What does it feel like when your gallbladder goes bad

Your gallbladder is a small yet vital organ that plays an important role in the digestion of your food. And while for most people the gallbladder simply performs its main function, there are times when it can become unhealthy and cause many health issues.

On a typical day when your gallbladder is functioning properly, bile is stored and secreted at the necessary intervals to help break down food that you have consumed. This way the food particles can continue on their digestive journey through your intestines so your body can hold onto the required nutrients and excrete the waste product that is not needed.

Unfortunately, sometimes the bile being stored in your gallbladder does not flow through the gallbladder properly and becomes too concentrated. This highly concentrated bile then begins to harden forming small (and painful!) pieces of material termed gallstones.

As a result, these gallstones that are now blocking the bile ducts that bile is normally secreted out of are causing bile to back up in the tiny organ that is your gallbladder. If this happens, and it commonly does because of gallstones, you may experience what is called gallbladder attack pain. Extreme inflammation, pain, and even infection may result from this gallbladder attack and often requires hospitalization and even gallbladder surgery to remedy it.

A gallbladder attack can come on suddenly and without notice, so it is important that you know the signs of a gallbladder attack.

In fact, many people do not even know that they have gallstones until they experience serious symptoms of a gallbladder attack. That’s why it is important that you recognize the common warning signs so that you can seek the appropriate treatment from your Baltimore area gallbladder surgeon.

Today we will look at the common symptoms accompanying a gallbladder attack so that you can treat the situation and regain your health in the quickest way possible.

Set up an appointment or get a second opinion with Dr. Fraiman. Call 410-427-2024 today.

What to Look For and What Attacks Feel Like

What does a gallbladder attack feel like?

Most people ignore abdominal discomfort or pains that come and go. These seem commonplace, so they don’t mention it to their doctor — that is, until the pain becomes sharp. The problem with ignoring intermittent pain is that this symptom may indicate gallbladder problems. You may actually be experiencing the initial phases of a gallbladder attack.

The moment patients realize there is a real issue is when they experience sudden pain, usually in the middle or upper right section of their abdomen. This pain may last only a few moments and then suddenly lessen or disappear. The pain may also be accompanied by discomfort in their back, either between their shoulder blades or towards their right shoulder. In general, patients’ abdominal pain only lasts for a few hours. However, some experience pain that lasts up to ten hours or even a full day.

Many patients mistake their abdominal pain for indigestion or other abdominal complaints. And when the back pain develops, they sometimes believe it’s just a passing back issue. However, you can distinguish a gallbladder attack because both pains coincide.

Common Symptoms of a Gallbladder Attack

The symptoms of a gallbladder attack are often mistaken for other ailments, so you’ll need to ask yourself What are the signs of a gallbladder attack?

1. Stomach Pain

Your gallbladder is located in the upper right portion of your torso near your stomach and under your ribs. If your gallbladder is under attack, and it is serious enough to cause pain, this will be one of the first areas you will feel it.

The pain will typically radiate outward moving towards your upper back and stomach area. Gallbladder attacks that accompany this type of pain usually last around 15 minutes or so. Then the pain will usually subside and you will feel like your normal self again. However, if the pain does not subside and remains continuous and severe, you should seek treatment from your gallbladder surgeon immediately.

What does it feel like when your gallbladder goes bad

2. Indigestion

Oftentimes, complaints of indigestion, especially right after a meal, can be a telltale symptom of a gallbladder attack. This logically makes sense since your gallbladder’s bile will be triggered during the digestion process. And, if the bile is blocked due to gallstones, but is still being triggered physiologically by your body, you are likely to experience pain. The pain can sometimes be so severe that, even if you know you have gallbladder problems, you may still wonder whether you’re experiencing a gallbladder or heart attack.

If this feeling occurs after meals, it is likely just indigestion. However, many people without gallbladder disease have indigestion after meals. This can make diagnosing a gallbladder attack difficult, especially if you are unaware you have gallstones.

Being in tune with your body is one of the best ways to distinguish between simple gas and a much more serious issue.

3. Jaundice

Jaundice is a result of the bile that is backing up in your gallbladder spilling over into your bloodstream. This spillage will then turn your skin and the whites of your eyes a pale yellowish hue.

Bile is produced in your liver and emitted into the small intestine for digestive purposes through the gallbladder. If a gallstone, inflammation, or tumor is blocking the bile ducts that connect to the small intestine, and the bile backs up in the gallbladder, the only other place it can go is back into the liver.

From here, the liver will become saturated with bile, which will then cause bile waste to build up (also known as bilirubin) in the bloodstream. If you notice that your skin is starting to turn yellow it is a good idea to seek a specialized gallbladder surgeon to see if a gallbladder attack is underway.

4. Nausea

The pain experienced during a gallbladder attack, also called biliary pain or colic, can cause extreme nausea. The onset usually occurs after consuming a rich, fatty meal and can last for several hours after eating. If your nausea is caused by severe pain or indigestion that continues unabated, then it’s time to speak to your doctor or a gallbladder specialist.

5. Lack of Appetite

If you continually experience gallbladder pain, you may lose your appetite as a way to avoid the predictable pain that comes with eating.

Any extreme pain you experience, especially when it involves the same activity time and time again, should prompt you to seek medical attention. Unfortunately, many people are not educated when it comes to their gallbladder and may fail to associate eating pains as a serious symptom of a gallbladder attack.

6. Vomiting

If you experience severe vomiting after a particularly heavy or fatty meal, this could be a sign of a gallbladder attack. This again makes sense from a physical standpoint since bile is primarily responsible for breaking down the fat particles in food you have consumed during the digestion process. In an effort to release the pressure from backed up bile, gas pressure, and stomach pain, sometimes your body will induce you to vomit.

If you are experiencing vomiting due to a gallbladder attack, you may not know the cause initially. Consequently, it’s important to stay hydrated and rest. However, if you continue to throw up unabated or begin to throw up bile — a greenish-yellow liquid stored in your gallbladder — then it’s time to take a trip to the emergency room.

7. Urine and Stool Changes

Gallstones are made up of cholesterol, bile pigments, and calcium salts. If they are formed in excess in the gallbladder and begin releasing their waste products into your bloodstream, eventually they will be excreted from your body in the form of urine and stool.

Gallbladder and Dehydration

If you notice that your urine has taken on a dark yellow, or even brown color, this may signal to you that you are having a gallbladder attack. It is important to note, however, that dark colored urine can also signify dehydration so make sure you assess your overall health before jumping to the conclusion that this is a sign of a gallbladder attack.

In addition to urine changes, a gallbladder attack can also change your stool. For instance, the excess fat that is not being properly broken down during digestion due to an unhealthy gallbladder may cause you to have frequent diarrhea-like bowel movements. This is typically followed by stomach pains as well. In addition, you may notice that your stool has become light in color and has a chalky consistency. If any of these symptoms apply to you it may be wise to have your doctor check you for gallbladder problems.

Will Gallstones Show Up in Your Stool?

Once gallstones form in the gallbladder, they generally remain there. However, if the stones are small enough, they may pass from the gallbladder and into the bile ducts, which lead to the intestine. Once there, it’s more probable that they will get stuck and plug the bile duct than pass through it. That’s why, in general, it is not considered a good thing to pass gallstones.

However, there is a minimal chance that gallstones can make their way through the large intestines and get evacuated in your stool. But because of the risk of getting stuck, it’s highly recommended that gallstones are removed by a medical team.

Can Gallstones Cause Gas?

The answer to this question is “yes.” When a patient has gallstones or is experiencing a gallbladder attack, gas is a common symptom that they should be aware of. When gallstones block the ducts leading to the small intestines and cause bile to build up, this causes inflammation of the bile duct. When this region becomes inflamed, patients experience symptoms similar to indigestion, which can include bloating, burping or belching and, of course, gas. These symptoms are especially prevalent after the patient has eaten a meal.

Gaseous symptoms in gallbladder patients are no laughing matter, as inflammation is a symptom that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. If gas develops, the patient should seek medical attention.

8. Fever and Chills

Infections occurring in the bile ducts are relatively uncommon, though can happen if you have large gallstones blocking the duct passages. In fact, it is estimated that only 1-2% of people with gallstones will experience issues directly related to their bile ducts.

If you do have a bile duct that is blocked, however, there is a higher chance you will experience a fever and chills. Many times, this will also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

These signs that you are having a gallbladder attack may also point to a common stomach flu, so it important that you assess your health properly and seek a gallbladder surgeon if need be.

What does it feel like when your gallbladder goes bad

9. Chest Pain

Chest pain is not uncommon in patients experiencing a gallbladder attack. Those with gallstones may begin to experience symptoms following a fatty meal. This may create a sensation of fullness, but it can also cause pain in their lower chest area or the upper side of their abdomen toward the right. Because this condition causes chest pain, it is not uncommon for gallbladder attacks to be mistaken for a heart attack.

The reason is, a blocked bile duct or severe infection may create a significant amount of acid in your stomach that may get pushed up into the chest mimicking the pain associated with a heart attack.

So how do you know if the pain is a gallbladder or heart attack? If you experience chest pain after very heavy meals, chances are you are undergoing a gallbladder attack. And since heartburn is a signal that you may have gallbladder problems, it is important you don’t dismiss this symptom.

If you are experiencing chest pains as a result of a gallbladder attack, you should seek out immediate medical attention. Painful symptoms are a sign that medical intervention is necessary.

Early Symptoms of a Bad Gallbladder

If you can uncover a gallbladder issue before you suffer a gallbladder attack, you may be able to restore the organ’s health. Here are some early warning signs of your gallbladder going bad:

  • Discomfort in the upper right or middle abdomen
  • A feeling of fullness in the abdomen
  • Indigestion or heartburn
  • Excessive gas
  • Discomfort or pain that worsens after a fatty meal
  • Unusually colored stool

Unusual Gallbladder Symptoms

The gallbladder compacts or contracts as part of the normal digestive process. When bile leaves the gallbladder, it naturally shrinks in size. However, sometimes a compacted gallbladder is caused by an underlying condition. Although there are several causes, one of the main reasons is scarring within the inner lining of the organ, caused by the presence of gallstones.

When this happens, several unusual gallbladder symptoms can develop, including:

  • Pain in your right shoulder area
  • Pain in your upper middle back
  • Pain that worsens at night
  • Constipation
  • Bad breath

Gallbladder Attack vs. Stomach Bug

Nausea, vomiting, fever, chills — all hallmarks of a stomach bug. Many of the symptoms of a gallbladder attack bear a striking resemblance to the common flu. However, these are two very different health conditions, with very different treatment protocols. While you may struggle to tell the difference between a stomach bug and gallbladder issues, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • A gallbladder attack is generally more severe than a stomach bug, and symptoms tend to be more intense.
  • The flu is often accompanied by abdominal cramping and diarrhea.
  • Gallbladder issues are abnormally painful.
  • Symptom locations also differ. The flu causes pain in the lower part of the abdomen, while gallbladder attacks cause pain in the upper right area of the abdomen.

What to Do If You Are Having a Gallbladder Attack

When you experience extreme abdominal pain, you may jump straight to appendicitis. But something you might not have considered is a gallbladder attack. This is caused by hardened digestive fluid called gallstones becoming wedged in the bile duct that leads to the small intestine. Gallbladder attacks are extremely painful and can cause symptoms such as intense abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, fever, sweating and chills. Often, gallbladder attacks occur after a heavy meal.

If you think you may be having a gallbladder attack, here’s what you should do:

  • Ensure it’s actually a gallbladder attack by checking the location of the pain. It should be in the upper part of the right side of your abdomen underneath your rib cage.
  • To help reduce pain, place a heating pad or hot water bottle on the right side of your abdomen.
  • Drink pure apple juice, raw apple cider vinegar, lemon water or mint tea until the pain subsides.
  • Contact the Liver and Pancreas Center Team.

If any of the above remedies relieve your symptoms, then you shouldn’t have to take any immediate action. However, you may want to contact the Liver and Pancreas Center team to address any concerns. Gallstones that remain asymptomatic are not generally considered an emergency situation. Chances are good they will require some medical intervention at a later point, but that’s for you and your doctor to decide.

However, if you continue experiencing symptoms even after attempting these remedies, then go to the emergency room as soon as possible. Painful symptoms need to be addressed before they cause serious medical concerns.

What Is the Fastest Way to Relieve Gallbladder Pain?

If you are struggling with gallbladder pain due to gallstones, the most common solution is the removal of the gallbladder. Today, this can be done laparoscopically, with only a small incision. Once the gallbladder is removed, gallstones have no place to form thus eliminating the risk of pain caused by the hardening of bile. Before the operation, many doctors prescribe morphine to treat a patient’s acute pain.

There are a couple of non-surgical options that patients experiencing gallbladder pain can try. Some have found relief using these methods, but they are not considered as effective as removing the gallbladder:

  • Oral bile acid pills: The active agents contained in these pills are ursodiol and chenodiol which can help desaturate the bile of cholesterol and gradually dissolve the stone.
  • Bile salts: These are naturally produced by your liver and secreted into your bile ducts and gallbladder to make it easier for your body to absorb and digest fats you’ve eaten. Bile salts can also be taken in pill form.
  • Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ECSWL): Although usually used as a treatment for kidney stones, ECSWL can also be used to break up gallstones by sending shock waves through the soft tissues of a patient’s body. However, it’s generally considered only effective for gallstones less than two centimeters in diameter.

Does Gallbladder Pain Come and Go?

Initially, gallbladder pain usually comes and goes. The pain can be mild, occurring at irregular intervals and then become severe and frequent. Gallbladder pain caused by gallstones generally occurs after eating, lasting for several hours and then resolving. This occasional recurrence of dull pain is the most common sign that you have gallstones.

How Do You Know If Your Gallbladder Needs to Be Removed?

If your doctor discovers that you have gallstones, but they are asymptomatic, they probably will not require immediate treatment. However, the presence of gallstones will put your doctor on the alert to look out for future gallbladder problems associated with gallstones.

Once you begin to experience any of the above symptoms of a gallbladder attack or you develop an infection, this will indicate that it’s time to take action. Although non-surgical options may be discussed, the most common treatment for gallstones accompanied by adverse symptoms is the removal of the gallbladder.

How to Keep Your Gallbladder, Liver and Pancreas Healthy

Most people don’t give a lot of thought to their digestive organs until an issue arises. Whether you’re struggling with gallstones, worried about pancreatitis or want to keep your liver in tip-top shape, here are some things you can do to keep these essential organs happy and healthy:

  • Drink lots of water.
  • Eat regular meals — don’t skip out.
  • Choose whole grains and high-fiber foods over processed wheat.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Load up on veggies.
  • Cut back on processed and fried foods.
  • Snack on colorful fruits rich in antioxidants and vitamins.
  • Avoid crash diets and opt for healthy lifestyle changes.
  • Make sure you’re staying active.
  • Avoid binge drinking.
  • Watch out for high-fat foods, like dairy and red meat.

Final Thoughts

If you don’t know what to do if you are having a gallbladder attack, contact Dr. Fraiman and his team of gallbladder specialists for diagnosis and treatment options. In the end, there are several common warning signs that you may be experiencing a gallbladder attack. While some of them may be misdiagnosed as simple indigestion or a common illness such as a cold, others are very serious and should not be taken lightly.

If you regularly experience what you feel may be gallbladder attacks, it is important to enlist the help of Baltimore’s most elite gallbladder surgeon. Since gallstones are typically the main culprit behind gallbladder attack pain, patients often undergo gallbladder surgery to relieve the pain. This is done by either removing the gallstones themselves or, in severe cases, the entire gallbladder.

This is why you should contact Dr. Fraiman and his team of gallbladder specialists to help you with your diagnosis and treatment options. With over 20 years in the healthcare profession, Dr. Fraiman has the experience and knowledge to treat every patient individually so that they regain their health quickly.

To learn more about how Dr. Fraiman may be able to help you or about other procedures offered, such as liver resections, Whipple procedures, and pancreatic cancer surgery, call 410-427-2024 to schedule a consultation today.

See what patients are saying about their experience with Dr. Fraiman’s team.


  1. http://www.medicinenet.com/gallbladder_attack_symptoms_and_signs/symptoms.htm

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Mark Fraiman on July 29, 2016.

What does a malfunctioning gallbladder feel like?

Symptoms of chronic gallbladder disease include complaints of gas, nausea and abdominal discomfort after meals and chronic diarrhea. Stones lodged in the common bile duct can cause symptoms that are similar to those produced by stones that lodge in the gallbladder, but they may also cause: Jaundice.

Can you tell when a gallbladder attack is coming?

The most obvious sign of acute cholecystitis is the sudden onset of intense pain near the upper right of the abdomen or under the right shoulder blade, which radiates outward. The pain gets worse with deep breathing as the diaphragm will put pressure on the liver, which then irritates the gallbladder further.