Why does my iphone screen keep dimming with auto brightness off iphone 12

iPhone users often complain about the screen dimming automatically. Usually, there are good reasons for it, like the auto-brightness, True Tone, Night Shift, and battery-saving features. However, there can be serious hardware issues causing the iPhone screen to dim, too, like overheating.

In this guide, we’ll look at all the reasons your iPhone screen might dim, how you can disable features to stop it, and whether it’s worth making those changes. Let’s get started.

1. Auto-Brightness

The auto-brightness feature is most likely the reason why your iPhone’s screen is dimming automatically. This feature adjusts the screen brightness according to your surrounding light conditions. This adjustment happens with the help of the ambient light sensor installed near the iPhone’s front-facing camera.

When you’re outside, the screen becomes brighter. But when you’re in the dark, the screen dims to save power and avoid eye strain.

The Auto-Brightness is enabled by default, but you can disable it. To do this, go to Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size, scroll to the bottom, and turn off Auto-Brightness.

2. True Tone

Your surrounding’s light also affects the colors. For instance, in warm lights, colors appear more yellow. To fight this and ensure all-time color accuracy, Apple added the True Tone feature to the iPhone, which adjusts screen colors according to your surrounding lights using sensors.

Though an excellent feature that is enabled by default, it can make your screen appear dim (or less saturated) in certain lighting. Turning it off might solve your auto-dimming problem. To do this, go to Settings > Brightness & Display and turn off True Tone.

3. Night Shift

Apple also includes a Night Shift feature on iPhones, iPads, and Macs to reduce the blue light entering your eyes at nighttime. The feature basically adds an overlay to your display, that makes it appear warmer.

Night Shift can make the screen appear dim as well. And since it is usually scheduled to automatically come on after sunset, the screen dimming effect can seem automatic. You can avoid this by either keeping Night Shift on at all times or by turning it off completely from Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift.

4. Auto-Lock

The Auto-Lock feature can be a probable cause of your iPhone’s randomly dimming screen. It’s designed to lock your iPhone automatically after a set period of inactivity—like 30 seconds—to prevent other people from accessing it.

So, when only a few seconds of inactivity are remaining, the screen will dim (indicating that the phone is about to lock itself). And, once the full period is over, the iPhone will lock itself. If your set duration is too short, your screen would be dimming often—which can be random.

Go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Auto-Lock to change the duration.

5. Dark Mode

This feature darkens many of the brightly colored menus, controls, and backgrounds on your iPhone, by changing the background color palette to black and dark gray. Although Dark Mode doesn’t affect the iPhone’s brightness, it can make it appear dimmer.

You can try turning it off from Settings > Display & Brightness. Alternatively, you can also schedule it for nighttime, along with the Night Shift feature. This will help you keep your screen bright and vibrant throughout the day, while intentionally darkening it during the night.

6. Attention Aware

In 2017, with the iPhone X, Apple launched the TrueDepth camera, which is used for Face ID. This sensor is also used for the Attention Aware feature, which dims the screen if you’re not looking at it.

The Auto-Lock and Attention Aware features work together. If you’ve set your Auto-Lock to one minute, the iPhone will lock itself when it hasn’t had your attention for that time. But if you look at the screen, even if you haven’t touched it, Attention Aware will mean your iPhone won’t lock itself even after the set period has passed.

Therefore, if the feature is turned off, it can cause the screen to dim randomly, even when you’re looking at it as the iPhone prepares to lock itself. You can turn it on by going to Settings > Face ID & Passcode > Attention Aware Features. This will likely fix the problem of your randomly dimming iPhone screen.

7. Low Power Mode

The iPhone’s Low Power Mode is a setting that reduces background activity to save power and make your phone last longer. This feature affects everything from email fetching to visual effects, like the Auto-Lock feature and screen brightness. Hence, this can be another reason why your iPhone is dimming randomly.

To turn this feature off, go to Settings > Battery and toggle Low Power Mode. Check out our iPhone Low Power Mode guide to learn more.

8. Overheating

Overheating is when your iPhone shows a black screen saying that the “iPhone needs to cool down before you can use it,” because its temperature has exceeded the safe range. Following this message, the iPhone takes measures to reduce its temperature, like using less battery and RAM. This can lead to automatic screen dimming and an overall slower iPhone.

For more information, check out our iPhone overheating guide, where we’ve covered reasons why the phone gets hot and how you can fix it.

9. Reduce White Point

The Reduce White Point feature sits quietly in Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size, and it is disabled by default. This feature is designed to reduce the intensity of the colors on your screen. It can cause your screen to appear dim, if enabled.

If you have turned it on, try disabling it to see if your iPhone’s colors and brightness improve.

However, the Reduce White Point doesn’t activate unless it’s enabled, which means it may not be causing the random dimming effect.

10. Hardware Problems

On Apple Discussions, many users complained that they tried everything, but their iPhone’s screen still dims randomly. If these settings above didn’t help you either, your iPhone likely has some hardware issues. As a final resort, you can try:

  • Restarting your iPhone, which might reset some features and fix the problem
  • Doing a full iPhone factory reset.

If these didn’t work out either, you should approach Apple Support or a third-party technician to look for and repair hardware issues with your iPhone.

Protect Your Eyes From the iPhone

Apple has installed features for the best visual experience for you. However, these could be causing random dimming effects, which can be annoying. Try toggling these features on and off, and you’ll likely fix the issue you’re facing.

But, again, these features are there to protect your eyes and your iPhone. It is recommended to keep them enabled, especially if you have vision problems. To aid visually impaired users, Apple has introduced many other accessibility features too.

Why does my iPhone 12 screen keep dimming with auto brightness off?

Navigate to Settings, select Display & Brightness, tap True Tone, and toggle off this option. Then, go back to Settings, select Accessibility, go to Display & Text Size and disable Auto-Brightness. If the issue persists, try turning off Low Power Mode and check the results. You may want to disable Night Shift as well.

Why does my iPhone randomly get darker when auto brightness is off?

True Tone automatically adapts the color of your iPhone's display based on the lighting conditions surrounding you. It's possible that such a color adaptation is making it appear as though your iPhone display is getting dimmer. Open Settings and tap Display & Brightness. Make sure the switch next to True Tone is off.

Why does my iPhone change brightness when auto brightness is off?

Why does my iPhone screen go dim even when the auto brightness is off? If brightness is set to 100% and auto dim turned off yet the screen still dims, this is due to a software feature preventing the phone from overheating.

How do I stop my brightness from going down iPhone 12?

iPhone adjusts the screen brightness for current light conditions using the built-in ambient light sensor. Go to Settings > Accessibility. Tap Display & Text Size, then turn on Auto-Brightness.