Religious words of sympathy for loss of father

This article provides comforting words to share with those mourning.

Our team has provided over 300 comforting condolence examples to help you write a meaningful and heartfelt card. We organized them into 15 different categories to help you find the best message for your circumstance.

Generally, the Best Condolence Message is short, straightforward, and to the point, such as:
“My Deepest Sympathy”.

  • A beautiful flower has bloomed in God’s kingdom.
  • My sincere condolences to you and your family.
  • Our deepest sympathy
  • You and your family are in my prayers.
  • Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts.
  • I’m so sorry for your loss.
  • With love and remembrance
  • I will be thinking of you in this moment of pain.
  • Condolences to you on the sad passing of [Name}
  • A life well-lived. May God’s love and comfort be with you.
  • [Name] you transcended like an angel.
  • Our teacher and mentor, our source of Inspiration. May They Rest in Peace
  • [Name] fought the fight and finished the course with faith.
  • My heart is with you in your time of sorrow
  • Words cannot even begin to express our sorrow.
  • May your heart and soul find peace and comfort.
  • Forever remembered, forever missed
  • Heartfelt thoughts go out to you in this time of sorrow.
  • Thinking of you during this difficult time.
  • A thought of comfort and condolences to the grieving family.

Related: Short & Simple Condolence Messages – 200+ Examples

Religious & Christian Condolence Messages

Reading these words of Faith will certainly offer comfort in a time of grief and sadness.

  • Our family prays that God grants you all comfort in your time of sorrow and strength going forward. [Name] loved the lord and we know that her prayers will continue to surround you now and forevermore. 1st Thes 4:1 “Sorrow not, even as others have not hope.”
  • My heart is truly broken and saddened, but [Name] has earned his/her crown. I can vision her humbly worshipping at Jesus’ feet. I will remember her warm friendship.
  • To the family of [Name], With each new day may PEACE find a place in your hearts. As you walk through this time of loss, may you know that the Lord walks with you and he will comfort you. – May God bless All of you.
  • May the Lord comfort you with sweet memories and His perfect peace.
  • [Name] was a beautiful soul, full of love and faith, he/she has ascended to heaven, away from us, but closer to God, leaving loneliness and sadness. Words cannot describe what I am feeling. I give my condolences to the entire family. May God rest his/her soul.
  • We are praying for peace and comfort in this time of need. May God Bless the family.
  • We’ll be praying for God’s strength and comfort in the coming days for you and your family. Love and prayers.
  • We are so sorry to hear of [Name] passing. [Name] was a very special man/woman of God who had a tremendous influence on our family. He/She will be missed but our comfort comes in knowing that he/she is most certainly in the arms of God and we will see him/her again.
  • [Name] was a courageous servant of God in life and in death. Love from our family to yours, we share your pain.
  • You and [Name] have made an impact in my life by your love and passion for God and making disciples. Praise God for [Name] life and witness.
  • Send my deepest sympathy. I am praying that God comforts you like no one can ever do. I pray that God gives you the strength to live life like [Name] would want you to live.
  • Words cannot express my deepest sympathy for you my friend. I do ask God to comfort you during this time of pain and sorrow. I also ask God to keep his Angels of Mercy around you and to give you peace while he takes you through your next journey.
  • I want to extend my condolences to you and your family. May you look to the heavens with a smile on your face and know that you have an Angel watching over you.
  • Thanking God for giving him/her to you for as long as he did and saying one day, you will see each other again.
  • Brave and Bold – Thankfully [Name] is face to face with his Lord and Savior!
  • Sad to hear of [Name] passing, glad the suffering’s over and she’s now rejoicing in heaven. We shall all meet again, God bless
  • [Name] professed Jesus as his Savior, and knew Jesus to be the Son of God, living in the flesh,
    showing us how to behave as human beings and providing us with Salvation through His
    ultimate sacrifice on the cross.

Meaningful Sympathy Messages

Choosing the right words to say to a person who has suffered a loss can be a daunting experience for most of us. This is not something that people do on a day-to-day basis. If you feel stressed or anxious, do not worry, it is quite normal.

  • My heart is heavy for his/her loss, though grateful for the way he/she impacted this world and the next.
  • If love and prayers could have saved you, you would have been with us forever! But as much as we loved you, God loved you more.
  • She/He was a good woman/man to walk the road of life with.
  • We are so sorry for [Name’s] passing. He was a big part of so many people’s lives. A larger-than-life man. I am honored to have all the wonderful memories of time together with him & my family. We love you all.
  • Remembering a mighty fine lady with quite an abundance of character as evidenced by her legacy, the family she left to all of us for generations to come.
  • [Name], we are so deeply sorry for the loss of [Deceased]. He was such a talented and amazing guy with a heart of gold! The light he brought into the world will always remain in the hearts of everyone he knew and loved most. He will never be forgotten and his legacy will live on!
  • You will be remembered each day right from the start, for the memories that we shared forever live within our hearts.
  • Father of all, we pray to you for [Name], all those we love but see no longer. Grant to them eternal rest. Let light perpetual shine upon them. May his soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
  • [Name], I will always remember how your Father’s positivity and warmth influenced my early years in life and even now as a young adult.
  • I am so saddened to hear of Name’s] passing. I was honored to know him through the South Central Chapter of MLA. He was a true southern gentleman in wit, grace and kindness. He left a great legacy for the medical librarians in our region. I will miss him.

A Letter From Heaven

When tomorrow starts without me
And I’m not there to see;
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
All filled with tears for me.

I wish so much you wouldn’t cry
The way you did today;
While thinking of the many things
We didn’t get to say.

I know how much you love me
As much as I love you;
And each time that you think of me,
I know you’ll miss me too.

When tomorrow starts without me,
Don’t think we’re far apart
For every time you think of me,
I’m right here in your heart.

Alternatives to Rest In Peace

Rest in peace is frequently used in traditional Christian services and prayers. Following are several options to rest in peace that you may select from:

  • R.I.P.
  • Sleep in Peace!
  • May she rest in eternal peace.
  • Rest well MaMa, see you again one day.
  • May her soul rest in Heaven.
  • Rest in Heavenly Peace
  • I pray for GOD’S peace.
  • Take your rest.
  • Sleep In Heavens’s Glory.
  • Rest in Paradise.
  • Descansa en paz (Spanish)
  • Requiescat in Pace (Latin)

Related: Rest In Peace Quotes

Condolence – Bible Verses

◄ Titus 1:2 ► In the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time.

◄ John 14:2 ► In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

◄ Psalm 116:15 ► In the sight of the LORD, the death of his faithful ones is valued.

◄ Revelation 21.4 ► And God shall wipe away tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.

◄ Deuteronomy 1:31 ► and in the wilderness. There you saw how the Lord Your God Carried You, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.

◄ Acts 24:15 ► And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.

◄ 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 ► Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father… comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say. ..

◄ John 5:28-29 ► Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out—those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned.

◄ 1 Peter 5:7 ► Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Condolence Messages for Sympathy Cards

It’s always a good idea to send a Sympathy Card, particularly if you are close to the bereaved. A written condolence message is an intimate and personal way of expressing your sorrow. The card symbolizes that you care and will make them feel loved and supported.

The following sample messages can help you develop your own comforting words of condolence:

  • Our hearts go out to you in your time of sorrow.
  • My sorrow at [Name] passing is not something I can put into words. My prayers and love go out to his family and friends at this most painful and challenging time.
  • Our deepest sympathies to you and your family during this difficult time.
  • Our collective hearts are heavy with sympathy.
  • No words can describe how sorry I am for your loss.
  • Your Mom was an icon. She was a role model for all of my siblings and myself at [Name] High School. Kind, constantly smiling, always embracing and welcoming. You are her beautiful daughter and exemplify her inner and outer beauty. Thanks for sharing her with all the students she came in contact with. May God continue to bless you and your family.
  • My memories are seeing a warm smile, soft words and loving demeanor. She will be missed but will live on in all the minds of those who had the privilege of knowing her.
  • My family’s hearts are with you and your family.
  • We are deeply saddened to hear the passing of this wonderful lady and Angel. “Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day….unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved still missed, and very dear.”
  • May her memory be eternal.
  • Their service to God, Family, and Community was amazing. We understand that [Name] is in God’s presence now. I pray that we all will live a life to see her again on the other side.
  • [Name] will be forever missed.
  • My condolences, [Deceased] was my co-worker, but he was also a cherished friend. His warm smile and pleasant personality brightened many of my days, and I am sure that he also brightened the days of many others. [Name] was a fine man. I am fortunate to have known him.
  • She/He will be missed but never forgotten.
  • Our whole family shares in the sorrow of losing [Deceased]. I am so proud to have called him my Best Friend. He was a wonderful man, and we will truly miss him.
  • Our thoughts are with you at this sad time. 
  • [Name] may GOD give you all peace in knowing that your sister/brother is resting in heaven; our prayers are with you all. Love you all –
  • [Name] has fought a good fight and now the battle is done and he/she is victorious in Jesus.
  • We are so sorry you are experiencing such a great loss to your family. You are in our thoughts during this difficult time.
  • We don’t know how to heal your pain but wish we could. Our most sincere condolences.
  • Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.
  • We hope you find peace and solace in your time of need. We pray that the days ahead bring you peace and comfort.
  • [Name], I wish some words could remove the misery of losing a child. However, there is a God who can do all things. A God who Can Blanket you with Comfort to ease the pain and swaddle your soul with peace and calm that only he can give. Our heartfelt condolences and prayers go out to your family.
  • We will forever remember [Name] for the sweet, lovely person that she was. Rest in peace
  • Wishing you peace to bring comfort, the courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts
  • Today and always, may fond memories bring you peace, support, and strength.
  • Such a sudden and tragic loss. [Name] was always quick with a smile, a story, or an anecdote. I remember [Name] always had a lot of plans, projects, and vacation ideas, especially our annual golf trip.

Face-To-Face Condolences at The Funeral

Caring words of comfort will help with the loss of a loved one. Remember to be a good listener when visiting family members at the funeral home. The following are some short condolence messages to help start the conversation.

  • I am so sorry for your loss.
  • My sincerest condolences on the death of your Mother.
  • I have so many beautiful memories of [Name]. I’m going to miss [him/her].
  • May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you.
  • May your heart and soul find peace and comfort.
  • Please accept my deepest condolences for your family’s loss.
  • Words cannot even begin to express our sorrow.
  • Remember that you are not alone… We are always here for you.
  • I am thinking about you and sending love.
  • Our family will miss her, too.
  • My thoughts are with you and your family. We will miss your Dad.
  • What a fantastic person and what a remarkable life
  • You are in our hearts and prayers. Would you please let me know if you need anything?

KindNotes – For Flowers & Gifts

  • Although it’s difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow. -Unknown
  • Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. -Dr. Seuss
  • Change your thoughts and you change your world. -Norman Vincent Peale
  • Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. -Theodore Roosevelt
  • Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts.
  • Hang in there; take one day at a time.
  • Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier. -Unknown
  • I hope you find some peace today.
  • I’m not sure what to say, but I want you to know I care.
  • If the future seems overwhelming, remember that it comes one moment at a time. -Beth Mende Conny
  • It does not matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up. -Vince Lombardi
  • It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. -Henry David Thoreau
  • Let the beauty of each new day nourish your soul and bring you peace.
  • May the love of those around you help you through the days ahead.
  • May your heart and soul find peace and comfort.
  • Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have. -Unknown Author
  • No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. -Unknown
  • Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  • Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine. -Mario Fernandez
  • Someone so special can never be forgotten.
  • The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. -Hellen Keller
  • The heart remembers most what it has loved best. May memories comfort you and bring you peace.
  • There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. -A. Einstein
  • Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least. -Goethe
  • To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Trade your expectation for appreciation and the world changes instantly. -Tony Robbins
  • We never lose the people we love. They live with us in our hearts for the rest of our lives.
  • What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph W

Text Messages – SMS Condolence Messages

Texting a condolence message is an acceptable and even preferred method of expressing your condolences to a friend or family member. Sometimes it will be difficult to speak to the person if they are not answering their phone.

  • Your Mom/Dad was a very kind and formidable woman/man who will be sorely missed. She/He was very good to me and I will never forget her.
  • We share in your loss with love and friendship.
  • A lovely soul has entered Eternal Rest, an angel in heaven, no more pain, who will live on in our memories. She/He will truly be missed.
  • He/She has touched the lives of many. May his/her memory be a blessing.
  • Just wanted to send some love your way after hearing about your loss.
  • Sorry for your loss. Stay strong – God is our refuge and strength.
  • Your Sister is an angel now, she fought a good fight. Do you need anything, I’m here for you.
  • There are no words to ease the pain of death, but God will see you through. May your Dad Rest In Peace.
  • Your cousin was a kind soul. Our world has lost a good one.
  • So sorry to hear that our old friend is gone. I will never forget his/her great ol heart.
  • All that I can say is that I am sorry to hear about this incident. My thoughts will be with you in my future prayers.
  • My deepest sympathies go out to you all and your families.
  • I will treasure my memories of your grandmother. I loved her sense of humor.
  • Deepest condolences on the loss of your Mother. A nicer lady never lived.
  • I feel privileged and fortunate to have known your Mother. I will miss her terribly.
  • Hold tight to memories for comfort, lean on your friends and family for strength, and always remember how much you are loved.
  • I will never forget his smile. My sincere condolences.
  • Heard about your Dad passing. My sincere condolences. Love ❤️ you friend, take care.
  • We’ve lost an amazing friend. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if I can help in any way.

Loss of Mother Condolence Messages

  • Sorry to hear of your Mother’s passing. May the peace of our Lord be with you all; cherished memories are a wonderful gift from God!
  • Please accept my sincere sympathy for the loss of your Mother. I admired her, and remember her as a kind thoughtful friend. May God Bless her and provide comfort to you and your family at this difficult time.
  • I am so sorry to read about your Mother.  She is part of my childhood memories that I don’t want to forget. We will keep you in our prayers; May God Bless You.
  • My deepest condolences. Your Mom will live forever in our memories, as they bring a smile to our faces. May GOD bless you and your family in this challenging time, but rest assured she is in HIS caring hands forever.
  • [Name] was a mother to so many beyond her own children, including me. She was the kindest person I know. The Lord has been glorified with her life. May the Lord’s grace be sufficient for the family as they grieve and adjust to life in her absence. Grace to the family.
  • I have fond memories of your Mother, and I hope that the pleasant times you had together as a family would help you through this sad time. May She Rest In Peace.
  • The peace of God is your peace, forever! Your Mother always greeted us with laughter and love. Thanks for sharing your Mom with all of us girls, we will keep her sweet spirit in our hearts always.
  • [Name] lived a life that would have been pleasing to God. May your Mother rest in peace with her Heavenly Father. Peace, Strength, and Love …
  • What a remarkable life your Mother lived – so full of Love. I will truly miss her. Her values, life lessons, hopes, and dreams became a part of our family. [Name] made a difference in so many lives. I cherish our memories together. Praying that the Legacy of love she left in this world will give you strength and comfort you. In God’s Grace.
  • A loving and caring Mother has left us. With heavy hearts, we bid you goodbye. Thank you for the smiles. Thank you for praying. Thank you for life. Rest in Jesus.
  • To the family: I send my deepest condolences for the passing of your Mother. Our mothers are with us always.  I pray that your heart and soul will find peace and comfort during this difficult time. Your friend in Christ
  • The pain of losing a Mother never goes away. Your hearts will continue to cry for her. Our sincere condolences to all the family.
  • While you make the mournful journey forward, cherish the beautiful memories of your Mother and do not let regret rule the day, for it is God’s sovereignty that we must trust and embrace to find understanding and value in our lives. May the peace of God abide with you in this time of great hardship. 
  • Mom, The Faith that you had is just simply amazing. I couldn’t ask God for anything more. He gave me the perfect mother! May you continue to rest in paradise.

Related:  Sympathy Messages for Loss of Mother

Loss of Father Condolence Messages

  • The life lessons your Dad taught will always remain. These are the gifts he gave to you.
  • You and your family are in our hearts and minds. Our condolences on the passing of your father.
  • Your Dad was an exceptional man and a good friend. My sincere condolences.
  • Your Father was a wonderful source of encouragement for your family. Sincerely sorry for your loss.
  • My deepest condolence. Your Father was a “Family Man” in every sense of the word. My heart is aching for your loss.
  • My condolences on the death of your Father. He was a fantastic teacher and the students loved and respected him. We will pray for your family.
  • Our deepest condolences. Your Dad will watch over you throughout your life. What a wonderful neighbor and friend. We are praying for you.
  • We’re thinking of you in your hour of grief. May you always feel your Dad’s presence in your heart. May he Rest In Peace.
  • Your Dad was so caring a special. All the Kids enjoyed it when he would play baseball with us. God bless you and comfort you.
  • [Name] we are deeply sorrowed by the passing of your Father. I know how much you loved him. He will be sadly missed by everyone who knew him. May his soul rest in peace.
  • I worked with your Father for over 40 years. Everybody at the plant loved him and missed him when he retired. We share your sorrow for the loss of your Dad. God bless your family.
  • You were blessed to have a father so special and caring. His memory will live forever in our hearts.
  • My heart goes out to your family, May the lessons your Father gave you last a lifetime.

Related:  Sympathy Messages for Loss of Father

Condolence Message Examples for the Loss of a Child

  • [Name] was such a kind child. His/her smile could light up the room. I offer my deepest condolences to his family and friends. – Rest in Peace Dear [Name]
  • [Name] had such a great bond with his mother. [Name] loved his mama and she adored him. [Name] fun-loving nature and darling little boy’s face will be so very missed! May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him. Romans 15:13
  • We are praying that the Holy Spirit will sustain you as you long for and greatly miss your son/daughter. “There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an impression on this world” – We love you.
  • I taught [Name] in the 4th grade. I will never forget your daughter/son. What a delight to be around such a precious child. My heart broke when I heard the news of her/his passing. My family and I are praying for you.
  • I am so sorry for the loss of little [Name]. May he/she revel in the serenity of heaven now that their struggle here is over. We love you.
  • I never had the opportunity to meet [Name]. However, hearing how great of a kid he was, it felt like not one person had anything bad to say about him. Praying for his family and friends during this sad time.
  • [Name] responded to God’s call. He/She was on loan for two months on earth and his/her mission has been accomplished. [Name] will be a precious angel, surrounded by love, without pain.
  • We loved every minute we had with dear, sweet, courageous [Name]. I am so grateful for the time we had and his spirit of peace and tranquility will live on. Love Grandma & Grandpa
  • [Name], I am mourning for you and all the memories I will not get to create with you. My heart aches for your Mom, Dad and for YOU. You will always be loved and remembered.

Loss of Spouse Condolence Messages

Losing a spouse can be overwhelming, whether the death is unexpected or following a long illness. One day the person is married; the next day single, alone, and grieving. Your words of sorrow will be comforting.

  • I am fortunate to have known your Husband. May [Name] life inspire all of us to do more good with our own.
  • We thought [Name] could stay a little longer with you, but God decided that it was time for them to come home and have rest.
  • Though your heart must hold sorrow at the loss of the one you loved, may it also hold the blessings of the life you shared and the love that will forever be a part of you.
  • Very sad to hear this news of your Wife/Husband’s passing. We have fond memories of a lovely neighbor. Our heartfelt sympathies to the family.
  • Let the memory of [Name] be with us forever. The two of you had an incredible life together.
  • A very kind and formidable woman who will be sorely missed. She was very good to me and I will never forget her.
  • Very sad to hear this news of your Wife/Husband’s passing. We have fond memories of a lovely neighbor. Our heartfelt sympathies to the family.
  • So sorry to hear about the passing of [Name], we have great memories of the good times he had with you and [Name]. You made such a fabulous couple.
  • We are not just mourning your Husband/Wife, but celebrating their life for He/She was our hero.
  • Please accept my condolences. [Name] was a kind, gentle boss that cared for all of us.
  • My deepest sympathies for the loss of your wife.
  • We thought [Name] could stay a little longer with you, but God decided that it was time for them to come home and have rest.
  • [Name] was a fantastic person that loved her family dearly. My thoughts are with you during this time.
  • Very sad to hear this news of your Wife/Husband’s passing. We have fond memories of a lovely neighbor. Our heartfelt sympathies to the family.
  • What a privilege it was to know your Husband. May [Name] rest in Peace.
  • Remember all those happy days. [Name] was a terrific mother/father and a loving husband/wife. God bless you and the children.
  • Our heartfelt condolences and prayers. God bless!

Loss of Grandmother Condolence Messages

  • Your Grandmother affected so many lives for the good.
  • Grandma leaves a trail of beautiful memories.
  • Thinking of you and hoping her memories bring you comfort.
  • You can tell by the tears left behind what a wonderful person she was.
  • May you find strength in the support from all who care and hope in each new day.
  • With Sympathy for the loss of your Grandmother.
  • May your memories of Grandma be the beautiful gift that helps you heal.
  • With deepest sympathy at this sad time. May your Grandmother Rest in Peace.

Related:  Sympathy Messages for Loss of Grandmother

Loss of Grandfather Condolence Messages

  • Hoping you’ll find comfort in the love and memories of your Grandfather.
  • No words can take away the sorrow that you are feeling. May it provide comfort knowing that others care. 
  • Your Grandpa was dearly loved by all who knew him, and now he is dearly missed.
  • Your Grandfather was such a charitable man. He was always lending a hand to others and reaching out when they were in need.
  • I was so sorry to hear about your Grandfather’s passing. May he have eternal peace.
  • May you find solace with the friends and family that surround you.
  • For as long as you remember the beautiful times with Grandpa, his memory will remain in your heart.
  • Your Grandfather was such a presence. He was fair, dignified, and had a great sense of humor. I truly enjoyed working for him and know that he will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

Related:  Sympathy Messages for Loss of Grandfather

Sympathy and Condolence Guidance

Is It OK to Say “My Deepest Condolences”

Yes, “My Deepest Condolences” is perfectly acceptable when comforting a friend or family member who has lost a loved one. However, something a little more personal may be better.

  • We are deeply sorry for your loss. Please accept our condolences and may our prayers help comfort you.
  • We hold you close in our thoughts and hope you know you can lean on us for whatever you may need. Sincere condolences
  • It was truly a pleasure to have gotten to know [Name]. He/she will be missed dearly.
  • [Name], sorry to hear of your father’s passing. I’ll always remember the huge smile on your face and light in your eyes whenever you spoke of him. My sincere condolences.
  • We hope this card finds you surrounded by love and compassion. Our most heartfelt condolences.
  • [Name] passing is devastating news. Please accept my sincere condolences.

Is Rest In Peace Appropriate

The phrase “Rest in Peace” is suitable and a very common religious appeal that the deceased soul should find peace in the afterlife. Christians commonly use this phrase. The following is a comprehensive list of Rest in Peace messages:

  • May she rest in peace and love
  • Sleep In Peace.
  • God rests [His/Her] soul in peace.
  • May [He/She] rest in peace.
  • May God give [Him/Her] eternal rest.
  • God rest [His/Her] soul in peace and the angels to always be there with you.
  • I pray you find peace and rest wherever you are.
  • You have closed your eyes to rest and I pray for your peace.
  • But now the time has arrived, for you to rest.
  • And tonight I long for rest.
  • Your work is done, now may peace rest with thee.
  • A simple place to rest and be.
  • And lifted you to rest.
  • Rest in peace
  • May their soul find rest.
  • Those who walk uprightly enter into peace.
  • May God give you the comfort and peace that you seek and may the soul of your loved one rest in peace.
  • May the soul of the dearly departed rest in peace
  • Rest in the everlasting peace of Christ Almighty.
  • Rest in eternal salvation.
  • May God grant you peace and well-deserved rest.
  • May in the kingdom of God [His/Her] dear soul rest.

How To Sign a Condolence Card – Samples

Relationship and nature of death are factors in selecting an appropriate sympathy card signature from below.

  • Love, [Name]
  • Yours, [Name]
  • God bless, [Name]
  • Many hugs, [Name]
  • Sincerely, [Name]
  • With love, [Name]
  • In Memoriam, [Name]
  • Prayerfully, [Name]
  • With caring, [Name]
  • With sympathy, [Name]
  • With much love, [Name]
  • Our condolences, [Name]
  • Praying for you, [Name]
  • Thinking of you, [Name]
  • In loving memory, [Name]
  • Sending you love, [Name]
  • In caring sympathy, [Name]
  • Wishing you peace, [Name]
  • With you in sorrow, [Name]
  • Most affectionately, [Name]
  • Wishing you healing, [Name]
  • Affectionately yours, [Name]
  • Our sincere sympathy, [Name]
  • Sharing your sadness, [Name]
  • Warmest condolences, [Name]
  • With sincere sympathy, [Name]

Ways To Express Your Condolences

  • Attend the funeral.
  • Share your condolences face-to-face
  • A condolence call is appreciated
  • Text with words of condolence
  • Commentary on a social media
  • Send Flowers
  • Donate money to a charity in the name of the person who passed.
  • Take food to the family of the deceased.

How To Express Condolences

It is okay to use whatever method you feel most comfortable with, even text messages, so long as you know the person receives/reads text messages. Frankly, some people may not wish to talk on the phone or maybe really busy making arrangements, so text messaging can be a useful way to immediately let someone know you are thinking of them. They may read their texts before their snail mail or even email. They will probably get to the text before a voicemail.

You can also call and leave a voicemail if they don’t answer. The key to this is to do so in a way that doesn’t require them to call you back. In other words, avoid adding the pressure of having to call you back and simply leave your condolences on the voice mail.

Expressing condolences via flowers, cards, social media messages, email, and more is also completely acceptable. One word of caution is that public-facing social media may not be the best route if someone has not announced the death online or if they generally are more private. If you aren’t sure, then err on the side of caution and send a private message. You will also want to consider the person’s preferences. You may or may not know, but do the best you can. Ultimately, the goal is to offer support and let them know they and/or the deceased matter to you. 

What To Say

I advise folks to be sure not to impose their beliefs or worldviews when offering condolences. The primary goal is to offer support that may help that person. This means being sensitive to religious or non-religious beliefs, cultural background, etc. 

Don’t assume you know how the person is feeling or what they are thinking. However, you can ask them. And if you don’t know what to say after they tell you, simply say, “I appreciate you sharing your feelings with me.”

What Not To Say

Avoid phrases or thoughts that might feel invalidating, even if well-intentioned. In other words, things like, “They are in a better place now,” can feel invalidating and insensitive to someone who is experiencing the anger parts of grief and/or may just not believe that. Instead, opt to share your wishes for them or mention something specific about what the person meant to them or you or the community. For example, “Luis meant a lot to our community. We appreciate all he did and will miss him.”

When Is The Best Time To Express Your Condolences

Your best bet is to offer condolences immediately after you learn about the death of their loved one, even if that means a month later because you just found out about the death.

The other thing I recommend is that folks feel free to reach out a second or even third time. While condolences are often done right after the death, they are essentially an acknowledgment and words of support.

Why Express Condolences

The purpose of expressing condolence is to offer your sympathy and concern for the bereaved. After the loss of a loved one, people may experience a variety of strong feelings, including sadness, anger, guilt, and many more. They may also be facing a number of practical stressors, such as funeral expenses, going back to work, cleaning out a bedroom, or parenting/caregiving duties.

Yet, they probably no longer have their usual support person in their life anymore due to the death. Social support is critical when we are coping with stress. Condolences can also offer comfort.

Often, hearing about how the deceased positively impacted others can help provide immense comfort during a painful time. Lastly, knowing that people care and that the survivors or those still alive matter to others, can help the person feel connected with their day-to-day life again and face their loss.

Condolence Messages Common Sense Advice

We do know that something needs to be said. It is very difficult to know what a person suffering a loss is going through. Unless you have experienced something like this in your own life, you can only guess.

Dealing with death is not something we do every day. For many people writing a condolence message is a daunting task. What do you say and how do you say it? You want to sound authentic and real, but your words are not coming out that way. This can cause additional stress for you at a time when you want to be supportive and helpful.

Your message should let the bereaved know they’re not alone, and that we share their pain. Using existing condolence messages is perfectly acceptable and is often a great way to express exactly how you feel eloquently. These messages have been chosen from the words of great leaders, writers, celebrities and religious leaders. Many are anonymous but resonate just as powerfully. Each one is meaningful and thoughtful.

Sometimes when you get news of a death, you are not close to the bereaved person. Or, you may not even have known the deceased. However, you feel the need to acknowledge their grief in some way. This will often be the case in situations where the person is a colleague, a member of your community center, church or local club. It could be a parent in your child’s school or a neighbor whom you only know in passing.

Depending on your relationship with the grieving person, you will have to act in different ways. If it a close friend or family member, you will probably visit them to give support and help. If the person grieving is not in our close circle of friends sending a Condolence Message is the next best option. Perhaps the person is an acquaintance or a work colleague. They could be a member of your local community center, church, gym or walking club. Perhaps it is a neighbor whom you only know in passing.

In a situation like this, it is best to express your condolences with a simple and straightforward condolence message. Writing a long letter may sound insincere and is unnecessary. Your message should let the bereaved know they’re not alone, and that you share their pain. Using existing condolence messages is perfectly acceptable and is often a great way to express exactly how you feel. These messages are comforting without being over-emotional and gushy. They are straightforward and to the point.

Sending my deep and heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. My heart goes out to you on the passing of your brother.

Please accept my heartfelt sympathy on this unfortunate event. Praying for your son’s soul.

Our deepest sympathy and prayers to you and your family.

Rest In Peace.

She will be sadly missed and well remembered. I remember the many good times visiting with your Mom. [Name] was always kind and caring. With Sympathy

My heartfelt condolences to you and your family during this time of sorrow.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Your Dad was by far the most influential teacher I had in school. He was always strict, yet engaging man. I’m Forever Grateful.

May God wrap his arms around you and comfort you. Grandma is with his Heavenly Father. Lord be your Strength & Comforter.

There are so few words to express how we are feeling for you right now. May the Lord bless you and wrap His love around you. Our very deepest sympathy.

Your sister was a dear friend and sister in the Lord. Her bright smile, intelligence, insight, and sense of humor will always be remembered.
Rest in Pace

Related: Additional Sympathy and Condolence Images

What is a good sympathy message for loss of father?

I'm so sorry for the loss of your father. Please accept my condolences and let me know if there's anything I can do to help during this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones right now. I hope you're able to find peace and comfort during this difficult time.

What is a good religious sympathy message?

God's love and grace are always with you. Please accept our condolences and may our prayers help comfort you. We're praying that the light of God's face shines on you in the darkness of your grief. Your loss deeply saddens us; may our prayers guide his soul to our Heavenly Father.

What do you say to someone who lost their father religion?

Christian Condolence Ideas Inspired from the Bible.
Please accept our heartfelt condolences for your loss. ... .
I'm so heartbroken to hear about your loss. ... .
My heart goes out to you during this painful time. ... .
Praying that God's love enfolds you and comforts you through the pain. ... .
I'd like to offer my heartfelt sympathies..

What is the best biblical condolence message?

Christian Condolence For Loss of Husband/Wife May God give you the strength to withstand this heartbreaking moment. The loss is unbearable. You have my prayers and support all the way! She will always be alive in the laughter, joy, and sweet memories that she left behind.


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