Group therapy activities for adults with substance abuse

Free tools for mental health workers including therapy worksheets, education handouts, and articles. Topics include CBT, self-esteem, positive psychology, substance abuse, depression, anger, grief and more.

5. Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Under the leadership of the group’s therapist, group members use cognitive behavioral therapy to work through a problem related to their addiction. Members will identify their triggers and the core beliefs surrounding their addiction. Together, group members reflect on the seemingly unmanageable thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that resulted from their triggers.

Additionally, the group will challenge their negative thoughts and irrational beliefs and discuss best and worst-case scenarios. Cognitive behavioral therapy equips group members with greater insight, perspective, and confidence to face their own problems. It also teaches them effective actions and coping skills to manage life’s challenges and avoid relapse.

6. Substance Abuse Group Activities – Practicing Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is another way for group members to cope with unmanageable thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It involves paying attention consciously, without judgment, and with compassion for oneself. Examples of mindfulness practices include repeating a meaningful mantra, focusing on one’s breathing, and grounding oneself in the 5 senses. Yoga is a popular way for group members to practice these techniques.

After completing a mindfulness practice, group members are encouraged to share what they noticed or how they felt during the practice. Group members may notice feeling less anxious, happier, more energetic, and more in tune with themselves and the world around them. Over time, regular practice of mindfulness can help members of the group manage cravings, cope with anxiety and depression, build intentional relationships, and maintain sobriety.

Group therapy activities for adults with substance abuse

7. Role-Playing

Under the direction of the group’s therapist, group members can use role-play to act out significant parts of a group member’s life. Given these similarities to a theatrical performance, this activity is also known as psychodrama.

At the end of each “scene,” the therapist checks in with the group member whose life events are being reenacted.  Together, they discuss and process strong emotions evoked by the scene. The role-play session often ends with the therapist recasting key individuals of the group member’s experience and rewriting key events so that he or she might obtain healing and closure.

8. Music Therapy

Music therapy can be a welcome addition to a group therapy session. Forms of music therapy for a group setting include:

  • playing a Tibetan singing bowl
  • playing in a drum circle
  • writing and singing songs

All these activities produce therapeutic sound frequencies that promote a sense of wellbeing, as well as a greater awareness of oneself.

Group therapy activities for adults with substance abuse

9. Substance Abuse Group Activities – Cooperative Games

Cooperative games such as untying a “human knot” and forming a “human pipeline” to transfer a ball across a distance work to build communication and problem-solving skills. They can also help group members become more comfortable with engaging in sober fun and working in physical proximity.

10. Family Therapy

Some group therapy programs use family therapy to deal with family issues. The group’s therapist works with a group member one-on-one while a second therapist works with their family members. “Scripts” are prepared to address problematic family behaviors in a nonjudgmental way. Later, the group member and their family members reconvene to take turns sharing their scripts with each other in the presence of their therapists and the larger group.

Substance Abuse Group Activities at The Blackberry Center

The specially trained staff at The Blackberry Center in St. Cloud, Florida have experience with a wide range of group therapy activities. We will work with you to reduce stress, practice skills, and better your overall mental health.

If you are ready to discuss treatment, please call our admissions staff at 888-512-9802. Or, if you’re not quite prepared to take that step, submit your questions through our online form.