You are my love and best friend quotes

Quotes about falling in love with your best friend are just the feelings that are always present but never expressed. The topic of falling in love with your best friend is a very delicate and debatable topic. There were so many discussions from ages regarding – whether you can be just friends with an opposite-sex person or not.

Keeping this debate aside, let us introspect whether we could really be just best friends, and if we fall in love, which is beyond friendship, what should we do?

Here are the 50+ quotes about falling in love with your best friend:

Table of Contents


  • Meaningful Quotes About Falling In Love With Your Best Friend
  • Video Quotes About Falling In Love With Your Best Friend
  • Best Quotes About Falling In Love With Your Best Friend
  • When Your In Love With Your Best Friend Quotes
  • Quotes About Falling In Love With Your Female Best Friend
  • Quotes About Falling In Love With Your Best Guy Friend
  • Quotes About Friendship Turning Into Love
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • How do you deal with falling in love with your best friend?
    • Can bestie be lovers?
    • Can a friendship turn into love?
    • Do best friends make good lovers?
    • Can a guy and a girl be best friends without falling in love?
  • Bottom Line

You will fall in love many times in your life. But the best one will be falling in love with your best friend. 

How many times in a day do you like a person? While getting on a bus, your eyes meet, and you get pleased by the beauty of any person. You get numerous crushes. But to share all these nano love affairs, you always have your best friend by your side. 

And if you both enjoy the conversation that you share, and you can go on talking about absolutely anything to everything, you should get living together forever. 

When you are best friends with someone, you already enjoy sharing things with them. The heart is just one of them. 

Tell a thing that you don’t tell your best friend. If it is so, you are not best friends yet. 

If you are comfortable sharing everything with your best friend, you should be comfortable sharing life too. You will never regret this relation if you are enjoying each other’s company now. 

Being in love with your best friend is natural and beautiful. You should admire and treasure that relation.

If you love spending time with your best friend now. And feel it will be the same forever. Go for the relationship and let it bloom.

However, you will need to see if you are really comfortable with the new relationship. Not only the name, but the entire game is going to be changed. 

Love is that what you feel within yourself when you are around the person who makes you comfortable in being you.

Only when you are comfortable being whatever you want to around a person, that person is yours. 

When you have a strong connection with someone, you are best friends, for sure. And you are in love too.

If you are best friends, you are already in love. The question is – which kind of love?

In a friendship, love is always present. But this kind of love is a little liberal. But the love between life partners comes with a package. You are obliged to share everything.

In some cases, you might be best friends, but you might not get together that well as a couple.

What’s the difference? Well, if you look very closely at life. You have had friends in school. Maybe very close friends. And after a few years, you might have stopped connecting with them as you used to do. It happens because you grow up to be different people. 

Friendship or love both begins with a perfect start and feeling. You got to decide for yourself if you are really going to enjoy it in the long run. 

Video Quotes About Falling In Love With Your Best Friend

Best Quotes About Falling In Love With Your Best Friend

Without being friends, you can’t love. Without being in love, you can’t be friends.

The best friend is the only true love that will never ditch you. 

When life seems unhappening, best friend is the one who brings life back to life.

How can you not love your best friends when they make you love yourself the most.

The feeling of love is something that happens to you when you start becoming joyous about yourself. 

Love for best friend is something that is there by default.

If you don’t love each other, you won’t be best friends.

The Difference between best friend and lover is – the friend is never possessive about a lover, but the lover is. 

Best friends are full of joy and life. 

Lovers are best friends who choose to be – little more possessive about each other.

When Your In Love With Your Best Friend Quotes

Sometimes you both are in love and need time to acknowledge it.

I was looking everywhere but didn’t realize that the person I was looking for is always there with me.

If you think you love your best friend, you should love them even more. They are made for that, and they deserve that.

If your love for your best friend goes beyond the limitation of friends, you must consider that and discuss it.

If you could marry your best friend, the rest of your life will be full of adventure.

Falling in love with your best friend is natural, but having your best friend as your partner for life is the real treasure.

The most beautiful relationship in this world starts with friendship.

You are anyway going to suffer the journey. Why not suffer with your favourite person by your side?

No person could make you happier than your best friend. If you are ready to be silly together, you should go for it.  

Quotes About Falling In Love With Your Female Best Friend

It’s hard to realize that you are falling for your best friend. It happens, and you can’t do anything about it.

You need to think twice before telling your best friend that you love her because it can also ruin your friendship forever.

Wait for the right moment to ask her.

We used to be best friends, but I don’t know when your presence becomes very important to me, and I started falling for you.

Isn’t it weird when the angel you’re looking for the whole time is your best friend?

You know all my secrets and let me tell you one more, ‘I love you.’

We know each other from the time when we were kids, and it took me so long to admit that I want to spend my whole life with you.

If you are in love with your best friend, don’t lose her because there are very few people who get the chance to spend their life with their best friend. 

If you never hide anything from your best friend then why you’ve to hide your feelings when you are in love.

Quotes About Falling In Love With Your Best Guy Friend

The journey of life can become so much fun when your best friend is your life partner.

I wonder if you feel the same as I do, I think we are just afraid of losing each other.

The time that we spent together as a friend made me realize that you make me feel special and I am in love with you.

Maybe someday I’ll find the strength to say that you are more than a best friend to me.

I will treasure the beautiful moments we created as a friend and the moments we will create as a couple.

Ever dreamt of a partner who can understand you without saying a word just like your best friend.

With every passing day of our friendship, I am falling deeper for you, and I don’t know how to express it.

Our journey from best friends to life partners still feels like a dream.

Wait for the right moment to ask him.

Quotes About Friendship Turning Into Love

Lucky are those who find a friend and love in the same person.

I feel we are somewhere in the middle of love and friendship.

I hate waiting, but if I’ve to wait for my best friend to become my partner, I can wait forever.

When your best friend brings out the best in you, then you have found the right one for you.

The best kind of relationship is when you can be best friends and best couples at the same time.

Once you are in love with your best friend, things can never be the same as before.

When you truly love someone, being their friend is not just enough.

It’s hard to confess your love to your best friend because one step further will either make you fall deeper or ruin your friendship.

Despite knowing what a mess you are, I am falling for you harder each day.

Finding a true friend is also a part of finding true love,because the type of relationships where you can be yourself lasts forever.

And then things start getting complicated when you start falling for your best friend.

Being in love with your best friend is hard, but it becomes the most beautiful kind of relationship when it is mutual.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you deal with falling in love with your best friend?

Well, you don’t have to feel strange about it. But before you take any step, you have to first think it through and ask yourself whether you truly want it or not. Prepare yourself for all possible outcomes and circumstances. If you are clear about your feelings, be honest and acknowledge your feelings to him/her. Also, give your best friend some time and ask him/her, to be honest too.

Can bestie be lovers?

Yes, best friends can be lovers. Best friends fall in love with their best friend of the opposite sex quite often, and it is easy for best friends to fall for each other quickly, but this doesn’t happen all the time, exceptions are always there.

Can a friendship turn into love?

Yes, friendship can turn into love. In fact, many people believe that great relationships start with a good friendship. Even some say that you can’t be in a relationship if you are not good friends first. Though it may not be accurate in all friendships, many people claim that they have experienced the friendship turning into a romantic relationship, and the transition was relatively smooth. So, Your relationship with your best friend can change into a romantic relationship easily.

Do best friends make good lovers?

If you are good friends, then you’ll be good lovers most probably. Even researches have shown that the relationship between friends works well. In my opinion, as long as you bring out the best in each other, you are good for each other.

Can a guy and a girl be best friends without falling in love?

Yes, It is possible, but at some point in life, they may fall for each other under some circumstances. These feelings might be temporary.

Yes, a guy and a girl can be best friends without falling in love, but things may get complicated sometimes.

Bottom Line

Falling in love with your best friend is very natural. You will always think of that other person as a probability to become your life partner. The only question you both need to ask yourself is – will you be able to bear that person along with you for a lifetime?

If you found these quotes about falling in love with your best friend meaningful, share your favourite ones with your friends .

Also read: 50+ Quotes On Ignorance In Love, Friendship And Life

How do you say I love you to your best friend?

Try these simple but thoughtful ways to tell someone what they mean to you..
I'm crazy about you..
You're my dream come true..
You take my breath away..
Since you've been around I smile a lot more than I used to..
There is no one I'd rather steal blankets from..
You're my partner in crime..
You look great today and every day..

How can I express my love to my best friend quotes?

Show your gal pal some love with these quotes:.
“True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never by heart.”.
“Friendship is the purest love.”.
“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”.
“That's when I realized what a true friend was. ... .
“Friendship is one mind in two bodies.”.

What is the best caption for best friend?

Short Best Friend Captions For Instagram.
Friends 'till the end..
A true friend is one soul in two bodies..
Your vibe attracts your tribe..
Friends don't let friends do silly things alone..
I'll even send you the photos I look bad in..
Besides chocolate, you're my favorite..
Love is beautiful, friendship is better..

When your life partner is your best friend quotes?

You are my soul mate lover, my life partner and my best friend too, always and forever I love only you. You are the half that forever makes me whole, you are the key to my heart, you are the keeper of… You are my soul mate lover, my life partner and my best friend too, always and forever I love only you.


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