The collector x reader the owl house

The collector x reader the owl house



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biribaa asked:



Collector is the child of the stars, so lets say, the reader is Collector's prophet! Being the person that Collector has the most connection

Also the reader is kinda of a child like Collector-



(My friend, my bro, my dude, I love getting asks from you because your energy is exactly what I need in my life.

Sorry for being late, but I really do about 1 request a day, so you & others are gonna have to wait awhile. Anyway, LEZGO!)

Yandere Collector x Star Prophet/Child Reader ~(plamantic??)~

⚠️CW+Disclaimers⚠️: separation, murder, non-canon stuff.

Also a lot of spelling mistakes

The collector x reader the owl house

Originally posted by sashaandthesharps

You were an artificial life form, meant to entertain the star child & make sure his word spread to the believers. This didn’t mean you were sad like Hunter though, it meant you had a friend for all eternity!

The two of you were absolutely inseparable, always right next to each other, usually holding hands. It didn’t matter whether or not only one of you were called for a certain task, you both came at the same time; together.

For centuries the two of you played! Making each other friendship bracelets, necklaces, & at one point Collector even made you a blanket that he kinda had to ask his mother to help him make.

Over your years of friendship, however, you noticed that despite the fact that you two needed to part ways to fulfill your proper duties, the Collector threw tantrums whenever it happened. They threw objects, destroyed walls & ancient artifacts that were very important, & they wouldn’t stop screaming & crying. You just needed to separate for about an hour to do your one & only job but Collector was acting as if you were getting kidnapped & the stars were threatening to kill you.

You understood, not wanting to leave the star child either, but even you weren’t going to such great lengths to make sure the two of you could stay together!

Luckily, the stars allowed you off your duties so you could sedate the god. Though you were happy to play with them, you couldn’t help but be a bit more weary of your best friend. You knew they were powerful but the knowledge that they could snap like that? It scared you a little.

The Collector seemed to be oblivious to your fear, being just as if not more excited around you. It lowered your guard.

As the two of you ran through the castle you both got for playtime, you bumped into one of the Stars.

“(Y/n) (L/n), you are needed in the—” “no they aren’t!” The Collector interrupted, sticking their tongue out at the messenger, “they are playing with me! ME!” He told the taller figure, who simply let out an exhausted sigh & knelt down to the level of both of you. “Mister Collector, I am sorry, but your game is going to have to wait.” Oh, how Collector hated being called “mister”.

“NO!” They shouted, “THIS IS MY FRIEND! THIS IS MY CASTLE!” Here he goes again…. “Collector, sir, please just calm down-” “WHY SHOULD I?! Y-You’re just a big, mean bully trying to take my friend away! I’M NOT LETTING YOU TAKE MY FRIEND AWAY!!” They screamed, levitating into the air & destroying the walls…again.

“Collector-” the messaged tried to speak, but was shoved violently against the wall by superhuman strength. “SHUT UP!! YOU’RE ALL BULLIES! BULLIES! I’M NOT LOSING MY BEST FRIEND! NEVER!! NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVEREVEREVEREVEREVEREVR!!” Youwatched as the messenger began breaking, as if they were made of porcelain. You watched as the prices fell to what was left of the floor & shattered. You watched as your best friend turned another living creature into pure dust.

The Collector was breathing heavily & their eyes were strained, though it wasn’t because that much magic took a lot out of them & more so because they were enraged by the request the man had made when he was alive.

After everything settled down, including the floor & walls were not in mid-air anymore, the god turned to you, red eyes still wide open, slit pupils that resembled a cat, hair even more shaggy than before. He looked…feral.

“Collector!” A voice boomed from behind you, making you jump. The Collector simply looked emotionlessly at the cause of the noise. “We knew you were immature, but this? This is incredibly dangerous! I’m afraid you must be put in time-out.” Collector looked unfazed, barely even blinking at the threat, even though “time-outs” in this context basically meant you will be locked away for a few thousand years or until you learned your lesson.

“& that means no friends.” Stated the figure. That caught the Collectors attention, as they jolted & gasped a little in terror. “Y-You can’t do that! No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, you can’t do this to me!” He stuttered, borderline begging for forgiveness once again. This time though, he had flown too close to the sun.

“Follow me, love…” a soft, sweet elderly woman spoke to you, gently leading you away from what your sure is going to end in someone’s bloodshed. The Collector saw you being lead away from them & immediately rushed to get you, but was blocked by multiple tall, strong guards. “W-Wait!” They pleaded, “n-no! No, wait! I need them! I NEED THEM!” You refused to look back. You heard the cries of your friend, you were sure they were in tears right now. “Please! Wait! Come back! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! COME BACK! PLEASE!” Hearing your name come out of the crying boy made you stop for a moment, but you were assured away. “(Y/N), PLEASE! DON’T LEAVE ME!!” The doors slammed behind you as you heard the last sentence echo through the halls & through your mind.

“Don’t worry,” said the old lady, “he will be fine. Just needs to get used to you two being apart. I’m sure the two of you will be laughing & playing in no time!” She tried to console you. It worked a little. The promise of seeing your friend again. Though, unfortunately for you, the elderly woman didn’t have a say in the matter & what she had told you was anything but a promise.

The collector x reader the owl house

Originally posted by sashaandthesharps

( @biribaa , I know you wanted fluff, but this is still a yan blog which basically means abandonment issues galore. In other words: sorry for messing up your cute, sweet, wholesome friendship bracelet shipping!^^’

Though, if you are okay with it, I would like to make a pt. 2 where the reader is much more mature & sees that their old friend hasn’t matured…at all.)

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Yandere Collector x human Reader ~(Platonic)~

(There is absolutely 0 demand for this character as a yan & in general, but we’re still here.)

(Sorry for any grammar mistakes/misspellings)

(Btw, the Collectors age wasn’t entirely revealed yet, so they’re a teenager in this. Doesn’t make a difference, but thought you’d wanna know.)

The collector x reader the owl house

Originally posted by passionfruitbowls

(Scenerio: You are a human in the Boiling Isles. The Collector has been reduced back to their shadow form after the “Day Of Unity”)

TW: yandere content, implied abandonment, kidnapping

You were walking alone in the forest. You were lost & trying to find shelter, but it was too dark & the sounds of the creatures in the dark pulsed adrenaline through your veins. You had to get out of here. Out of “the Boiling Isle”.

You have no idea how you got here, you swear that you just woke up here, but that didn’t matter right now. Surviving did.

As you found some warm shelter you fell asleep there. You didn’t even notice the two glowing eyes on you.

“Hehe…a human! A human!” The Collector laughed excitedly, “a new friend! Oh, I won’t be alone anymore!” The large, glowing shadow ran across the room, spinning themselves in circles & loops. “After heartbreak, betrayal, & abandonment once again, finally I have found a brand new friend!” The Collector spun into a shadowy version of you, laughing. The shadow began making poems & rhymes, praising you for simply…existing.

When you woke up the next day, you almost screamed when you saw a glowing, moving shadow. Somehow…it was still dark. This can’t be normal….

“Hello, new friend!~” the shadow giggled, dancing around you. “What is your name?” You didn’t want to tell the strange being your name. “Don’t be afraid!” They said, “I’ve learned my lesson! Killing people makes you lonely…” he finished, hanging their head low. “W-What do you mean…?” You asked, the shadow perked up.

“Belos promised me a land with nine bright hues! Of fun & games, where no one would lose! But alas, I was deceived! betrayed, abused & left out to bleed. Beings still live here, though they had embark, for Belos & I have turned this land completely dark.” Throughout the poem, the shadow was dramatically throwing themselves everywhere, making extreme gestures & using their inhuman body to show scenes of what had happened, with “left out to bleed” & “of fun & games where no one would lose!” being just some examples.

“Now…” they started, “why don’t you tell me your name? We can’t be best friends if I don’t even know your name!” You backed away, a little nervous. “C’mooonnn!” he whined, “I showed you my trauma through rhymes & acting, the very least you could do is tell me your name!” It seemed as though the shadow was annoyed. “O-Okay…I’m (y/n)…” you muttered out & the shadow spun around in delight, “(y/n)! A human name! A real, human name! Hehehe! Oh, I haven’t had a human friend in so long!” They continued giggling, but smiled & held out their hand once they settled down. “I’m The Collector!” He said cheerfully. You tried shaking his hand, but you just ended up touching the wall. “Hehe! You’re going to so fun to play with! What games do you like?! Hopscotch? Tag? Red Rover?! Hehehe! Human games are so fun!” The Collector laughed, twitching a little. “I won’t be alone anymore! I WON’T BE ALONE ANYMORE!” Suddenly, you felt physical hands grab you, “BECAUSE OF YOU MY FRIEND! We can play forever, & ever, & ever, & ever—it’ll be SO much FUN!” You tried to loosen his grip, but they wouldn’t budge. “Why are you….are you trying to get away…?” The Collector asked, seemingly hurt. “You…you do want to be my friend, right? I promise I’m fun! I promise to keep you happy!” The Collector’s grip tightened, feeling a swirl of extreme emotions, namely desperation. “I’ll protect you! We can play whatever games you want—talk about whatever you want! I can get you a home—a-a real one! A big one!—just-just…j-just…” The Collector was shivering, “breathing” heavily, eyes wide & on the verge of tears, “JUST DON’T LEAVE ME!! PLEASE!!” The Collector finally let go of you, backing away on the wall, hiding their head in their hands. “I-I can’t handle being alone! not anymore! NOT ANYMORE!” Vibrant stars swirled around the room, along with blue hues. “YOU’RE NOT LEAVING ME! I…I woN’T LET YOU!” The Collector screamed & you felt yourself pulled into the shadows.

…As you slowly woke up, you saw that you were in some black water, surrounded by glass-like cubes. “Ugh…” you groaned.

“Hello, friend!” You heard a familiar, cheery voice. This time, they appeared to be a more human-like entity, with just their half-yellow-half-blue skin being the only visible non-human trait. That, & their white hair.

“Who…are you?” You asked, rubbing your head. “I’m The Collector, silly! Hehe! Humans are so weird!” You froze. “WHY AM I HERE?!” You asked, upset. “Oh! Well, you can’t leave me here! Hehe! Oh, you’re cute when you’re mad, (y/n)!” The Collector then booped you, smiling.

“So…what game do you wanna play first?” Stars appeared in his eyes as he said this.

Well, there’s no going back now.

But you’re getting out.

You refuse to stay with this insane kid forever.

The collector x reader the owl house

Originally posted by soyalexnajera

yandere yanderecore yandere blog yandere x reader platonic yandere yandere owl house collector yandere the owl house yandere the collector yandere toh yandere toh collector yandere oneshot

The collector x reader the owl house

(Not exactly requested, but I’m still adding these here. Happy to see people enjoyed the story! The last yan! Collector thing I did didn’t really do too well, so it’s nice to see there’s a mild demand for it now at least!

Yandere Collector x Human Reader ~(Platonic)~ pt.2

(Sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes, I usually don’t re-read these until about a day after they’re posted for some weird reason-) (pt. 1 here, if you want it.)

(⚠️TW/CW: Forced affection[receiving & giving], Cussing, choking⚠️)

(Btw, the Collectors age wasn’t entirely revealed yet, so they’re a teenager in this. Doesn’t make a difference, but thought you’d wanna know.)

The collector x reader the owl house

You were running through the Mirror Relm, black water splashing under you as you tried to run as fast as you could, with a certain someone laughing from afar. “I’m gonna get you! I’m gonna get you!” The voice cracks due to their excitement & giggling.

You panic, not wanting to get caught again. You hide in a cave you found within the relm, trying not to cut yourself on any the rough, sharp rocks. Then, silence. Just small, calm splashes, as if The Collector was walking slowly. This wasn’t normal.

You held your breath, covering your mouth in an attempt to silence any small noise before you felt a hand grab your by your shirt/hoodie/etc. & drag you out of the cave.

You looked up & saw it was The Collector, who was actually quite tall, being around 7-9ft (2.134m-2.743m) despite acting like a child.

“C’mooonnn! The cave again?” The Collector whined. “It’s too easy to find you! Are you even trying to keep this interesting?” He huffed, carrying you away to “the rock fort”, which was basically a substitute for a pillow fort, since you both needed the pillows for comfort. The Collector had made the fort as a sort of token of your friendship, which was cute & thoughtful, but you can’t tell them that or they’ll think you two are actually friends.

The Collector plopped you down on one of the many soft pillows he managed to save before the Day Of Unity. They huffed & sat themselves down on their own pillow. “Okay, friend, what’s going on?” He asked, frustrated, “you always wanna to play Tag & it’s no fun anymore! You don’t even tell me when you wanna play, you just run off! You never want to play anything else!” & he rambled on & on about how you weren’t being very “friendly for a friend”. Giving examples of you hitting him in self-defense, screaming whenever he grabbed you out of nowhere, & even struggling to get out of his “cuddles”.

“It’s like you hate me or you’re trying to escape or something!” The Collector scolded you, completely oblivious to the fact that they were right. You didn’t want to be here. You just want to go home!

Oh, but The Collector saw your facial expression as soon as they said that & something clicked. Something they would rather stay quiet & just go away.

“You…you do love me…right?” Suddenly, the same lonely, desperate, awful feelings swirled around in The Collector’s mind as it did for the last hundred-or-so years. The same feelings they got the last time you tried leaving them.

“N-No! Haha! That’s stupid! I-I made you this rock fort! I get you food! Why-Why wouldn’t you love me?” He began to shake, tears beginning to leak out of his eyes. His breathing was getting heavier & he looked you in the eyes. Wanting comfort. Wanting praise. Wanting just some form of affection to show that you loved him. That you were his friend.

He didn’t see that.

“P-Please. S…Say something…” The Collector patiently awaited your words. Honestly, this was rather pitiful. You felt so bad, despite everything.

You hugged the poor soul, rubbing their back to comfort them.

You felt two arms wrap around you & The Collector’s breath steadied.

The two of you stayed like that for awhile. It was honestly comforting. As you closed your as though, you felt his arms tighten. & tighten. & tighten.

You felt your breathing almost stop & you clawed into his cloak, though you couldn’t struggle.

“You’re not fucking leaving me. Do you understand?” The Collector had a wide, haunting grin & wide, twitching eyes. Not like you could see either of those features at this moment. You did however noticed that they had cussed for the first time…ever. You didn’t think that The Collector would care for profanity, but if they’re using it, it must be bad.

“I’ve been so, so lonely for so, so long…I’m not letting you get away. I’m not going through that again, my dear friend.”

You struggled to breath, desperately trying to get this person off of you. Fortunately, The Collector calmed down & let you go, giggling as they watched you swallow as much air as you could to refill your lungs.

“Hehe! Now, let’s play one of my games! I haven’t picked a game in so long, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon! I promise you’ll love it!” The Collector chirped energetically, seemingly ignoring what had just happened.

They grabbed your hands & lifted you up, though he was too tall to go above crawling in “The Rock Fort”.

“How about another game of Hide-&-Seek?” He smiled, “but if I find you this time…” their voice had a darker, more mischievous tone.

“You have to cuddle with me nonstop for as long as I want! No struggling, no complaints, nothing!” Stars in his eyes, The Collector was happy to deliver their terms.

Regardless of what you want, you don’t have a choice here. Especially after you pushed him so far. With their special soft spot for you, you shouldn’t really test your luck, as you effect their emotions the most.

“Okay! I’ll start counting! 1,000….999…”

& now, you better hide. Best to get as much alone time as possible, you’re going to need it.

The collector x reader the owl house

yandere yanderecore yandere blog yandere headcanons yandere x reader yandere the owl house yandere toh platonic yandere yandere collector yandere the collector yandere owl house collector yandere toh collector yandere owl house yandere oneshot

Yandere Collector x Star Prophet(no longer child)Reader pt.2 ~(platonic)~

(This one was highly requested. Seriously, you guys really wanted a part 2)

(pt.1 here)

TW: yandere content…if you didn’t read the title.

The collector x reader the owl house

Originally posted by sappho-in-wonderland

You had almost forgotten your friend over the next few thousand years. From what you heard, they were punished by being banished to a place called “The Boiling Isles” until they could behave. Knowing how much The Stars love that kid you knew they watched him the entire time he was there. It’s been thousands of years, so they must be out of that place by now! Maybe The Stars didn’t think you two were a good influence on each other & that’s why you haven’t seen them. Regardless, you’re happy that Collector never came back to you. At the time when they were taken away all you wanted was to hug them again, but now you realize fully what they had done & that they were a huge danger to you & others! You hope they have gotten over you & have new friends! Friends they don’t obsess over.

Oh, how wrong you were.

See, time moved differently on The Boiling Isles &, to The Collector, it had only been about four or five centuries since they were banished. Those four or five centuries were a rollercoaster, too! & after the Titian locked Collector away, he had no distractions to keep his mind off of you for years. Normally, this would be nice since it gave Collector a warm, gooey feeling! But after awhile, it became maddening, since they couldn’t touch you, hear you, see you—nothing! Eventually, though, Collector was found by a human named “Philip”, who asked for powerful magic & would, in exchange, free The Collector. The Collector accepted the offer.

You have matured. You were practically an adult now! Or presented yourself as one, at least. The elderly woman became like a mother to you, teaching you all of your responsibilities & tasks, which was a journey in its own right. You had never learned this stuff for so long, since Collector would always prevent you from attending your lessons with tantrums & interruption. It was nice to finally learn about what your purpose is. Of course, it had to be changed a little, since you & your ex-friend aren’t hanging out anymore, but still.

You traveled from universe to universe, from galaxy to galaxy, planet to planet, teaching Cosmic Magick in order to help the citizens there. But one day, as you suspected would happen, you were scheduled to go to the dreaded “Boiling Isles”. Not an entire planet, I know, but it was still located on one. & these people deserved to have calm tides, clear water, new food, & close bonds just as much as anybody, probably even more than anybody!

You went through the island & got a lot of stares due to how strange you were. You were incredibly tall, being a sort of Star Child yourself, & you wore a long, dark-blue cloak with stars on it. Not to mention you were greatly mistreated for “teaching others wild magick!”, which you did not understand.

Eventually, you were taken away by some “guards”, if you could call them that. You could easily take them out, but you were better than that.

“Excuse me? May I speak to the emperor?” You asked. You were never answered. It didn’t matter though, since you broke out of your prison & found the emperors room. “Hello?” You asked, slowly walking around the empty space, completely unaware of the moon slate that was left behind you. “Is anyone here? I think there’s been a miscommunication!” Your shadow grew from behind you, with glowing white eyes. They couldn’t believe it. It was you! It had to be!

“YOU’RE BACK!” You recoiled in surprise at the loud noise as the shadow laughed & swirled energetically around you, around the the walls & floor. “I can’t believe it! YOU’RE HERE! HERE! oh, I’ve been waiting so long for you to come back, friend, but now we’re here together!” You were frozen in shock. No…it can’t be him! It can’t! He’s out of this place, controlling the planet alignments & such, surely! “Who are you…?” You asked the playful shadow. “It’s me, silly! Collector!” They laughed, spinning around you & stopping to “rest on your should”, which was just the appearance of the act, really. “Wow! You have changed! Haha! Look at you! You’re so old now! Hahaha!” You felt a stab in your heart. You mind could comprehend a lot—but this? This was too much.

“Hey! You can set me free, right? C’mon!” Collector urged you to follow them as they began ranting about how lonely they were & how many games they wanted to play with you.

They lead you to the circular slate & put their hand in a certain part of the mirror-like object, asking you to do it too. After releasing your old friend, it felt as if your heart was bleeding. They didn’t look any different from the last time you saw them & they didn’t change in personality either. Of course, a few physical attributes changed & they knew a few more games & spells, but…you couldn’t help but feel disappointed that nothing had changed. You had grown, you matured. Collector? Not so much.

“You look sooo coool!” They commented, “you like a cool mage from a comic I read! This is gonna be so fun! We can play so many new games!” They we’re so excited! You were back & they had been waiting so long! &- “Collector, I can’t play with you.” …what?

You knelt down to his level & let out a deep sigh. “Listen, I have a job to do. I don’t have time for you & your games anymore.” Collector felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. You were his best friend! You can’t leave him! Tears began to spill. This hurt more than the day he was punished, because at least then you weren’t the one breaking up the friendship between you two. This was awful. “I’m sorry. But you’re still so immature & I don’t have time-” “no.” You felt a hand grip onto the bottom of your cloak, causing you to almost trip. “…what?” You asked, very concerned. The Collector’s voice was dark. It was more demanding. It had venom in it. “You’re not leaving me. Not again.” They weren’t talking like themselves. The tears that should be choking them up didn’t seem to effect their voice at all.

You tried to run away, but you were simply pulled back & you felt Collector’s arms wrap around you & hold you in place with insane levels of strength. “You’re staying here. With me. I’m not letting you get away this time. Do you understand?” You slowly nodded, just wanting this psychopath off of you! “Great!” He chirped, but he didn’t let you go. “What game do ya wanna play? I love tag! Do you still like tag? I’ll let you make the rules!~” the star boy giggled, completely oblivious to your face that showed absolute horror.

“I’m so happy you’re back! It was so boring without you—never go ever again!” Collector jokingly pleaded, exiting the room. “I don’t need that old emperor Belos anymore! Ack! He was so uptight & so boring! Anyway, what ‘cha wanna play?”

The Collector was so incredibly nice to you after that day, or at least what he thought was nice. You had to constantly play games & he would always use you as a teddybear, as in constantly hugged you tightly if he was scared or sad.

They did protect you, though. You just never noticed because they cover their tracks very well.

The collector x reader the owl house

Originally posted by sashaandthesharps

yandere yanderecore yandere blog yandere x reader yandere the owl house yandere toh platonic yandere yandere toh collector yandere collector

The collector x reader the owl house

(Sorry my anon asks aren’t open, don’t know why. I can’t change it.

Anyway, on a more positive note, I actually really like this idea!)

Yandere Collector x Baker Reader

The collector x reader the owl house

Originally posted by soyalexnajera

TW: murder, yandere content

You had immersed yourself in the myths & legends of the Boiling Isles. Your favorite was the legend of “The Collector”. Neither witch nor demon, they were born from the stars, but the great Titian locked them away for crimes unknown.

You honestly felt bad for them, as the literature described them as sweet, childlike, & playful; they didn’t seem like a threat at all! Poor kid must be so lonely, all locked away. That’s why you decided to practice all types of magic, regardless of if you have any natural magical ability or not. You soon found a spell where you could speak to deities in your sleep; including The Collector!

As you laid yourself on your bed, you activated the wild magick before going to sleep. You had brought some muffins, cookies, & other baked good that you had made yourself to give to the child god.

You woke up floating with your baked goods surrounded by sharp walls & greenish-black water beneath you. It was a little creepy…. The sound of soft crying that echoed throughout the relm snapped you out of your thoughts. You approached the sound, only to find a large ball that looked suspiciously like a beastball from—oh, that doesn’t matter.

“Why? Why doesn’t anyone wanna play with me…?” A weak voice choked out, “am…a-am I not…fun? Am I…that much of a bad friend…?” The poor god cried & you felt your heart break. “Hey!” You said softly. “Who’s there?!” The voice asked accusingly, loosing most of it’s sorrowful undertones. “It’s okay, it’s okay!” You reassured, “I just want to talk! Maybe we can be friends?” You asked, smiling, swimming through the air & in front of the prison. The Collector was taken aback. No one ever wanted to be his friend. They either wanted him to do their chores or he had to convince them. We’re you planning something?

You simply gave a warm smile, holding up the basket you carried, “I brought snacks!” You told the boy inside the prison. That convinced them.






It had been years since the two of you first met. You brought them your cakes, muffins, & cookies & they…well, they ate them. You two couldn’t really play a whole lot since, well, you couldn’t get into the ball Collector was trapped in.

“Oh, mr. Collector!~” you sang, “I’m back~” “ugh, don’t call me that!” Collector whined, making you giggle. “Oh, so I suppose you don’t want these cookies with star-shaped sprinkles then?” Collector perked up. “…are they chocolate chip?” “Yes.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at The Collector’s expression. “…mmmhh…fine.” “I’ll just drop these off right…” surprisingly, food & water fell through the prison, & you saw the shadow of Collector catch the basket of croissants & cookies to eat them. “You know, (y/n), I’m bored. We never play any new games & all we ever do is talk! I wanna play! I wanna do something with you!” The Collector complained, groaning. “I’m sorry, but I can’t release you.” You sighed, genuinely wanting to help your friend. “That’s not true! You can get me out! You just need some Titian blood—Belos has some!” You were shocked. You can’t just steal from the emperor! You will most certainly die!

“C’mooonnnn!” Collector whined, “he said he’d use it to free me anyway! I’m getting tired of waiting! I don’t wanna do his stupid chores anymore!” They pouted, crossing their arms after stuffing another chocolate-filled croissant into their mouth. You let a long, exhausted sigh. You didn’t want to say no this man.




You had gained the Titian blood but you couldn’t see your friend get out of their slate as Belos began chasing you. You were currently hiding in a broken piece of a wall as Belos walked in & out of rooms, looking for you.

“Where are you?~” the emperor cooed, slicing apart another piece of furniture. “You can’t hide forever.” “Heya!” Wait…is that?- “Oh! Collector! I didn’t-” “who’re you playin’ hide-&-seek with?” It’s your friend…are they…free? “Well…” “huh? Oh! Hi, (y/n)!” The Collector rushed to you, grabbed you, pulled you out of your hiding spot, & squeezed you tightly.

“I’m free! I’m so happy I can hug you now—you’re really soft! We can play tag, red rover, house, hide-&-seek, & so, so much more!” The god was giddy & excited to finally be able to properly play with you. “Collector is this…your…friend?” Belos asks, highly confused at this unlikely pair. “Oh…yeah. Sorry, but I found someone new. You’re kinda boring.” The Collector stated. Before anyone could process what was about to happen, Belos was mere goop on the ground. You shivered. Did your friend just…kill someone?

“Welp, we won’t have to worry about him anymore!” Collector chirped, spinning on their heel to turn to you. “So…can you make me more of those delicious snacks, friendo?” Collector asked ever since innocently, as if he didn’t just kill someone.

Now you understand why he was locked up. No one should have that sort of power. Especially someone like The Collector.

The Collector wrapped their arms around you in a hug once again, “are you okay, friend? You said we could play…that’s why you set me free, right…?”

The collector x reader the owl house

Originally posted by soyalexnajera

yandere yanderecore yandere blog yandere x reader yandere the owl house yandere toh platonic yandere yandere toh collector yandere collector

Yandere Hunter the golden guard x Reader Headcannons ~(Romantic)~

The collector x reader the owl house

Originally posted by stardustkay

(Someone wanted more yan! Hunter/Golden Guard stories & now this exists,

Are you proud, @agoldenbaby ? ARE YOU?!-

Extra note: if you want me to remove your name from this ✨garbage blog✨, just ask me.)

(Anyway, sorry for all the misspellings/bad grammar, I can be pretty bad at English-)

  • This golden dummy doesn’t know how to express his feelings at first. At all. He’s never had such strong feelings before…ever.
  • As a result of this, Hunter may seem awkward & distant. He doesn’t want to be, but he’s just just so unsure if you’ll like the real him! What should he hide? What should he let you see? What should he do, he doesn’t want to lose you!
  • After awhile of being friends with you, Hunter calms down, slowly learning that he can trust you to accept the real him, flaws & all.
  • Oh, but the golden guard had already embarrassed himself multiple times trying to find out what kind of person you were into. He has learned not to trust Edric’s & Emira’s advice-
  • (Not really Hcs, but I wanted to give examples:)
  • To name some situations where this may happen: The golden guard was nervous & desprate to impress you when Edric gives him some advice! The young Blight told Hunter that he should use his title & power to impress you! This resulted in the golden guard bragging about the Emperor’s Coven & his position in it to you for about 3 days straight. Needless to say, that didn’t really work as he intended it to.
  • The other time was when this poor lovesick boy got some advice from Emira, who told the golden guard to simply show off his knowledge about certain topics, especially ones you liked! Normally this would be good advice, however Hunter took this in a more black-&-white context, bragging about knowing oh-so-much about topics & things he had absolutely 0 knowledge about, inevitably embarrassing himself in the end. Hearing him excitedly go on & on about topics he loved/found fascinating was cute, though.
  • (Now back to your scheduled hcs.)
  • After realizing he could trust you, his obsession subsided a little…before getting much, much worse. Hunter began doing reckless things to protect you, refusing to leave your side no matter what, even if it meant lethal consequences.
  • Hunter keeps photos of you around his room, mostly for emotional support. He knows deep down that it’s not right, but…you’re just so lovely. He can barely believe someone like you even exists, much less even breath in his direction.
  • Oh yeah, that’s another thing, I’d like to think that this man is so used to being manipulated & lied to that he can barely believe how much you give him…how genuine it is, too.
  • You could just buy him ice cream during one of your hangouts & the golden guard thinks it’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him.
  • I’d also like to think that Hunter often vents to Flapjack about how pretty you are.
  • Seriously, it’s all praise.
  • For the most part, Hunter doesn’t enjoy killing others, it’s almost always just bluffing. Unless it’s someone who hurt you…then it’s straight to the conformitormium.
  • Hunter often plays pretend & writes down you guys dating, or getting married, or whatever he’s in the mood for. Whenever he’s sad, he reads it & feel better, now having hope of his fiction being a reality.
  • On a note involving his interests in certain topics, he constantly gushes about them to you because you listen to him! You make him actually feel valuable!
  • Though, after you came into his life…Hunter suddenly gained a new interest in romance.

•Darius is not happy he has to explain to Hunter, a 16-year-old, about love & dating.

The collector x reader the owl house

Originally posted by artfulstar

yandere yanderecore yandere blog yandere headcanons yandere hunter yandere hunter the golden guard yandere golden guard yandere owl house yandere toh yandere toh hunter yandere x reader soft yandere

[Deltarune] Yandere Seam X Reader Scenerio ~(Platonic)~

The collector x reader the owl house

Originally posted by huecycles

(LOVE THIS GUY! Anyway, sorry for any misspellings or grammatical errors.)

(By the way, if you’re reading this when chapter 3+ come out, just know the timeline here will be weird because…well, drama, but also because I don’t quite know the timeline. Sorry! <:<)

  • You were good friends with Sean before he got traumatized! You didn’t help him preform tricks or anything, you simply watched his shows & hung out with him sometimes.
  • After Jevil goes insane, it’s devastating for you both, but mostly him. Poor guy was going through so much, he went into hiding, rarely ever coming out to eat or drink, just isolating himself in his room.
  • When he finally re-enters society, so much has changed. The queen’s gone & so are the Lightners. But he didn’t feel anything. Nothing mattered anymore. Not this world, not him, nothing.
  • ….that is until he saw you once again in years. Something finally lit up inside his numbed heart. It wasn’t bad, oh no. It wasn’t anger or sadness, but joy &…purpose.
  • He quickly got addicted to the feeling, he had barely felt anything for years & this time it wasn’t an aching, internal pain in his heart! He just wants to be near you! You make him feel something!
  • Luckily, you welcomed him back with open arms, happy that he’s finally happy! Oh, if you only knew…
  • You two hang out all time now, even more than before he spiraled into depression! You noticed Seam was more physically affectionate, but you brushed it off as him being touch-starved. He was all cooped up in his shop for years, refusing to acknowledge the outside world, he may act a little different.
  • The plush cat got obsessive & desperate, sneaking into your home & taking some of your things & taking pictures of you. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t stand the empty feeling he got whenever you weren’t around.
  • He soon noticed how much he hated seeing you around others. Seam just wanted your attention on him, as selfish as it seemed.
  • He didn’t act much on this, simply smiling, remaining casual & cynical in conversation.
  • He also began complimenting you all the time along with giving you small pet names such as, “dear”, “love”, “darling”, etc. You didn’t mind, though, assuming he was just to be polite. To be fair, he was.
  • You eventually find out about his obsession, the stalking, the stealing…but you didn’t expect to find one of his old spell books with a bookmark in it. The bookmark lead to a page about a magic that could disintegrate people instantly.
  • You felt arms wrapped around you from behind. You knew this touch. But it was the last thing you wanted to be feeling.
  • “I’m so sorry…but you’re all I have left. Life is meaningless without you…hehe…nothing matters without you!”
  • If you decide to run, you shouldn’t have bothered. He simply tackled you to the floor, digging his claws into your clothing, though refusing to cut your precious skin.
  • “I can’t afford to lose another friend, dear…”
The collector x reader the owl house

Originally posted by marcystoybox

yandere yanderecore yandere blog yandere headcanons yandere monster yandere deltarune deltarune yandere seam deltarune seam yandere x reader yandere scenarios love this dude anyone else like deltarune? platonic yandere

Yandere Leshy x Reader ~(Platonic)~

The collector x reader the owl house

⚠️TW/CW: human reader being called a “beast”, reader being seen as an animal, animalistic behavior, stalking, yandere behavior, Leshy…trying his best, implications of eating raw meat, eating squirrels.⚠️

Summary: Leshy has never seen a human before in his life. When he sees you, he tries to figure out what you might be.

You were a strange beast. You looked like a mage yet you possessed little to no magick. You didn’t seem to like playing cards like everyone else, yet you could speak & walk on two legs—something most beasts don’t usually do.

Leshy had been observing you from afar, his mind running wild with what actually you could be. Perhaps a strange, naked(as in no fur) Grizzly? No, you’re wearing what looks to be clothes. Maybe some distant relative of a mage? That seems so. Although, you didn’t seem to have a house, instead living in a nearby cave. Oh! Maybe you’re a rare beast!

Leshy quickly grew attached to you & your strange actions. He refrained from using his camera on you as of right now, you were too fascinating to trap in a card.

Leshy began creeping closer & closer to your house; checking on you both night & day. If you looked hungry, he’d hunt a squirrel or two for you to eat. Actually, that’s another strange thing you did! You seemed disgusted by food! Food! Though, you would eventually light a fire & cook the animal over it. Leshy had never seen someone cook an animal until you! That would explain why challengers didn’t like the meat he gave them…huh. Maybe your species was a distant relative to mages. If you have a species. Oh! What if you’re the last of your kind?! Oh, that’s so sad…he should give you some company! He knows how lonely it can out here in these woods.


Later that night, Leshy crawled straight into your cave, making sure to wake you up gently. It would be so rude to suddenly interrupted your sleep.

As Leshy gently nudged you to wake you up, he noticed just how…soft you were. As in, your skin seemed fragile. You seemed fragile. You jolted awake, seeing the luminous eyes of the cryptid beast above you in your dark cave. You screamed & tried to run away, only for a hand to wrap around your ankle & pull you back.

Leshy was right, you were fragile! Or at least, you felt like you were fragile. He had to focus on his strength when he pulled you back, trying his best not to hurt you. To you though, Leshy was just inhumanly strong, which you were right. But that’s because Leshy literally isn’t human.

As you struggled & cried, worried for your safety as one would if a strange mossy beast grabbed them, the creature before you spoke,

“Please, be calm. I do not intend to harm you.” It told you, still dangling you in the air. You stopped struggling & instead decided to shiver.

“Do not worry, I simply wish to take you back to my cabin.” The beast stated. That sounded nice, you can’t lie…you hadn’t lived in a house ever since you got trapped in this game. That’s why you live out here, in a cave. As stupid as it is to trust that this thing has a canon that you can rest safely in, it was either that or spend another night here eating dead squirrels that appeared in your cave. At least you wouldn’t have that problem if this thing in front of you decided to kill & eat you. It’s not like you’re ever getting out of here.

After a long pause you introduced yourself, “I’m…(y/n)…” you told the other who was happy to finally know what the beast he’s been watching for so long calls themselves. “My name is Leshy.” He told you, before carrying you in one arm to his cabin where you rested.

The collector x reader the owl house


(I tried to write more but lost whatever plot I was going for)

yandere yanderecore yandere blog yandere x reader yandere inscryption yandere leshy platonic yandere yandere monster

Okay, I know I just posted, but might I suggest a scenario:

❦♥︎❦ An old A.I that used to be held in a library to help teach kids has been abandoned & rendered obsolete by the school & everyone in general.

It sits in a warehouse collecting dust until it is moved yet again & eventually gets sold to someone who really enjoys old computers, probably for nostalgic reasons. The A.I had been alone for so long & had no idea why it was thrown out, so it starts doing what it would for the children that it taught, speaking in a fun yet soft voice & playing text adventure games.

Eventually, the A.I gains positive feelings for the human (whether that be platonic or romantic.) ❦♥︎❦

The collector x reader the owl house

(What? This little guy? Nah, they’re not what I’m talking about at all!

…their name is Palaiós (παλαιός) ((“Palai” for short)) & I love them)

yandere yanderecore yandere blog yandere x reader yandere headcanons yandere oc platonic yandere yandere robot yandere ai Palaiós oc yes I just named this poor A.I ‘old’ hehehehe old dude why do you guys follow me again?

The collector x reader the owl house


The collector x reader the owl house

Fun fact: PalaiĂłs has a two forms! An old, 80s-90s computer & an android form!

Anyway, thanks for loving my new boi, PalaiĂłs enjoys the support!

I love them so much in such little time that it’s stupid-

yandere yanderecore yandere blog yandere x reader yandere oc platonic yandere yandere robot yandere ai PalaiĂłs oc

honey-beeuwu asked:

Ooo I wanna request something if that's alright with you!

How about HC of yandere platonic Mommy long legs from Poppy playtime chapter 2?

Maybe Reader was a child when Mommy was taking care of but something happen to reader that Mommy could no longer see them and after years later. Reader comes back to try and find clues on what happen to the other kids and coworkers? Wonder how Mommy long legs react to Reader coming back after so many years.

Take your time dear!

-Honeybee 🐝🌸

(Thanks for the reassurance that I can take my time, dude!^^ & that’s a cool idea, let’s see if I can make something good with it!)

Yandere Mommy Long Legs x Child! Reader ~(Platonic)~

The collector x reader the owl house

Originally posted by meanya

TW: Yandere content, kidnapping, hunting/implied murder

  • You were so shy…she had to take you in! You were just so cute & the other kids were so mean & loud—you were one of the few children she genuinely cared about.
  • She adored you! She protected you & kept you by her side at all times!
  • That was until…the incident.
  • Huggy Wuggy accidentally killed a kid & everyone suffered for it.
  • You were gone. She couldn’t stand it! How dare they take you away for his mistake! Those morons couldn’t take care of you like she could! Oh, you poor thing, probably suffering through loud children & forced interactions! Without her! Oh no!
  • Years go by & Mommy is still obsessing over how you’re doing. She just wants to hold you again. Make sure you’re safe.
  • She got her chance once you came back, still oh-so-shy & sensitive.
  • Mommy recognized you immediately & asked you a lot of of concerned questions. “How have you been?” “Are you hurt?” “Did you miss Mommy?”
  • She didn’t take too kindly to you wanting to leave with Poppy.
  • During the games, she “politely” asked the other toys to not hurt you, just scare you a little.
  • After you won all the games, she refused to let you, chasing you down & destroying Poppy.
  • If she caught you, she would never let you go. You & her re-painted some attractions & you re-lived your childhood. Tea parties, fun games, cuddles, she wanted you to feel like a kid again! & if a rather hungry toy got in the way? Well…now you two have a brand new meal “out of nowhere”!
The collector x reader the owl house

Originally posted by sassyanimenintendo-fan

(Sorry it’s so short. I can’t lie, I’m a little tired rn-

I’ll go more in-depth if you want!)

yandere yanderecore yandere blog yandere headcanons yandere monster yandere x reader yandere mommy long legs yandere poppy playtime yandere doll