple side effects.

Garlic contains gamma-glutamylcysteine, a natural ACE inhibitor. Research suggest that, this chemical, in combination with the high allicin content, gives garlic its ability to dilate arteries, thereby lowering blood pressure.

I usually take one clove of garlic and remove the skin, chew well and swallow. Yes nobody wants to be around me after. You can also buy in pill form.

To learn how Garlic may help lower blood pressure read this article

7. Turmeric

Natural remedies for high blood pressure and cholesterol
Research shows that turmeric can reduce hypertension by regulating the activity of angiotensin receptors and thereby preventing the blood vessels from constricting. Not only curcumin, a turmeric oil fraction, and turmerone also demonstrate similar activity.

Turmeric by itself is not easily absorbed into the body. When speaking with a cardiac-surgeon I know, he told me that I needed to put a pinch of fresh black pepper on my tongue. This allows the body to absorb the turmeric increasing the efficacy.

A WARNING: Taking turmeric over an extended period of time can cause bleeding. My clotting factors were off when I had been on it long term postponing my surgery by 2 weeks.

When starting anything new please consult your primary care physician. Always check to see if any of there natural remedies interfere with your current medication. You can also speak with your local pharmacist.

Read this article for additional information on turmeric and blood pressure.

Further reading on natural remedies for high blood pressure
  • What is normal blood pressure?
  • How to lower blood pressure naturally with nuts

Tags: 7 Natural Remedies to Lower Blood Pressure

What is the best drink for high blood pressure and cholesterol?

The lowdown Consuming drinks like tomato juice, beet juice, pomegranate juice, and skimmed milk as part of a balanced, healthy diet can help you manage high blood pressure.

What herbs are good for high blood pressure and cholesterol?

That said, there are several promising herbs and spices you can incorporate into your diet that may help lower your blood pressure. They include basil, parsley, celery seeds, Chinese cat's claw, Bacopa monnieri, garlic, thyme, cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom, to name a few.

What can I take to lower my blood pressure and cholesterol?

Choose plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish, and other lean proteins, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils. Good plans to follow are the DASH diet, designed to lower blood pressure, and the Mediterranean diet. Keep saturated fat to less than 6% of your daily calories.

Which herb said to lower blood cholesterol and reduce high blood pressure?

Basil. Basil has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for treating various cardiovascular diseases and conditions like hypertension. The herb is known to be high in eugenol, a plant compound that is linked to lowered blood pressure.