Walking dead season 11 episode 8 reddit

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Season 11 Episode 15, Trust

  • Released (AMC+ / Premiere): March 27, 2022

  • Released (AMC): April 3, 2022

Synopsis: Hornsby inspect the human carnage piled up at the Riverbend Apartment Complex. He knows it doesn't add up and he's determined to prove it one way or another. Taking things into their own hands, Daryl, Gabriel, Aaron, and Maggie try to stay one step ahead of him. As secret are revealed, boundaries are pushed and an unexpected new job is offered. Ezekiel, too, has a secret of his own; one he hopes to share with Carol


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Walking dead season 11 episode 8 reddit

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REMINDER: This is a piracy free sub. Do not ask for streams or provide links to sites with illegally hosted content. These actions will result in a ban.

Season 11 Episode 20, What’s Been Lost

  • Released (AMC+ / Premiere): October 16, 2022

  • Released (AMC): October 23, 2022

Synopsis: Daryl and Carol search for their disappeared friends.

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This thread is for serious discussion of the episode that just aired. What is and isn't serious is at the discretion of the moderators. But if its a meme, or a joke, or a one-liner, then its probably not serious

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REMINDER: This is a piracy free sub. Do not ask for streams or provide links to sites with illegally hosted content. These actions will result in a ban.

09:00pm Eastern S08E11 - "Dead or Alive Or" Michael E. Satrazemis Eddie Guzelian

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Reposts are against subreddit rules to keep content fresh. This is a rather large subreddit for a rather large media inkwell, there should be plenty of content without having to repost things from two weeks ago.

On top of this anything not directly related to TWD might be subject to being removed. This includes but is not limited to screenshots (FB, YouTube, Twitter, texts, etc), generic memes and reaction gifs, and generic zombie content.

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