What goes well with beans and rice

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Red beans and rice is a staple for southern comfort food. If you are thinking about serving up a bowl of this classic dish, you might wonder, what to serve as a side dish.

Nothing says down-home more than a piping hot bowl of red beans and rice. Known for its rich flavor and thick texture, this dish is sure to keep you coming back for more.

Paired with the right side your red beans and rice will go from a simple dish to a well-balanced meal that is also yummy.

What goes well with beans and rice


  • 1 17 Side Dishes to Serve With Red Beans and Rice
    • 1.1 1. Corn Bread
    • 1.2 2. Pot Roast
    • 1.3 3. Collard Green
    • 1.4 4. Fried Chicken
    • 1.5 5. Mashed Potatoes
    • 1.6 6. Kielbasa sausage
    • 1.7 7. Pork Chops
    • 1.8 8. Steak
    • 1.9 9. Cajun Shrimp
    • 1.10 10. Yams
    • 1.11 11. Garlic Bread
    • 1.12 12. Potato Salad
    • 1.13 13. Fish
    • 1.14 14. Fried Green Tomatoes
    • 1.15 15. Biscuits
    • 1.16 16. Pulled Pork
    • 1.17 17. Ribs
  • 2 Wrap Up
  • 3 What To Serve With Red Beans and Rice
    • 3.1 Ingredients
    • 3.2 Instructions

17 Side Dishes to Serve With Red Beans and Rice

1. Corn Bread

The moist texture and semi-sweet taste of cornbread make this a go-to side dish to pair with your beans and rice.

Cornbread is easy to make, all you need are eggs, cornmeal, butter, milk, sugar, and flour. Remember to preheat your cast iron pan for even cooking.

2. Pot Roast

Thick and juicy, pot roast makes the right choice as a side if you are looking to add some beef to your meal.

I like to make my pot roast in the oven versus the slow cooker. The oven takes much less time and the meat is still as tender.

3. Collard Green

Looking for a green vegetable that is good to eat and good for you? Then serve up a side of collard greens.

To spice up my collard greens, I like to cook them with a turkey neck bone or a turkey leg. Ham hocks can also be used.

4. Fried Chicken

There’s nothing like a crispy piece of fried chicken to go alongside your red beans and rice for a classic meal that tastes great.

I like to fry my chicken in a deep fryer, that way it’s not as messy and the cleanup is a breeze. Also, I don’t worry about grease popping in my face.

5. Mashed Potatoes

The red beans and mashed potatoes have a rich creamy texture and strong taste, making them a winning combination.

I like to load my mashed potatoes with a lot of cheese. To cut down on fat, I use fat-free milk and cheese.

6. Kielbasa sausage

A strong spicy taste makes kielbasa sausage a high-ranking side dish. This sausage is a must-have if you are looking for strong flavors.

I like to cut my kielbasa sausage into small slices and cook them in with my beans. This spices up the beans and makes them not taste so earthy.

7. Pork Chops

Serving up a thick and tender pork chop is a sure way to get your family to clean their plate. The delicious meat is a great match for the hearty beans.

I prefer to fry my pork chops on the stove instead of baking them in the oven. Frying the chops gives them a crispy outer layer.

8. Steak

You can never have enough meat when serving red beans and rice, which is why steak makes the ultimate mate for this dish.

When I make my steak, I like to bake them in the oven. I cover them in mushrooms and onion and then wrap the meat in foil before baking.

9. Cajun Shrimp

If you are like me and you love spicy food, then Cajun shrimp is the perfect side to go with your red beans and rice.

Cajun shrimp seems complicated, but it’s simple. All you need is some thyme, salt, nutmeg, paprika, garlic salt, and cayenne pepper.

10. Yams

Yams are a classic soul food dish that pairs well with red beans and rice because of their soft texture and sweet taste.

There are a lot of ways to cook yams. I like to peel and cut them up, and then boil for thirty minutes before baking in the oven.

11. Garlic Bread

A thick slice of crusty garlic bread is all you need to complete your red beans and rice meal. The dry bread pairs well with the mushy beans.

If you do not have any garlic bread on hand, you can make your own. Just butter a slice of bread, top it with cheese, and bake.

12. Potato Salad

This cold side is the perfect dish to contrast the hot red beans and rice. The creamy salad compliments the creamy beans well.

Store-bought potato salad tastes best, but when I want to add an authentic touch to my salad, I make my own.

13. Fish

Seafood tastes great with red beans and rice because of its strong flavor, and fish is the ultimate seafood match for this southern delight.

It doesn’t matter how you cook your fish it will taste great no matter what. I, however, prefer fried fish with my beans and rice.

14. Fried Green Tomatoes

Fried green tomatoes and red beans and rice are a southern classic pair worth talking about. The crispy tomatoes are a true delight next to your beans.

Fried green tomatoes are easy to make. Just dip the tomatoes in an egg batter and then in flour. Once that is done just pop them in the pan.

15. Biscuits

Light fluffy biscuits and red beans and rice are a winning team. The soft biscuits absorb the creaminess of the beans well.

Biscuits from a can are just as good as homemade, so when I am pressed for time, I use store-bought biscuits.

16. Pulled Pork

The succulent taste of the semi-sweet pulled pork makes this side a perfect match for your red beans and rice.

I like to baste my pulled pork in barbeque sauce. The tangy sauce adds a lot of spice and flavor to the meat.

17. Ribs

This soft and tender meat is a must-have next to your red beans and rice. The juicy meat completes your red beans and rice for a balanced meal.

Ribs can be a little tricky to perfect. The trick is to boil them for thirty minutes and then place them in the oven on low heat for two hours.

Wrap Up

Here are 17 side dishes that are sure to wow your family and impress your dinner guests. These 17 side dishes take your red beans and rice to the next level.

If you enjoy red beans and rice and want to share your thoughts, or suggestions, about this southern classic leave a comment below.

What goes well with beans and rice


  • Corn Bread
  • Pot Roast
  • Collard Green
  • Fried Chicken
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Kielbasa sausage
  • Pork Chops
  • Steak
  • Cajun Shrimp
  • Yams
  • Garlic Bread
  • Potato Salad
  • Fish
  • Fried Green Tomatoes
  • Biscuits
  • Pulled Pork
  • Ribs


  1. Select your favorite recipe from the list above.
  2. Organize all the required ingredients.
  3. Prepare and enjoy in 30 minutes or less!

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What does beans and rice go with?

This dish is also commonly served with sides of stewed chicken, pork, beef, potato salad, boiled potatoes, and many other sides from many different cultures. In many areas, beans and rice are often served side by side rather than combined.

What meat goes well with rice and beans?

10 Meats that Go Well with Black Beans and Rice.
Beef. One of the most popular meats to use in a black bean and rice dish is beef. ... .
Pork. ... .
Bacon. ... .
Chicken. ... .
Sausage Links. ... .
Turkey. ... .
Steak. ... .
Lamb chops..

What is a good side dish for black beans and rice?

Garlic or Crusty French Bread To serve up black beans and rice as a main meal, add some crusty French or garlic bread cut in to manageable sized pieces alongside the dish to enhance the flavor, dip in the sauce and help cut down on some of the spice and heat infused in the rice and beans.

What sides are good with beans?

sides to serve with baked beans.
Fresh salads..
Vegetables (roasted, grilled, or steamed).
Fruit salad..
Garlic Toast..
Jello salad..
French fries..