How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Grab your bands and clips!

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Pick out 1 band and twist around your pointy and middle finger.

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Add another 1...this time don't twist ;)

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

And another...

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Grab the bottom 1 ( the one that u twisted ) and bring it up over the top of all of the bands.

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Repeat with the other side...

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Then put another band on :)

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Keep going!

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

On, and on....

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Again and again!

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Go until you reach your desired length.

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Pull off the extra band.... Mine is the hot pink 1

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

See! It's gone now :)

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Put both of the rubber band loops on your finger ( this just makes it easer to attach the clip ) Make sure you pull tight! :P

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Add the clip...

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Now, take the end of the bracelet and add the clip 2 it.

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Like this ^

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

All done!!!

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Had some fun ;)

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Thanks for viewing this guide, and I hope you enjoyed it!!! Have lots of fun! Ü

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

The Duchess of Cambridge might have helped ignite the loom band bracelet craze but credit must be given where credit is due. Kids and teens everywhere have been whipping up their version of the friendship bracelet for months now. Made from small, colorful rubber bands, these bracelets are meant to assembled on an inexpensive loom that serves as a base for various patterns. However, you can easily make a simple fishtail version, without the loom, with just two fingers. It is beyond easy. And addicting. I may be past my prime when it comes to trendy bracelets but I just love the bit of childish cheekiness they add to my otherwise serious jewelry collection. Thanks, Kate!

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

You’ll need:

  • assorted loom bands (also available here)
  • plastic S clip (included in loom band orders)

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Start by separating your colors into small piles in the order you wish to use them. You can use as little as one color or as many as you want! Wrap the first band around your middle finger. Twist once and wrap around your index finger, creating an infinity shape. Now stack on two more colors.

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Pull the bottom band over the top band by lifting the left side of the bottom band over the left side of the top band.

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Lift the right side of the bottom band over the right side of the top band.

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Add another band and lift the left side of the bottom band over the left side of the top band.

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Lift the right side of the bottom band over the right side of the top band.

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Are you noticing a pattern yet? There should always be three bands on your fingers at a time and the bottom band is always pulled over the top band, one side at a time. Continue adding bands in color order, pulling the first band over the third band.

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Don’t worry about the bands twisting. Just give the bracelet a good tug while it’s still on the fingers and it will all stretch out into place.

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Once you’ve reached the desired length, don’t add on a third band but instead remove the two remaining bands. Snap the S clip onto the last loop.

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Close the bracelet by snapping on the first band to the other side of the S clip.

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Honestly, how easy was that? Dare you to make just one . . .

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

Have fun!

How to make a fishtail loom bracelet with your fingers

(bracelet from top to bottom: Odette NY Cutout Cuff, Pushmataaha Meme Cuff, J.Crew Hollow Brass Cuff, & J.Crew Wishbone Cuff; all images by HonestlyWTF)

How many bands do you need to make a fishtail bracelet?

You should have 3 bands on your fingers: a top, middle, and bottom. Take the left side of the middle band, and pull it down, over the left side of the bottom band. Hold the band in place with your thumb so that it doesn't slide back up. It has to be on the bottom.