What prayer to say when you lose something

Lost things, whether trivial or vital, bring a sense of frustration and perhaps even panic as we frantically look to find them. Here are 8 encouraging prayers for lost things.

Prayer for Remembering Where I Placed Something
Lord, You are aware of all my ways, and You know how frustrated I am right now trying to find this thing. You know that precious time is being taken now to retrace my steps and figure out what I did with it. Help me to keep a grip on my emotions and reconstruct the scenario in which I misplaced this thing. May those little details float to the surface of my memory until I remember the precise place that I put it. Thank You God for attending to even the small things. Amen.

Prayer to Find a Lost Love One
O Exalted One, we urgently and desperately seek Your divine help to find our loved one who has gone missing. Please keep her safe from harm, and help us to think of all the places she might have gone. Give law enforcement wisdom as they are heading up the search. If she is able, we ask that she might somehow make a call or reach out to someone for help. O Lord, You know when we sit down and rise up, so lead us to the place we need to go. Amen.

Prayer for an Important Document
O God Enthroned on High, You know how critical it is that I find this important document, and yet I’m not sure where it’s filed, or if it somehow got mixed up with something else, or slipped behind a desk, or what happened to it. But You are all-knowing, so please help me now to calm down and think of all the logical places it might be, and systematically search until I find it. I thank You for Your loving devotion and faithfulness. Amen.

Prayer for a Valuable Item to be Returned
Lord, You are my God, help me now in retrieving this valuable item that I lost when I was away from home today. I pray that an honest and kindly soul will find it and be able to get it back to me. I praise You, Lord, that You defend the cause of the needy, and I ask that You attend to my great need at this moment. In You I place my hope; please hear my prayer and answer quickly. Amen.

Prayer to the All-Seeing God
My God who sees everything, You were right there when I misplaced this item. Please help me remember where it is. Bring to my mind what room I was in, and what I (or someone else) did with this thing I’m looking for. I thank You, My Compassionate One, that Your eyes watch over me every day, and that light dawns in the darkness for those who fear God. Amen.

Prayer for a Cherished Possession
O Lord, I praise Your Name and ask Your assistance to find my cherished possession that I have lost. I am like the woman in Your parable that lost a coin and lit a lamp and swept the floor until she found it, and then rejoiced greatly with her neighbors. May Your Holy Spirit move beside me as I search, and help me find it. I give thanks to You, even now, with all my heart. Amen.

Prayer to Find My Car
O God of Glory, I need Your help right now. I’m standing in this huge parking garage and forgot to take note when I parked of what level and aisle I was in. I feel so silly Lord, but You know how long it will take have to search level by level, aisle by aisle, and I’m tired and have all these things to carry. I pray that Your Spirit will lead me directly to where I need to go. I thank You that when I call, You answer me. Amen.

Prayer to Find Lost Phone Numbers
O God, blessed be Your Name. I need Your help right now. My phone has broken, and now I need to retrieve all the phone numbers that were on it of friends and family and work contacts and more. Please help me to relax and guide my mind into strategies of finding these numbers, so I’m able to stay in touch with people that are important in my life. May Your loving hand guide me in my search. Amen.

Author Bio
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master's Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.

It’s such an upsetting thing when you lose something of yours. Even more so when it’s something you really had a special attachment to. Having something stolen from you is such an invasion of your privacy. It can make you feel violated and so upset that someone else would be so selfish.

When you find that lost item or have that item returned, you probably say a quick prayer thanking Jesus for bringing the item back into your life. Say these prayers for lost or stolen items when you need to remain centered and calm when you’ve lost something special to you.

Let us pray.

  • Prayers
    • Prayer for Lost Things
    • Prayer for Stolen Property to be Returned
    • Prayer for Finding Lost Things
    • Prayers to the Thief Whole Stole My Items
    • Prayer to Recover Stolen Item
    • Prayer to Saint Anthony for Lost Items
    • Prayer to Let Go of Lost Items
    • Powerful Prayer to Find Lost Things
  • Have Your Prayer Submitted
  • Bible Verses About Finding Lost or Stolen Things

🙏 If you would like me to pray on your behalf play the video above and listen along.☝️Get your prayer shared around prayer groups and holy places with the prayer submission.

Prayer for Lost Things

O Holy Saint Anthony, God chose you to be one of his most powerful advocates for us. You have been chosen to be the one to bring back to us our lost and stolen items.

I pray to you with all the faith and hope I have to help me find my lost item, just as you have helped so many countless members of God’s flock. I give what I have lost to your care, that you may bring it back to me. I ask that through God you will be able to find my lost item and that it will find its way back to me.

I ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Prayer for Stolen Property to be Returned

O Heavenly Father, I ask that you urge the person who stole my property to return it to me. I ask that you drive the thief from my life in any further capacity.

I pray that you make the thief obedient to your will. I ask that through the power of your intervention that you would be able to have the things that were taken from me returned. My heart is heavy and filled with anxiety at having lost my items. Though I try to not dwell on material things, this item has a great personal connection to me.

I ask this in Jesus’ name.


Prayer for Finding Lost Things

Dear Lord, you always are with us, holding us up, walking with us, showing us love and filling us with hope every single day. I ask that you please return to me what I lost. You know how much that item means to me. You know the anxiety that losing this item has caused me.

You know the stress placed on me while I’ve been trying to look for it. I pray that you help me to find this item quickly and without any more stress. Thank you for allowing me to come to you with this problem.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.


Prayers to the Thief Whole Stole My Items

Almighty God, Heavenly Father, I ask that you hear me in my prayer today. I know you have taught us to give up our material possessions for eternal life. I ask of you to help me be reunited with my items, as they have more than worldly value to me.

I ask that you strike fear into the hearts of those that stole my item, that they may find it better to return the item to me. I ask that you show the thief the way back from sin. I pray that you can reach the thief’s heart and make them want to be forgiven for what they have done and for the pain they have caused me.

I ask this in Jesus’ name.


Prayer to Recover Stolen Item

Dear Lord, I know that Satan is always trying to get us away from you and to do his will. I know that Satan takes joy in pain, suffering, and anxiety. I pray that you remind whoever took my item that they need to turn away from Satan. You who knows all things Lord knows what the thief will do next knows what’s in their heart.

You know what they plan to do with my item. If they decide not to give it back, then I ask that you help to heal their heart from wanting to steal again in the future. I ask that you heal my heart from wanting to find my stolen object.

If I don’t get it back, I pray that you take away my stress about losing it. Open my heart to be okay with the possibility that I may never get my item back and make peace with that.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.


Prayer to Saint Anthony for Lost Items

If your lost item is truly precious to you, we have a larger collection of prayers to Saint Anthony for lost things.

Saint Anthony, O most holy and gentlest of Saints, I pray to you to bring back my earthly possession. O loving Saint Anthony, please tell my prayer and petition to Jesus Christ. My soul and my heart are yours. You possess the most miraculous of powers.

Please feel my heart with sympathy for the person who decided that they needed to take my item. I ask that you fold this person in your arms so that they may find a way to walk in your light instead of in the dark of evil. I ask that you make an example of this incident. I pray that you don’t let others have to go through this situation.

I ask this in Jesus’ name.


Prayer to Let Go of Lost Items

Lord, our Savior, I come to you with thanks for all that you have given me. I praise you for all that you have provided for me in my life. I thank you for what you have allowed me to provide for my family. I know that I have anger in my heart towards the person that stole something from me.

I ask that you help me to let it go. I need to be thankful that it was just a possession that was stolen. That it was something that could be replaced, and even if it can’t that it’s a material thing and not a loved one or a friend. I pray that you help me remember that.

I ask this through Christ our Lord.


Powerful Prayer to Find Lost Things

Dear Father in heaven, I have lost something dear to me and seek guidance and aid in finding it. I have my hope and faith in Your great ability.

Please Lord God send your angels to guide my search. Help me find what is lost and lead me towards it. I know that with Your help, I will find what is lost.


Have Your Prayer Submitted

Have your prayer for lost or stolen items submitted all over the world:

Bible Verses About Finding Lost or Stolen Things

For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.

Luke 8:17

This Bible verse tells us that God knows everything and that he can help us find lost or stolen items. Nothing is beyond His almighty ability and there is nothing He does not know.

And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Luke 11:9

When looking for lost or stolen items, prayer is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. This bible verse promises that if you ask God for help, He will provide it. Additionally, prayer can help you to remain hopeful during this difficult time.

How do you pray to God when you lose something?

Lord, You are my God, help me now in retrieving this valuable item that I lost when I was away from home today. I pray that an honest and kindly soul will find it and be able to get it back to me. I praise You, Lord, that You defend the cause of the needy, and I ask that You attend to my great need at this moment.

What is the St. Anthony prayer?

O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms. The gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.


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