When do gums stop bleeding after wisdom tooth extraction

Here is a topic that is relevant for extractions, especially upper (maxillary) wisdom teeth.

Bleeding is normal after a tooth extraction. However it should stop later that day. A non-wisdom tooth will typically ooze blood for under an hour, then form a clot. An upper wisdom tooth may ooze blood for several hours, even into the evening. However, it is important to understand that gauze will frequently have blood on it even though the bleeding has stopped. This is because the gauze picks up blood from the blood clot.

There are several key steps to facilitating clot formation:

1. Apply firm (slightly uncomfortable) pressure with gauze. The gauze must be directly over/under the extraction site. Pressure should be applied for 15 minutes continuously. The gauze must be the proper size to apply pressure (not too small), while enabling the mouth to be closed most of the way so the jaw doesn’t get fatigued (not too big).

2. “Bleeding has stopped” doesn’t mean there is no more blood in the mouth or saliva. It is normal to have some blood in saliva for a few days after an extraction. The key is blood is not welling up or dripping and making it difficult to talk, eat, breathe. Often the gauze will be somewhat pink but not deeply red and saturated. If it is somewhat pink this indicates bleeding is well controlled.

3. Maintain the blood clot. Once a clot has formed it is important to not disrupt it. This is accomplished by avoiding vigorous rinsing, sucking through a straw, or spitting. If bleeding resumes you can apply pressure again and the clot will re-form.

4. Black tea bag. Dipping a black tea bag in cold water, rolling it in a gauze or paper towel, and applying over an extraction socket can facilitate clot formation due to the tannin in tea.

5. If you run out of gauze you may use a paper towel cut to appropriate size.

If after trying these things you are still concerned about post extraction bleeding you should contact your doctor. If your doctor isn’t available or if you develop symptoms of lightheadedness, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, or other concerning symptoms, you should go to the Emergency Department.

This blog topic is meant to be a source for educational material on bleeding after a dental extraction. It is not intended to be clinical advice. Real clinical scenarios require doctor-patient discussion, exam, and assessment.

When do gums stop bleeding after wisdom tooth extraction

How to care for a tooth extraction

After undergoing a tooth extraction, it is important to follow the proper aftercare procedures for at least 24 hours after having your tooth pulled. If your tooth extraction won’t stop bleeding, contact us immediately so we can determine the best action to take to alleviate the issue. While this page contains helpful and common aftercare guidelines to follow after having a tooth extraction, your situation could be a special circumstance. This is why it is crucial to discuss your aftercare plan with Stonebridge Dental so we can provide you with personalized care.

  • Stop a tooth extraction from bleeding
    • Control the Bleeding with a gauze.
      • Place a piece of clean damp gauze on top of the tooth socket.
      • Roll it up or fold it into a square. This will be the part that rests on top of your wound so this is important.
      • Bite firmly on the gauze for 45 – 60 minutes.
      • Ensure the gauze is always positioned well and large enough that it applies pressure directly onto the site of the tooth extraction.
    • One of the main components of tea is tannic acid which aids in the forming of blood clots, thus making tea bags an effective technique to stop bleeding.
      • Follow the same instructions as you would with the gauze noted above.
  • Ensure that a blood clot forms and stays within the tooth socket
    • Blood clots that form within the empty socket are an important factor within the healing process. You should be careful not to do anything to disrupt its formation.
    • There are many steps to take to protect the developing blood clot within the first 24 hours after a tooth extraction.
      • Avoid vigorous rinsing or spitting
      • Stay away from hot liquids
      • Minimize the air pressure differences. Avoid creating pressure within your mouth or sinuses as these may dislodge the actual blood clot from the socket. This means you should avoid smoking or using a straw as these cause suction. Avoid blowing your nose and sneeze with your mouth open. Avoid playing wind instruments for a few days to ease up on the sensitivity.
  • Minimize activities that make it difficult to control bleeding
    • Avoid difficult work or strenuous exercise. You should avoid bending or lifting heavy objects altogether. You should try taking it easy for at least 1-2 days after the tooth extraction.
    • When you are resting or sleeping, try to lie down so that your head is above your heart. This will lower your blood pressure and help control bleeding.
  • Be prepared for swelling
    • When your tooth is extracted, your tissues undergo some trauma and will swell and cause sensitivity. The amount of swelling that occurs could be slight or very large.
  • Avoid smoking
    • Smokers will experience more complications with a tooth extraction including increased bleeding. Avoid smoking for at least 48 hours after having the tooth pulled out.
  • Eating
    • After a tooth extraction, eat only soft or liquid form foods for at least the first 24 hours following the surgery.
    • Do not vigorously chew anything.
    • Avoid hard or crunchy foods that can further traumatize the extraction site and cause further bleeding.
    • Do not consume hot liquids as they will dissolve the blood clot.

If you are experiencing high levels of pain, contact us immediately so we can prescribe you some medications for your tooth extraction.