A customer tells his current sales rep that another vendor

As anyone in sales knows, the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. And no response to a sales pitch is more indifferent than “That’s nice, but we’re happy with our current supplier.” This arctic blast of apathy causes even veteran salespeople to freeze, but take heart. Here are 10 ways to turn these situations into hot leads.

1. Find Out Why and How Happy

Learn why the prospect is happy with his or her supplier. Is it price, service, the relationship, or some combination? Once you get a handle on that, learn how happy is happy. If the current supplier’s greatest strength is customer service, you might ask, “On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate its service?” Once you have a clear picture of what you are really up against, you can intelligently plan your next move.

2. Dig Deeper: How Long and with Whom?

Truly solid business relationships take time to develop, so whether the current supplier has been in place for one year or 10 years makes a difference. In your mind (or on paper) create an organizational chart detailing who specifically on the vendor side is connected to whom specifically on the prospect side. If it’s a one-to-one relationship between a competitor’s sales rep and the buyer, you are in a much different situation than if the presidents of both companies are golfing buddies.

3. Determine Exactly What Products and Services Are Being Provided

Sweeping statements like “We’re happy with our supplier” can be terribly misleading. The buyer may just be trying to get rid of you, or may not be considering things you can handle where the current supplier has no involvement. By probing a little deeper you may find “under the radar” opportunities to do business that aren’t competitive at all.

4. Deepen Your Contacts

One of the best ways to overcome a relationship obstacle is to create a better one. This means getting to know more people within the prospect’s organization, and also introducing people in your organization to these new contacts. Keep in mind that developing strong contacts down the ladder can be just as useful as advancing relationships up the ladder. A strong endorsement from a production line foreman can be just as influential as one from the VP of manufacturing; it all depends on the dynamics of the organization in question and the nature of what you are selling. So, rather than make assumptions about who holds the power, cover all the bases.

5. Entertain Them

The whole tenor of a relationship changes dramatically when you get people out of the office. Entertainment is often so fundamental to overcoming a relationship obstacle that the real question becomes whether to invest in entertainment or walk away. There’s no pat answer to this question, but evaluating the potential lifetime value of the prospect rather than just the short-term payoff is important.

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6. Take On a Thankless Project

Sometimes the best way to get your foot in the door is to tackle an assignment that is too bothersome or speculative for the current supplier to handle. Taking on a back-burner project like a problematic product design flaw or a new system for preventing duplicate invoices gives you an opportunity to stay in touch, make new contacts, and perhaps become a real hero.

7. Make Them an Offer They Can’t Refuse

Going “Godfather” sometimes opens the prospect’s door quickly. Sell an item below cost. Offer 20 hours of consulting work at half your standard rate. Invite the company to participate in a beta test of a new software system at no charge. Sure, tactics like “lowballing” are held in low esteem, but if they are executed in a strategically sensible manner, they work -- and that’s what matters most.

8. Give Them Leads

“Give to get” is not just for social media marketing! One of the best ways to build a relationship is to give customers what they want most -- more business. Referring great prospects to your prospect puts him or her in a frame of mind to help you.

9. Become a Customer

This approach takes “give to get” to an even higher level. Becoming a customer of a key prospect should be considered only if the prospect can truly help your organization, and never at the expense of terminating a valued relationship. But if the stars line up, becoming a customer of your prospect has the potential to overcome even the strongest vendor relationship.

10. Be Patient

Suppose you’ve tried or ruled out all nine of these ideas. Suppose you’ve come up with a dozen more of your own that also failed. Don’t give up! Sooner or later, your highly valued competitor will make a big mistake. Sooner or later, prospect and/or vendor personnel changes will disrupt the relationship dynamics. Sooner or later, you’ll have a new product, service, or idea that nobody on the planet can say no to. Keep the relationship alive -- sooner or later, you’ll get your chance.

Read all of Brad Shorr's articles on AllBusiness.com.

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How do you respond when a client chooses another vendor?

Thank them for their time. Complement them on their choice. (No way you're ever going to recover this prospect if you insult their decision-making capabilities, no matter how boneheaded you think they're being.) If possible, offer them something free (advice, handouts, etc.)

What makes you better than your competitors answer?

Set yourself apart, highlighting your strengths Depending on the position you're applying for, your answer will differ. Be specific about the skills you can provide. An example of a possible answer would be: "I'm not familiar with my direct competition, but I can assure you that I am an excellent fit for the position.

How do you beat price competition?

Select a Value Strategy..
Lower your prices. Yes, this is an option. ... .
Build a uniquely superior product. Customers will pay more if they're convinced your product is demonstrably better than the competition. ... .
Create a hassle-free experience. ... .
Take ownership of the customer's results..

How do you respond to price negotiation?

How to respond to a customer's price negotiation request.
Share the lowest terms you can offer and add variables. ... .
Examine why they want to negotiate and actively listen. ... .
Focus on the simplest issue first. ... .
Trade discounts for concessions. ... .
Convince them of the value of your product. ... .
Negotiate as long as possible..