After i eat i want to throw up

It often happens that you may feel nausea immediately or within a few hours after overeating, and it can be something normal. But if this condition goes on regularly, there might be something wrong. This article will explore the causes of feeling nauseous after eating, from mild to severe.

Causes of Nausea After Eating?

Food Poisoning

Have you ever experienced food poisoning? When food is not cooked well or you forget to store it properly, the food can become a breeding ground for bacteria or, in some cases, viruses, making your food contaminated. When you eat contaminated food, you may feel nausea after some time. One other cause of nausea after eating is “stomach flu.” You may be infected with this virus if you eat contaminated food or come in close contact with someone who is already the victim of this virus.


Allergies or intolerance from certain foods can also make you feel nauseous after you eat the food. People often show intolerance towards certain foods containing lactose, gluten, or those that lead to intestinal gas. If you have a food allergy, you will feel nausea immediately after eating. Moreover, you will also experience some more symptoms, such as a swollen face or lips and finding it difficult to breathe or swallow. If you find yourself in such a situation, don’t wait for things to get better on their own. Immediately seek medical help from a gastroenterologist near you. You can call Gastroenterology Diagnostic Center experts at 281-357-1977.


During pregnancy, the hormones change rapidly, and can you may feel nausea many times during the day. The feelings vary for each woman. And some may feel nauseated before taking the meal, and others may feel nausea immediately after eating. This condition usually starts at the start of the second month of pregnancy and ends around the fourth month. There’s nothing to worry about as these feelings don’t cause any harm to the baby or the mother.

Narrowed Arteries

If, due to some reason, the arteries of your intestine start narrowing, this induces resistance to the blood flow in the blood vessels and can make you feel nauseous.


If you are taking certain medicines such as pain killers, antibiotics, you will feel nausea. Once the treatment is over, the feeling of nausea will start going away.

When Should You Seek Medical Help?

Usually, if you feel nausea after eating, it is not something very serious. However, if the symptoms last for a week or your condition worsens, you should seek immediate help.

Tips to Prevent Nausea

  • Avoid foods that are rich in fiber
  • Instead of a few large meals, go for small frequent meals
  • Focus more on foods that are easy to digest, such as white rice, crackers, dry toast
  • If you are feeling nauseated, limit eating and but continue to drink
  • Suck on a mint or try chewing gum

If you are not feeling good or want a routine checkup with board-certified gastroenterologists in the Tomball and North Houston areas, call 281-357-1977.

If you notice nausea (feeling sick) after eating a big meal or something you don’t usually eat, you probably don’t need to worry too much.

is quite common, and usually goes away on its own.

Lots of things can make you feel sick. You might have an infection or a bad headache (

), for example. But it can be caused by what you eat. You might also feel discomfort in your tummy, and lose your appetite.

Read on to learn why you might feel sick after eating, when to see a doctor, and things you can try to ease nausea.

What causes nausea after eating?

If you’re feeling sick after a meal, 2 common possible causes are food poisoning and a stomach bug (

. Here’s what you should know about both these conditions.

Food poisoning

is fairly common, and symptoms usually come on a few hours or days after you’ve eaten food that’s contaminated with germs. As well as feeling sick, you might be sick (vomit), have tummy cramps, loose poos (

or a high temperature, and feel generally unwell.

While the symptoms can be unpleasant, food poisoning is rarely serious, and you’ll usually feel better within a week without treatment.


Often referred to as a stomach bug, gastroenteritis is a gut infection which is when the lining of your stomach, small and large intestines becomes inflamed. It’s usually caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites, and you can get it from eating contaminated food.

The symptoms of gastroenteritis can come on suddenly and, as well as nausea, often include vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of appetite and pain in your tummy.

Like food poisoning, gastroenteritis can be very uncomfortable, but usually goes away on its own in less than a week.

Other potential causes

If you don't think feeling sick is related to food poisoning or gastroenteritis, there are some other common causes.

Looking at other symptoms you may have may help you work out what’s wrong. Here are some symptoms, and what they might mean if you have them with nausea:

  • heartburn (a burning feeling in the chest) or bloating – it could be , when stomach acid travels up towards your mouth
  • headache and a high temperature – it could be
  • bad headache and increased sensitivity to light and sound – it could be a
  • dizziness – it could be an inner ear infection that affects your balance () Read more about other causes of

Other causes of nausea are pregnancy, motion sickness, anxiety, medication and alcohol.

When to see a doctor

Although feeling sick is rarely a sign of anything serious, being sick (vomiting) can occasionally be a symptom of a more serious problem. If you're feeling very unwell, or are worried about vomiting, seek medical help.

It’s also a good idea to speak to your doctor if:

  • you don’t feel better after a few days
  • you often feel nauseous
  • nausea keeps coming back

Things to try at home to ease nausea

  • go outside to get some fresh air
  • try to distract yourself – listen to music or watch a movie
  • sip a cold drink, such as water
  • drink ginger or peppermint tea
  • snack on foods containing ginger (ginger biscuits)
  • eat smaller meals, more frequently

Key points

  • feeling sick (nausea) after eating is rarely serious, and usually goes away on its own
  • food poisoning and gastroenteritis are 2 common causes
  • other symptoms, such as heartburn or a headache, can suggest other causes
  • speak to your doctor if you don’t feel better after a few days, or you often feel sick

Why do I always feel like I need to throw up after I eat?

Some common causes could be related to stress, food allergies, food poisoning, unwanted side effects from medications, taking too many supplements or vitamins, or pregnancy, to name just a few.

What to do when you feel like vomiting after eating?

What can be done to control or relieve nausea and vomiting?.
Drink clear or ice-cold drinks..
Eat light, bland foods (such as saltine crackers or plain bread)..
Avoid fried, greasy, or sweet foods..
Eat slowly and eat smaller, more frequent meals..
Do not mix hot and cold foods..
Drink beverages slowly..