Right shoulder pain months after gallbladder surgery

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Gallbladder removed but 2 years after I still have the same pain

I am 43 and female. I had gallbladder surgery because after I lost 80 pounds I started having severe pain in my right upper side. I had tests when I was heavier and my liver enzymes were up and told by a doctor that he thought I drank heavily but I didn't. It was found I had sand not gallstones but they still removed it. I was still having pain and went to emergency and they did a CT scan and they found nothing wrong. I went back to the doctor and she ran test and my liver enzymes were still up. Not as much but still showing high levels. Now, 2 years later I have kept to a healthy clean eating, low calorie lifestyle and exercise but I still have this horrible side pain radiating into my back shoulder blade, especially first thing in the morning around 4am. Sometimes it happens by drinking water in the morning. Even if I lay on my left side and drape my right area across my side it can sometimes cause the pain. My iron has been low since the surgery and I am always tired. I also recently had really bad pain pop up in my hips (within a few months after surgery) and was told I have Osteoporosis, I am not sure if this is all connected but my surgeon said I would be getting better but I am not. I feel very bloated all the time. I can gain 5 pound within a day and lose 5 pounds the same way, possibly fluid. I can't lose any actual weight no matter what I do and all my joints are sore and getting worse. I still have a lot of diarrhea after eating, especially fruits and vegetables and its filled with bile usually 10-30 mins after eating. A few times when I get this horrible pain and have to go, it looked greasy. I have gone for tests and no one seems to know what is happening. I was told I may have an ulcer but I can eat highly acidic or spicy stuff and no heart burn ever or the pain that comes from an ulcer. I just feel inflamed everywhere. I eat low fat low carb at 1400 calories or less a day and I am not diabetic. I exercise 5-7 days a week and have been strength training as well to build bone density but I still feel terrible and tired. Please help I am at a loss.

Right shoulder pain months after gallbladder surgery

Dear Dawn

This must be terribly frustrating. I suggest that you must be investigated for an auto immune disease - these diseases are usually the last thing that is considered, but can cause multiple vague symptoms, as well as pain, and the inability to absorb food effectively. I suppose that the doctor has also checked your thyroid and hormone levels? Good luck and I hope that you find the answer soon. 

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Right shoulder pain months after gallbladder surgery

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Right shoulder pain months after gallbladder surgery

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Why do I still have pain 6 months after gallbladder removal?

This is known as post-cholecystectomy syndrome (PCS). It's thought to be caused by bile leaking into areas such as the stomach, or by gallstones being left in the bile ducts. In most cases symptoms are mild and short-lived, but they can persist for many months.

Can you still have shoulder pain after gallbladder surgery?

After your gallbladder surgery it is very common to feel bloating and right shoulder pain for several days afterwards. A heating pad can be very helpful for the shoulder pain. Typically, the bloating resolves on its own with walking and deep breathing.

Why does my right shoulder hurt after gallbladder surgery?

After your surgery, you will likely feel weak and tired for several days after you return home. Your belly may be swollen. If you had laparoscopic surgery, it's normal to also have some shoulder pain. This is caused by the air that your doctor put in your belly to help see your organs better.

What are some complications you may encounter after having your gallbladder removed?

The risks of laparoscopic gallbladder removal include:.
allergic or adverse reaction to anesthesia or other drugs..
blood clots..
damage to blood vessels..
heart problems, such as a rapid heart rate..
injury to the bile duct, liver, or small intestine..