Head and shoulders 2 in 1 shampoo

Registered Office Address:

Flipkart Internet Private Limited,

Buildings Alyssa, Begonia &

Clove Embassy Tech Village,

Outer Ring Road, Devarabeesanahalli Village,

Bengaluru, 560103,

Karnataka, India

CIN : U51109KA2012PTC066107

Telephone: 044-45614700

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How long should you leave Head and Shoulders 2

Head & Shoulders conditioners keep your hair nourished from root to tip, while also moisturizing your scalp. Once you've got good coverage, give your hair conditioner a chance to do its work. That means leaving it for at least 30 seconds - and longer, if you're able to.

Is Head and Shoulders 2

Our 2-in-1 range is specially formulated to have all the dandruff fighting power you expect, while combining the benefits of both shampoo and conditioner. Like all our products, Head & Shoulders 2-in-1 uses zinc pyrithione to help control the symptoms and causes of dandruff.

How often should you use Head and Shoulders 2

General directions: For best results use at least twice a week or as directed by a doctor. For maximum dandruff control, use every time you shampoo. Shake before use. Wet hair, massage onto scalp, rinse, repeat if desired.

Is head and shoulders a good shampoo?

Head & Shoulders Classic Clean Shampoo and Conditioner is one of the most popular drugstore options out there, and for good reason. The product fights dandruff at the source, and its gentle yet effective lather results in a soft and clean result that works well alongside post-shower products.