Wireless electric dog fence for 2 dogs

If you are a serious dog owner, you should be familiar with the fear of losing your dogs. Have you ever heard about invisible dog fences? I bet you have, otherwise, you would not read this article. The wireless dog fence system is a big investment and I completely understand it. Previously, I did not do enough research on this topic and I had to try a few models and wasted so much money…

Being an electrical engineer and owner of 4 dogs, I decided to test and try over 20 electric fence solutions for dogs. Thanks to this blog, I was able to spend over $5000 to test them all. Some of them were garbage like Motorola or some unknown brands from China and only legit invisible fences (12 in total) were included in this article.

This article is not another shady or sponsored “best” list, it’s a definitive guide on buying the best invisible dog fence for you and for your dog. Virtual dog fences are really innovative and popular in 2022 and this is why we decided to compile the list of the best invisible & wireless dog fences.


Best Virtual Fence

Halo 2 Collar Virtual Fence

Best for stubborn dogs

PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Fence

Max Number of Dogs Contained

Number Or Reviews

Over 1000 review from dog owners

Top Pick


Max Number of Dogs Contained

Number Or Reviews

Over 1000 review from dog owners

Best Virtual Fence


Halo 2 Collar Virtual Fence


Max Number of Dogs Contained

Best for stubborn dogs


PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Fence


Max Number of Dogs Contained

I’ve gotta say, Halo Collar and later SpotOn were my discoveries and I am extremely happy about them. However, it’s not a classic in-ground invisible dog fence, but what so-called “GPS dog fence“. You can create a virtual fence with your smartphone app. If you properly train your dog, the collar will be the most convenient solution for so many reasons. Check more in my Halo 2 collar review or SpotOn review, both have recently done some upgrades.

But before we start with our review of the list, let us cover the important things that we need to know about invisible and wireless dog fences so that we can understand better the review and the products. This is important so that we can make better choices when it comes to the pick of our electric dog fences. Keep in mind, that having an invisible dog fence is a big commitment, and not every dog owner can handle this device.

Feel free to skip straight to the list, otherwise, let’s dig into the topic.

  • How Does Invisible & Wireless Dog Fence Work?
  • Do Invisible Dog Fences Really Work?
  • How Much is An Invisible Dog Fence?
  • How To Train A Dog To An Invisible Fence?
    • Practice your dogs to respond to signals & warnings
    • Put flags
  • How Do You Install an Invisible Dog Fence?
    • #1 Measure your backyard
    • #2 Choose a thick wire and get a power backup
    • #3 Bury the wire, test the dog collar and mark it
    • Best Wireless & Invisible Dog Fences In A Nutshell
  • 14 Best Rated Invisible Fences For Dogs in 2022 Based On Consumer Ratings, Reports and Personal Experience
    • SpotOn Virtual Smart Fence
    • Halo Collar With Custom Invisible Fence Feature
  • Best Classic Wireless Fences For Dogs
    • PetSafe Wireless Dog Containment System
    • Extreme Dog Fence (2nd Generation 2020)
    • SportDOG Brand In-Ground Fence System
    • Focuser Electric Wireless Dog Fence System
    • PetControlHQ Wireless Combo Electric Dog Fence System with Remote Training Collar
    • Sit Boo-Boo Hidden Dog Fence
    • Realhunlee Wireless Electric Dog Fence System
    • PetSafe Stubborn Dog In-Ground Dog Fence
    • GoodBoy Electric In-Ground Dog Fence
    • Extreme Electric Dog Fence (Max Grade)
    • Havahart Wireless Radial Shaped Dog Fence System
    • Motorola WIRELESSFENCE25 Wireless Dog Fence for Home or Travel
    • My Pet Command Wireless Underground Dog Fence System
  • Our “Invisible Dog Fence” Pick
  • Should You Get An Invisible Dog Fence?

How Does Invisible & Wireless Dog Fence Work?

Photo Petector Wireless Dog Fence System // Amazon

The invisible and wireless dog fence is usually paired with a collar that either sends an electric shock or any signal to the dog that they have come past their designated area where they are allowed to roam in.

It operates through a system that defines boundaries and lines that you designed when setting up the wireless and invisible dog fence system. It also has a monitoring and transmitting component as part of the unit’s base, and a receiver paired in your dog’s collar or collar attachment.

A good invisible and wireless dog fence would ideally have a warning system in the form of a tone or a vibration that reminds the dog that they should not go pass any pre-determined point.

Do Invisible Dog Fences Really Work?

SportDOG Wireless Dog Fence System

Behavioural scientists have long determined that a domesticated dog’s behaviour is generally affected by internal or external stimulus. If we condition the dog enough to know the difference between an external action that results in slight pain or irritation, they will quickly learn and adapt this behaviour making it less likely for them to roam outside of their designated invisible fence area.

But invisible dog fences are not magic pills that you give to your dogs and expect them to be 100% proficient on it. There is a number of training and drills involved especially when using the wireless invisible fence for large dogs.

Owning and maintaining an invisible and wireless dog fence means that there will be exercises for the owners and the dog’s themselves before all goes well.

How Much is An Invisible Dog Fence?

With all that technology thrown in any wireless dog fence system, it seems like a tad bit expensive. How much does an invisible dog fence cost? Well, that depends on what you think expensive is. Any effectively invisible dog fence would run you from around a hundred to more or less $500 depending on the number of dogs it has to track and the area.

How To Train A Dog To An Invisible Fence?

SportDOG Invisible Dog Fence

Dogs are naturally playful. Without setting any boundary for them, being canines, they would surely be running around the edges of the earth and this natural playfulness of dogs might end up in tragic accidents both for your dogs or for others as well. 

Good thing for invisible fences, you may set it up undergrounds tricking your dogs that they have all the freedom to go wherever they want without restricting them but in reality, you protect them through these fences. Unlike with conventional fences wherein the fences are visible to the naked eye of anyone that could see, invisible fences are, of course, cannot be seen, thus, it really needs patience, time and effort for you as dog owners to train your dogs to be comfortable within the boundaries of the invisible fences. Considering that the fences are invisible, the dogs are controlled to be within the bounds through signals emitted usually to the dog collars sending radio signals as light shocks to stimulate your dogs. While this may, in the long run, be comfortable to your pets, preparing them for this restriction would be time and effort consuming both for you and your dogs. 

Practice your dogs to respond to signals & warnings

While every invisible fence has manuals and included therein is on how to train your dogs, training your dogs in preparation for an invisible and wireless dog fence is never simple, it depends largely on the system but with every single one of them, we need to properly introduce the new system and the new practice to our dogs. Never employ the system and just let your dogs learn on their own, they will not understand what is happening and they may turn violent or maybe traumatized. Practice your dogs to respond to the signals and the warning. More importantly during all these, make sure you observe your dogs for their reactions and changes in behaviour. Most invisible and wireless fences do come with great manuals that are detailed and gives tips on how to respond and how to train your dogs for the new system. More or less, dogs should be trained in using invisible fences for around two to three weeks. 

It is an advantage if the radio signals would transmit a warning sign before the shock for your dogs to avoid being traumatized by it. It is better if you would set the signal at warning mode only so he would instead be familiarized to stop within the boundaries once the signal is transmitted to your dogs. Make sure that all reinforcements will be made only within the boundaries of the invisible fences. 

Put flags

The flags that come with invisible fences are good markings for your dogs for him or them to know the boundaries of your yard. These are markers that should be placed on the spots where warning signal will be emitted to your dog’s collar, which is usually being placed around ten feet apart before the invisible fence. A long leash may also be done to control the area to be covered by your dog that might thereafter be removed, together with the flags as markings, once he is already used to the boundaries of the invisible fences. Make sure to use non-metallic collars for the leash as metallic collard might disrupt the signals of the collar being used for invisible fences. You might also want to try calling your dog to get back to you every time a warning signal is being emitted to the collar of your dog. 

Every time the warning signal is transmitted, stop for a brief moment for about 2 seconds and gently move away from your dog to the boundaries of the invisible fences to make him used to the same action of moving away once the leash is already removed from his neck. As they say, that practice makes perfect, repeat the process for all the flags or boundaries until the dog is already familiarized with the scenario. At every successful training, just like with any other dog trick that was done by your best friend, allow him to be rewarded through food or toy. Give lots of reinforcements and praises for every successful action of your dog. Never leave your dogs unattended during training so you would know the progress of your dog. Once your dog is used to the warning signal and moving away from the boundaries of the invisible fences, it is time to set the static correction signal at the lowest level. Since this is the next level of training, you might go for next level distractions too like another animal of your neighbour, a ball, a family member to walk out the boundaries or any moving object that might cause your dog to go beyond the boundaries of the invisible fences. When he responded to stay within the boundaries upon receiving the correction static signal, then well and good but what if he does not? It might be time to set the correction static signal one level higher or you might want to go back to the leash training until your dog gets the boundaries of the invisible fences.

Since the pieces of training are stressful, let your dogs take their time and relax so make your pieces of training short for around ten to fifteen minutes only per session. It is better to make sure that your pets are already trained well than to speed up the training process just to realize that you have to start from scratch because your dogs were stressed with the speedy process of training with invisible fences.

You will find out if your dog is already used to the invisible fences one he is already comfortable playing within the said boundaries. This should make sure that there is no sign of distress or fear in walking within the boundaries of the invisible fences. This is the time that your dog could already be free from the leash and check if your dog would still stay within the boundaries even without the leash. You might want to let the flags stay or remove them for the better discipline of your dogs. 

How Do You Install an Invisible Dog Fence?

An invisible and wireless dog fence usually consists of an underground or a buried wire or system that detects where your dog is through the collar and sends the designated signal when it detects the dog has moved to pass its designated area. If we describe the whole process, it will take too much text. Wireless dog fence installation is the main factor that stops many dog owners from buying it. This is why I switched over the virtual fence solution that Halo 2 provides.

For mobile users or dog owners who do not have much time to replay videos. I will show you here how to install the invisible dog fence technology. You can just read this or better print this and highlight or encircle the text for easy reference.

Before we proceed, there are 2 types of invisible dog fence. These are wired and wireless. 

  • Wired: You will dig and bury the dog fence wire a bit underground on the area where you want your dog to stay. Depending on your lot shape, the good thing about wired fence is you can adapt the wire to the lot’s shape. You can also tape the wire to the fence if you want less effort but the wires might be unstable and might be removed by animals or strong winds. Wires might be caught by a running mower.
  • Wireless: No actual fence will be installed. You will just put transmitters on your lawn. Convenient but transmitters might get lost or might not work in the long run because of the strong winds. Not adaptable to the area you really wanted to set the pet containment.

Whether wired or not, here are the tips on how you install the invisible dog fence:

#1 Measure your backyard

How long do you want your wire to be? How vast or how small is your dog freedom area? Draw a blueprint or just simply draw out your dog location area on a paper and plot where to put the wires or the transmitters.

You may consider buying twisted wires for your dog to cross over some areas without receiving some dog collar stimulation.

#2 Choose a thick wire and get a power backup

No matter what brand of wire you buy, a lower gauge means thicker wire. As possible, get a professional quality or graded wire to make the dog security fence last longer and no additional time to dig and replace the wires again. Since you already know the measurements and basic perimeter of your outdoor dog playing area, you can estimate your wire being 1/3 acre = 500 ft. to 25 acres = 5000 ft. long. 

During power surges due to lightning storms or power outage, a surge protector is a must-have to make your dog invisible fence surely last longer, Power surges will damage your transmitters and the product itself.

UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) is not only for desktop computer power backup use but also for dog invisible fence too. Imagine when electricity’s out and your pooch is still outside, he might jump out and will not be back on time. Having UPS is a must to be able to secure and discipline your dog 24/7. 

#3 Bury the wire, test the dog collar and mark it

For wired invisible dog fence, dig the garden or trench using garden tools at least 3-5 inches deep, then bury the wire. Take note before burying the wire, test it using a strip test or any test kit coming with the product and test the product again after burying. If you do not have any test kit, get the dog collar and when you turn on the product, see if the collar blinks. If yes, it works. For better installation,  put the wires on a PVC pipe before burying it.

We would recommend watching this amazing video from “The Handyguys”, where they amazingly explained everything you need to know about wireless dog fence installation.

  • If you want to install the wire above the ground and on the fences, a thicker wire is needed to avoid electric shocks and burns. 
  • For concrete ground, clean the joints with tolls or screwdrivers to remove the debris. Put the wire and seal the wire by caulking. 
  • For driveways, a saw blade will make a good crack on the surface and you can install the wire there.
  • For wireless invisible dog fence, plant the transmitters on the ground or mount these to the walls. 
  • After installing the wires or transmitters, put flags, signs or any markers where these are located so you will not have a hard time checking the wires again.
  • Investing in a dog fence is a sure convenient way to watch and guard your dog while doing your other important tasks.

Best Wireless & Invisible Dog Fences In A Nutshell

  • Our personal pick: Petsafe Wireless Dog Fence System OR virtual fence solution provided by Halo 2
  • Best-reviewed invisible dog fence on Amazon: Extreme Dog Fence (2nd gen)
  • Best invisible dog fence for large & extra large dogs: PetControlHQ Wireless Combo Electric Dog Fence System
  • Best budget invisible dog fence: Motorola WIRELESSFENCE25

As responsible dog owners, we do not like our pets roaming around our neighbourhood without a leash.

While we understand our dog’s behaviour at home, they can be a pest for our neighbours who have opted not to have a dog.

They can leave their poop in somebody else’s yard or they get into a fight with other dogs which they can hurt or worst, they can hurt other dogs or human beings.

That is why most dog owners have a fence around their homes. Despite that, any serious dog owner has had an escaped pooch once or twice in their lives.

The good thing is, with the new technological developments, we now have the invisible electric fence for dogs.

14 Best Rated Invisible Fences For Dogs in 2022 Based On Consumer Ratings, Reports and Personal Experience

We have a list of the best invisible and wireless dog fences for 2022 in no particular order:

  1. SpotOn Dog Virtual Fence
  2. Halo Collar Virtual Fence
  3. PetSafe Wireless Dog Containment System
  4. Extreme Dog Fence (2 Generation 2020)
  5. FOCUSER Electric Wireless Dog Fence
  6. SportDOG Brand In-Ground Fence Systems
  7. PetControlHQ Wireless Combo Electric Dog Fence System with Remote Training Collar
  8. Sit Boo-Boo Hidden Dog Fence
  9. Realhunlee Wireless Electric Dog Fence System
  10. PetSafe Stubborn Dog In-Ground Dog Fence
  11. GoodBoy Electric In-Ground Dog Fence
  12. Extreme Electric Dog Fence (Max Grade)
  13. Havahart Wireless Radial Shaped Dog Fence System
  14. My Pet Command Wireless Underground Dog Fence System

But these are our favourites from the list:


Best Virtual Fence

Halo 2 Collar Virtual Fence

Best for stubborn dogs

PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Fence

Max Number of Dogs Contained

Number Or Reviews

Over 1000 review from dog owners

Top Pick


Max Number of Dogs Contained

Number Or Reviews

Over 1000 review from dog owners

Best Virtual Fence


Halo 2 Collar Virtual Fence


Max Number of Dogs Contained

Best for stubborn dogs


PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Fence


Max Number of Dogs Contained

Now here is a short review of eleven of 2022’s best wireless dog fence system below.

SpotOn Virtual Smart Fence


Spoton Invisible Dog Fence (Made In USA)



from ½ acre to a thousand acres

Max Number of Dogs Contained


Spoton Invisible Dog Fence (Made In USA)



from ½ acre to a thousand acres

Max Number of Dogs Contained

Another option is the SpotOn GPS Fence. We fully tested it. It is a little bit pricey as it costs $1,495 but it is definitely worth it.

One of the best features that it has is the installation, it is super easy; just walk in the perimeter to create the area of the fence. As it gives you up to 1500 fence posts that can cover from ½ acre to a thousand acres, it can take all kinds of shapes which you can also change even after the installation.

Furthermore, the collar is comfortable for your dog and it helps you track your dog’s position through GPS with more accuracy than Halo Collar, it is connected to four satellite navigation systems (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and Beidou) and patented True Location™ technology for a better tracking location.

Another good feature is the long-lasting battery life, it can last 18 continuous hours, but it also depends on the activity of your dog. In tracking mode the battery lasts 12 hours which is enough to find your dog but not to activate the function for the whole day, so use it just when you need to track your dog´s position, it is recommended that you charge the battery every night so you can use it all day. Check the latest price on SpotOn GPS fence here. They provide decent financing options as well.

Halo Collar With Custom Invisible Fence Feature


Dog Tracker Main Features

  • Smart fences
  • Limitless locations
  • Prevention tracking
  • Integrated with GPS and the Halo Collar’s automated internal logic


Dog Tracker Main Features

  • Smart fences
  • Limitless locations
  • Prevention tracking
  • Integrated with GPS and the Halo Collar’s automated internal logic

I would like to continue with the option, that I was using for over a year as a virtual fence. Halo collar is an extremely innovative device (we included it in the list of the best smart collars) where you can create an invisible and customizable virtual fence via the Halo App to set up the perimeters of the fences, that keeps your dog safe within the boundaries that you can easily set up which then prevents it from running away. I can not describe how convenient is it.

It also comes with a 21-day training program from dog expert trainer, Cesar Milan. It was really effective and easy to train my dogs within 21 day to properly understand the invisible fence boundaries and now I am able to use it anywhere!

It comes with even more feature every dog owner needs, I would highly recommend checking my huge review on Halo Collar.

Best Classic Wireless Fences For Dogs

Okay, if you are not into dog GPS fences, here’s a list of the best in-ground invisible fences. Luckily, I tested them all before new GPS fence technology came up.

PetSafe Wireless Dog Containment System


PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Fence for Stubborn Dogs


Max Number of Dogs Contained


PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Fence for Stubborn Dogs


Max Number of Dogs Contained

Next is the PetSafe Wireless Dog Containment System. This is more unique as compared to most in this list because it is an “above ground electric dog fence.” This means that unlike most of its companions here the main unit is above ground, it means, there are no digging and burying of wires to create the invisible dog fence. The PetSafe wireless dog fence is also priced more or less the same as the Extreme Dog Fence (check the current price here).

Main features of PetSafe Wireless Dog Containment System:

  • Static-free reentry;
  • Long-lasting battery;
  • You can extend/upgrade the current features.

What is also unique about the PetSafe Wireless Dog Fence is that it only delivers electric current to your pet when he goes out. If your dog is trained well, he will not fear coming back home. This is called the static-free reentry or what is just like an invisible fence dog door. This system is perfect when you are on vacation because it will remind your dog to stay within the invisible fence that you set up. It comes with a waterproof collar, a battery that can run up to more than two months in one go. It also ships with 50 training flags, a test light tool to know if your system is working properly, an option for a short or a long contact point for long and short-haired dogs, and a one year warranty. You can extend the zone where your dog can roam around with the PetSafe Wireless Dog Fence by adding more base units. For owners of the Stay and Play Wireless Fence Kit (PIF00-12917) and Transmitter (PIF00-13210), Stay and Play Wireless Fence for Stubborn Dogs Kit (PIF00-13663), Free to Roam Wireless Fence Kit (PIF00-15001) and Transmitter (PIF00-15348), and the Wireless Dog Containment System Transmitter (IF-100) this system is fully compatible. You can check the manual that comes with the invisible fence dog collar to see compatibility. Check the current price on Amazon.

Extreme Dog Fence (2nd Generation 2020)


Extreme Invisible Dog Fence (Made In USA)



5-15 acres depending on the model

Max Number of Dogs Contained


Extreme Invisible Dog Fence (Made In USA)



5-15 acres depending on the model

Max Number of Dogs Contained

Next on our list of the best invisible dog fences is the Extreme Dog Fence, particularly the 2nd generation 2020 edition. It comes in the standard package which has all the essentials for your basic invisible dog fence. It is a bit on the pricey end (check the current price here) but the Extreme Dog Fence 2nd Generation at more or less $300 dollars and can accommodate 1 to 5 dogs at once. It comes at a standard 500 feet grade fence which can be upgraded to 2500 feet.

Main features of Extreme Wireless Dog Fence:

  • Can be from 500 to 2500 feet grade fence;
  • Waterproofed;
  • 25-acre capacity.

What is different about the 2nd Generation of the Extreme Dog Fence is that it has the upgraded electronics that are designed for compatibility with the new collar options. It is waterproof, completely submersible in water.

Check that again, the Extreme Dog Fence 2nd Generation is not just “water-resistant,” it is “waterproof.” If you do not believe the hype on that one, is invisible fence system is willing to put their money on the 2nd Generation iteration of their product by giving it a 2-year warranty for the wires and 1-year warranty on the new electronics. The regular fence jacket that comes with the Extreme Dog Fence 2nd Generation is made of 20 gauge, high tensile boundary wire with an added layer of the protective jacket. The standard set is shipped with a digital transmitter which has a 25 acre capacity along with that juicy and heavy-duty gauge wire, 1 waterproof collar receiver, 2500 feet of 20 AWG Extreme Dog Fence boundary wire, 250 units of training flags, two sets of contact points-one for medium comfort and one for large steel, one set of rubber contact covers, two professional splicing kits and a set of batteries for the collar receiver.

SportDOG Brand In-Ground Fence System


SportDOG In-Ground Invisible Fence System For Dogs



1 1/3 acres of land for one dog; can be expanded to cover 100 acres with more wire and flags (sdf-wf)

Max Number of Dogs Contained


SportDOG In-Ground Invisible Fence System For Dogs



1 1/3 acres of land for one dog; can be expanded to cover 100 acres with more wire and flags (sdf-wf)

Max Number of Dogs Contained

The full SportDOG Brand In-Ground  is one of the most popular electric fence systems. It is not just in the “pricey” range, it is double the average wireless and invisible dog fence systems featured here at more than $400 dollars for the whole containment and remote training system. You can get the containment system and the rechargeable collar separately for around $300 dollars. The SportDOG Brand In-Ground electric dog fence is one of the easiest to deploy deployed on this list, and the basic package can cover more than an acre of land for one dog. With added flags and extended wires, you can increase this to more than 100 acres and can accommodate an unlimited number of dogs, if you add more collars.

The SportDOG Brand In-Ground Fence Systems has three settings for its collar.

  1. One is the tone-setting, where the collar gives a beep.
  2. Second is the vibration or vibrates mode, where the collar buzz and shakes to warn your dogs.
  3. Lastly, there is the four static stimulation levels which you can pick depending on the size of your dogs, the thickness of their fur, and their level of responsiveness

The collars are waterproof and have a remote trainer option. In my opinion, and based on user comments, this is probably one of the more versatile wireless and invisible systems out in the market today. Most users I know use this on large farms and ranches. It is perfect for large areas and has a built-in lightning protector, with a huge battery capacity that can last up to six months to even a year. Thanks to its anti-linger feature which prevents your dogs from draining in the battery by standing on or near the power zone undisturbed by the sounds or the buzzing vibrators. Read our full review on SportDOG In-Ground Dog Fence System.

Focuser Electric Wireless Dog Fence System

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Focuser Electric Wireless Dog Fence System is one of the dog fencing collars with many positive reviews on Amazon. Thus, II didn’t think twice to buy and test this device. I would claim it as the best budgeted invisible fence for dogs.

The main features of the Focuser Electric Wireless Dog Fence System are:

  • It has adjustable boundary levels of 1 to16 and distance coverage of a 25 to a 300-meter radius.
  • The advanced receiver collar has a rechargeable high capacity built-in battery.
  • It has an IP67 water-resistant collar receiver.
  • It also has a built-in safety chip prevents your dog from being overcorrected.

The Focuser receiver collar is suitable for dogs of all sizes. It is ideal for dogs from 10 to 110 pounds, with a collar length ranging from 8 to 21 inches. If you have a dog like mine who likes playing with water, particularly in the rain, you should not worry about the collar getting wet since it is made to be waterproof.

This device was quite simple to set up by simply following the instructions in the user handbook. I activated the receiver and measured the perimeter while wearing a collar and listening for beeps. My dog did well with voice commands and it didn’t take him long to figure out the boundaries.

PetControlHQ Wireless Combo Electric Dog Fence System with Remote Training Collar


Pet Control HQ Dog Wireless Fence


Max Number of Dogs Contained


Pet Control HQ Dog Wireless Fence


Max Number of Dogs Contained

Price-wise, the PetControlHQ Wireless Combo Electric Dog Fence System is very competitive with the other brands here coming in at more than $200 dollars and it comes with two collars and a remote.

Main features of PetControlHQ Wireless Dog Fence:

  • customizable electronic invisible dog fence;
  • designed for medium to large and extra-large dogs;
  • rated IPX.

It has a customizable electronic invisible dog fence that you can keep above or below ground depending on your preference. Initially, it can only cover about a hundred yards, but it can be expandable to more than 10 acres depending on your preference. The training collar can accommodate medium to large and extra-large dogs and waterproof. It is even rated IPX7 which means it can be taken swimming by even the more active, curious, and mischievous dogs.

The PetControlHQ Dog Fence System has three levels of automatic static correction, and the training remote collar has 10 levels of vibration and correction. Along with the collar and remote trainer, the PetControlHQ Wireless Combo Electric Dog Fence System also ships with the one wall-mounted transmitter, 4 different sizes of contact points depending on your dog’s needs, 1 spanner, 2 test lights, 50 training flags, two rechargeable and waterproof receivers, 2 adjustable dog collars, one black and one in emergency orange, two boundary wire connectors and a very thorough step-by-step dog and owner training guide.

The setup for the PetControlHQ Wireless Dog Fence System is so unique and easy to use that you can customize the zoning and the fencing for your homes and your farms, or where you want to deploy it. I know someone who even fenced out his garden beds to make sure the dogs do not get to them in their excitement. Basically, it is a custom shape wireless dog fence.

Sit Boo-Boo Hidden Dog Fence


Sit Boo-Boo Hidden Wireless Dog Fence


Max Number of Dogs Contained


Sit Boo-Boo Hidden Wireless Dog Fence


Max Number of Dogs Contained

The Sit Boo-Boo Hidden Dog Fence is one of the cheapest in this list. It is priced modestly at around $100 dollars with an extra receiver coming in at about more or less 60 dollars.

The Sit Boo-Boo Invisible Dog Fence main features:

  • you can install it in- or above the ground;
  • ships out with 955 feet copper wire;
  • lifetime replacement warranty.

It can be installed as an in the ground or an above the ground system depending on your preference. I know someone who prefers the above-ground system with the sight of the wires and the system as an added reminded to the dogs about their designated playing and roaming area and where it is safe for them to go. The new systems recently received an upgrade by having additional boundary wires that are made of pure copper. This is a great improvement in terms of the performance and output of the transmitter used by the Sit Boo-Boo Hidden Dog Fence.

The newer system available in the market now has also an extended rechargeable battery life. The unit ships out with 955 feet of the pure and upgraded copper wire, this is more than enough to cover at least an acre. According to the manufacturer, if you buy an additional wire, the system can serve up to more than 500 acres. Despite it being cheap, the makers are pretty sold out on the system that they placed a lifetime replacement warranty on the Sit Boo-Boo Hidden Dog Fence. For North American users they are proudly American made and their hotlines are easy to contact and get in touch with.

Realhunlee Wireless Electric Dog Fence System

Now personally, I am on the wire with this particular model. The Realhunlee Wireless Electric Dog Fence System is a real wireless system because it does not need the buried wires for detection.

Realhunlee Wireless Electric Dog Fence System main features:

  • min. 20-meter range;
  • four bark stoppers;
  • compatible price.

While it is reportedly great in small homes, RVs, and small yards, I have yet to see a good review about it in big locations. It can be used as an indoor invisible fence for dogs or a mobile invisible dog fence. It relies on wireless signals so that could be a clue.

There are just too many factors to consider when talking about wireless technology. The number of walls, wireless signals, obstruction, even the air, and the humidity can affect the performance. It has a minimum 20-meter range and around 500 meters as a maximum. It has two settings for its static delivery, a progressive tone stimuli where the Realhunlee Wireless Electric Dog Fence System first delivers a warning tone followed by a static charge delivery when the dog moves forward or you can pick the pulsed proportional stimuli where the static charge gets more intense as the comes closer to the boundary. It ships out with a transmitter, one receiver, one strap, a power cord for charging, volt testers, four bark stoppers, and screws and rubber stoppers. I may be on the fence over the Realhunlee Wireless Electric Dog Fence System, but there are a lot of users that I have come across and they swear by it. My old head might just be uncomfortable with a pure wireless dog fence system just yet, but that is just me at $100 dollars per system and promising and delivering on its value, who am I to argue with happy and contented customers right? I think it is best used as a portable invisible dog fence for camping.

PetSafe Stubborn Dog In-Ground Dog Fence

The PetSafe Stubborn Dog In-Ground Dog Fence is different from the PetSafe Wireless Dog Containment System that was earlier featured here. While the other one was a great and effective invisible and wireless dog fence, this particular model as the name suggests, is for the even more stubborn, larger, and hard to train dogs.

The PetSafe Stubborn Dog In-Ground Dog Fence main features:

  • extra adjustable level;
  • static-free reentry feature;
  • compatible with dog kits.

The reason for that is that the PetSafe Stubborn Dog In-Ground System has an extra adjustable level in addition to the standard three. It also has the standard tone and vibration setting for early setup and training. Just like the PetSafe Wireless Dog Fence this one also has the static-free reentry feature or sort of an invisible fence dog door. It comes with a bigger and wider waterproof collar, the same 9-volt battery. It is basically the same kit built for a bigger and more stubborn dog. It features the same training flags, test light tools, short and long contact points, and a one year warranty. It is also fully compatible with the Stay and Play Wireless Fence Kit (PIF00-12917) and Transmitter (PIF00-13210), Stay and Play Wireless Fence for Stubborn Dogs Kit (PIF00-13663), Free to Roam Wireless Fence Kit (PIF00-15001) and Transmitter (PIF00-15348), and the Wireless Pet Containment System Transmitter (IF-100). You can also include the YardMax and UltraSmart from PetSafe to further increase the capability of the same to add more range and more dogs in the system.

GoodBoy Electric In-Ground Dog Fence

The GoodBoy Electric In-Ground Dog Fence is one of the best and top-rated dog fences online right now. Go to Amazon or any other retail site online, and you will see great reviews for the product. If you do that, you would also see that most of the comments suggest that the GoodBoy Electric In-Ground Dog Fence is best for medium to bigger dogs.

The GoodBoy Electric In-Ground Dog Fence Main Features:

  • designed for medium to bigger dogs
  • easy to install
  • 650-feet range

Other than that you would find that it is mostly sold out. This would mainly be because of how reliable the GoodBoy Electric In-Ground Dog Fence is. It is easy to install, rugged and waterproof, and just effortless. It does come with a very short wire of about 650 feet, which is good for just a couple of acres. What can I say, the GoodBoy Electric In-Ground Dog Fence is great for middle size yards or small homes with big dogs.

Extreme Electric Dog Fence (Max Grade)

If the GoodBoy Electric In-Ground Dog Fence was a compact and reliable dog fence, the Extreme Dog Fence Max Grade System is the opposite. Imagine having the words “Max Grade” and “Ultimate Performance Electric Dog Fence System” in your marketing message? You should pack a mean punch if you even considered naming something like that.

Extreme Dog Fence Max Grade System main features:

  • up to 4 acres;
  • waterproof and submersible;
  • hold as much as five dogs in one system.

The price alone packs a guttural punch of around $500 dollars and that does not even include shipping. This is not an invisible fence for small dogs. It comes in kits of a third of an acre, one acre, two acres, and four acres but it can be expanded with the Max Grade Kit to more than 25 acres. Buried or left underground the makers guarantees that the system will last for more than 25 years. That is insane if you ask me. It is waterproof and submersible by as much as 10 feet. It ships out with a 14 gauge – plus 60 mil wire, 16 gauge twisted wire, a digital transmitter, collar receivers with batter, surge protector, training flags, splice kits, and staples. The Extreme Dog Fence System Max Grade also has a 10-year warranty on the electronics and a lifetime warranty on the actual Extreme Dog Fence System. That is how confident they are on the product. The Extreme Dog Fence System can also hold as much as five dogs in one system. It has its lesser brothers the Extreme Dog Fence Pro-Grade kits and Standard Grade kits. But why even consider them if you can have the Extreme Dog Fence System Max Grade.

Havahart Wireless Radial Shaped Dog Fence System

Another heavy hitter in my opinion included in this list is the Havahart Wireless Radial Shaped Dog Fence System. For one, right off the bat, it claims to be “The Most Advanced Circular-Shaped Wireless Dog Fence” in the market today.

Havahart Wireless Radial Shaped Dog Fence System main features:

  • coverage by up to 11 acres;
  • instant GPS wireless dog fence;
  • includes a wireless collar.

That is not some easy promise to keep, which is a pretty tall order in the stack world of wireless and invisible dog fence systems. But the Havahart Wireless Radial Shaped Dog Fence System is not one to shy away from a challenge and it has delivered. First of all, for such a small unit I was surprised that it can extend its coverage by up to 11 acres. It is truly wireless because it relies on signals as opposed to buried wires.

The Havahart Wireless Radial Shaped Dog Fence System has what its manufacturers call the nanoLOC TRX 2.4 GHz transceiver chipsets that send and receive radio transmissions from their antennas. It is the same as other lesser-known brands and lesser performing products out in the market but Havahart was able to modify the chipsets with modular signal amplification, strategic distortion filtering, and complex algorithms. According to the maker this strengthened signal propagation, improved noise filtering and made communication between the collar and the controller better. These upgrades make it an instant GPS wireless dog fence. Havahart wireless fence for big dogs also put in a tone only setting where it gives your dog a warning whenever it gets close to the invisible fence. It also has five static correction levels that you can adjust depending on your dog’s response. Battery size is a bit small though coming only at 1 to 3 days. It is shipped with a 10-foot AC adapter power cord, removable wall-mount adhesive strips, screws, wall anchors, the Havahart Wireless Collar (long probes installed with a backup short probe), two rechargeable batteries, the battery chargers, heart-shaped collar tester, 75 training flags plus a great instructional DVD, instruction manual, and a quick guide to help you set up.

My Pet Command Wireless Underground Dog Fence System

My Pet Command Wireless Underground Fence System is another dog fence system that I tested. It is an effective subterranean fence containment option for our pooch. The collars fit dogs weighing 5 to 70 kg with neck diameters ranging from 121 to 68 cm.

The main features of My Pet Command Wireless Underground Fence System are:

  • You can customize the containment area depending on your land size.
  • You can add more collars (sold separately); up to three collars may be attached to a single remote for manual training, and an infinite number of collars can be utilized in fence mode.
  • The collar is wireless and also waterproof IP7.

My Pet Command Wireless Underground Fence System has dual functionality of a dog training system and a dog fence. The fence works by sending automated wireless signals to the collars and the manual control hand-held remote when the dog approaches the wire barrier. 

The package comes with 492 feet of high-quality polyolefin fence cable, which was plenty enough for my use. The cable is quite flexible and works great for creating bespoke borders. 

The collar and remote control are rechargeables; my collar lasts approximately two days in training mode and about a week in fence mode before needing to be recharged. The remote has a battery that lasts more than a week before needing to be recharged and is quite simple to use.

Our “Invisible Dog Fence” Pick

When picking the best invisible dog fence, I have considered the following factors:

  • range;
  • battery lifetime;
  • price;
  • technology;
  • flexibility;
  • user reviews;
  • extra features.

My #1 recommendation would be a SpotOn Collar but if you are looking for the “classic” invisible dog fence… Without a doubt, I picked PetSafe invisible fence for dogs! It has a huge range (more than 10 acres!), using the latest technologies, the battery capacity lasts up to six months to even a year and it has great reviews and reasonably priced. Check the current price here.

Should You Get An Invisible Dog Fence?

At the end of the day, it will be up to you as a dog owner to look and see what is best for you. I have been using my invisible and wireless dog fence for years now and I and my pack have learned to adjust to it and it’s now a normal part of the family. You, on the other hand, might pick a traditional fence, a wireless, true-wireless, or an invisible one you are the head of your pack, you know better than we do. But just in case you need a reference here’s our review.

If you click this link and make a purchase, we earn a commission at no additional cost to you.  2022-11-30

Can you use 2 PetSafe wireless fence together?

You can increase the coverage of your pet's wireless fence by overlapping the ranges of 2 transmitters. Overlapping the ranges of 2 transmitters creates one continuous area for your pet. You can even combine different models of PetSafe® wireless transmitters.

How big of an area can a wireless dog fence cover?

PetSafe Wireless Pet Fence Pet Containment System, Covers up to 1/2 Acre, for Dogs Over 8 lb, Waterproof Receiver with Tone/Static Correction - from The Parent Company of Invisible Fence Brand. Amazon's Choice highlights highly rated, well-priced products available to ship immediately.

What is the best wireless dog fence out there?

Our Top 7 Picks for the Best Wireless Dog Fences.
Halo 2+ with Cesar Millan Wireless Dog Fence. ... .
SpotOn Virtual Fence. ... .
PetSafe Stay and Play Wireless Pet Fence for Stubborn Dogs. ... .
PetSafe Free To Roam Wireless Pet Containment System. ... .
Pet Control HQ Wireless Pet Containment System. ... .
SportDOG Brand In-Ground Fence Systems..

Are wireless dog fences worth it?

Many people think an invisible underground wireless electric fence is the best way to keep their dog in their yard. However, they are simply not as effective as you might think. Statistics suggest that invisible wireless electric fences are only about 70% effective.


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