What is the function of the musculoskeletal system

In this page we provide an overview of the musculoskeletal system, its function, and the key anatomical terms associated with it

What is the musculoskeletal system?

The musculoskeletal system is the combination of the muscular and skeletal systems working together and includes the bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body.

What does the musculoskeletal system do?

The musculoskeletal system provides our bodies with shape, protection of our internal organs and the ability to move.

Every time you sit, stand, walk, jump and talk you're using the musculoskeletal system.  Without this system or if it’s injured and not able to function properly, our ability to complete these everyday tasks is greatly hindered.  Think of someone you know who has broken a bone or torn a muscle, how has it affected them?

Musculoskeletal system and fitness

Having good knowledge and understanding of the musculoskeletal system and its functions is important for those working in the fitness industry.  This is because it helps you communicate with other fitness professionals and clients, as well as complete everyday aspects of your job such as instructing correct exercise technique, assessing someone’s movement and creating a balanced exercise programme.

Musculoskeletal system terms

Looking at and analysing the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system can be challenging as there are many new terms to learn and understand.  For this reason some of the basic terms you are likely to encounter in your role as a personal trainer are explained in the following table.





The front

The mouth is on the anterior part of the head


The back

The spine is on the posterior part of the trunk


Toward the head

The head is superior to the stomach


Toward the feet

The knee is inferior to the hip


Toward the side/outside

The ears are on the lateral part of the head


Toward the midline/inside

The big toe is medial to the little toe


Nearer the trunk

The thighs are proximal to the toes


Further from the trunk

The toes are distal to the thighs


Face down

Lying on stomach about to do a push up


Face up

Lying on back about to do a sit up/crunch


Nearer to the surface

The skin is more superficial than the stomach


Further from the surface

The stomach is more deep than the skin

Another term which is important to understand is the ‘anatomical position’.

The anatomical position refers to a position of the body that is commonly used when analysing it.  The anatomical position is achieved by following the points below, an example of this can also be seen in the adjacent image.

    1. Stand upright with head facing forward
    2. Arms hanging by sides
    3. Palms of hands facing forward
    4. Feet slightly separated
    5. Toes pointing forward

Using the anatomical position allows everyone who works with the body to start from the same reference point so their descriptions in practice and research make sense to a wider audience.

Knowing the anatomical position also helps you understand movement descriptions and work effectively with other professionals such as doctors and physiotherapists etc.

  • What is the function of the musculoskeletal system

In this video, Lesley introduces the key components and functions of the musculoskeletal system.


Before we look at what happens when the musculoskeletal system ages, it is important to have a basic understanding of what the musculoskeletal system does, what it looks like and how it works. The two key components of the musculoskeletal system are the skeleton and skeletal muscle. The skeleton includes bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and joints. The nervous system provides a vital link between this system and the brain, ensuring coordinated movements and control. And a good blood supply is also essential, especially to the muscles which consume large amounts of energy. There are 206 bones supporting the weight of our body. The majority have a dense, strong outer layer, called cortical bone.


Inside the cortical bone, there is a spongy bone material called trabecular bone. In this way, the bone is lighter and easier to carry around but still strong to support us. In the trabecular bone, there is a soft tissue substance called bone marrow. The bone marrow, in contact with the bone,


produces all blood cells: red blood cells which carry oxygen all over the body, and white blood cells, which protect us from infection. Bones are made mostly of collagen and calcium. Collagen is a protein that provides a soft structure, and calcium phosphate is a mineral that gives the bone its characteristic strength and hardness. This combination of collagen and calcium makes bones strong enough to support the body and flexible enough to enable movement. Bone is a living tissue with a blood supply. It is constantly being dissolved and reformed, and can repair itself if a bone is broken. Calcium is essential for cell function, without it, cells do not operate properly.


If there is not enough in the blood, special cells called osteoclasts will dissolve small areas of the bone to release calcium into the bloodstream. New bone is formed by cells called osteoblasts, which also regrow and repair the bone if it breaks. Bones grow continually from birth up to our mid-20s. Bone mass is at its maximum density around the age of 30. When bones stop growing, they continue to be maintained by the osteoclasts removing old bone and osteoblasts replacing it with new bone. Bones are linked together by joints. The most common type are called synovial joints, and include hinge joints like the knee and elbow, and ball-and-socket joints like the hip and shoulder.


If two bones just moved against each other, they would eventually wear away. This can happen in people who have a condition called arthritis. To stop this happening, the ends of the bones in a joint are covered with a tough, smooth substance called cartilage, which is kept slippery by a liquid called synovial fluid. Bones are held together at the joints by ligaments and attached to the muscle by tendons. Both are fibrous connective tissue primarily formed of collagen. But whilst ligaments are flexible and help to provide stability, tendons are inelastic and serve to move bones, transmitting the contractive forces generated by the muscle. Skeletal muscle functions to carry out movements and maintain posture.


Muscle is made up of thousands of specialised cells called muscle fibres, each of which can be up to ten centimetres long. The length and diameter of the fibres determines the muscle’s strength and range of movement. Each muscle fibre contains many mitochondria, the sites of energy production in all cells, which are absolutely essential for muscle function. Muscle moves the skeleton by contracting. This contraction is generated using the energy from the mitochondria and by the movement of specialist proteins called myosin and actin, which run along the length of the fibre and give it a striated appearance under the microscope. The muscle fibres are packaged into bundles and kept together by collagen.


There are different types of muscle fibre distinguished by their strength, whether they are fast or slow, and how quickly they fatigue. Each muscle also has a blood supply and is connected to the nervous system. The whole muscle is enclosed by a sheath of connective tissue so that all the muscle fibres work together. The musculoskeletal system has many components which must all work together to allow us to move about in our daily lives. If any of these components start to fail, it can have a serious knock-on effect on the whole system.

In this video, Lesley Iwanejko introduces the key components and functions of the musculoskeletal system.

The musculoskeletal system is made up of bones, muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments which all work together to provide the body with support, protection, and movement.

When they are healthy, they provide support and stability and allow us to move about in our daily life. But if any of these components start to fail, this can have a serious knock-on effect for the whole system.

We cover a lot of information in this video so don’t feel you have to take it all in at once. Remember you can pause and rewind whenever you need to. We have also created a glossary which you can download below. Let us know if you think any key terms are missing and we’ll make sure to add them in!

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The Musculoskeletal System: The Science of Staying Active into Old Age

What is the function of the musculoskeletal system

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What is the function of the musculoskeletal system

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The musculoskeletal system provides form, support, stability, and movement to the body.

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The functions of the musculoskeletal system are as follows: provide support to stand erect; allow movement; encase and protect the inner vital organs; produce the red blood cells in the bone marrow; and act as a reservoir for storage of essential minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus in the bones.

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Movement. Skeletal muscles pull on the bones causing movements at the joints. ... .
Support. Muscles of the body wall support the internal organs. ... .
Protection. ... .
Heat generation. ... .
Blood circulation..