Pandas valueerror can only compare identically-labeled series objects

I am not quite sure what you are asking but i think you are trying to create a gdp column that matches with the year column.

If that is the case i think this should work.

df_gdp['gdp'] = df_gdp.apply(lambda x: x.loc[(x['YEAR'])], axis=1)

Here is how i tested it.

##create test data
import numpy as np
test = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1000,10000,(20,20)),columns = np.arange(1970,1990))
test['YEAR'] = np.arange(1970,1990)
test['gdp'] = test.apply(lambda x: x.loc[(x['YEAR'])],axis=1)

   1970  1971  1972  1973  1974  YEAR   gdp
0  4436  1288  5956  5861  2361  1970  4436
1  8918  5311  9889  2356  4646  1971  5311
2  1129  2582  6304  8488  3783  1972  6304
3  3767  8178  3947  3098  9508  1973  3098
4  7710  7713  5186  3894  9692  1974  9692

These two dataframes have different indexes - if you select one "column" it becomes a Series with an index of the dataframe (these are the labels the error is about). The second one has some strange index.

And what is it you are trying to accomplish? If you try to compare series, they have to be either the same length or use some kind of operator like any or all

I’ve been working with pandas to handle a data set and do some operation and analysis.

For a purpose, I have compare two datasets – especially particular fields.

I have faced the following while comparing two fields in my flow.

Can only compare identically-labeled DataFrame objects

For example, I had my code comparison like below

import pandas as pd
dataframe01 = pd.DataFrame(....)
dateframe02 = pd.DataFrame(....)

# Trying to compare and print
print(dataframe01 == dataframe02)

While attempting this approach, I have faced this issue.

From the error message, all I could to understand is labels aren’t matched.


After referring some docs or online content, I have tried the following approach to compare the data.


This will help us to check whether both the data frames are perfectly matching or not.

There are other options to ignore index labels as well, you can use it based on your needs.

Thanks for reading!

Pandas valueerror can only compare identically-labeled series objects
As you compare objects, can only compare identically-labeled series objects is one of the errors you may come across. The error stems from attempting to compare two dataframes or objects without matching indexes and having different lengths. Read on to learn what causes this error and how you can avoid it.


  • What Causes This Error?
    • – First Cause: Different Index
    • – Second Cause: Different Series Length
    • – Example: With Pandas Series
    • – Example: With Pandas Dataframes
  • How To Fix the Error
    • – Method 1: Work Around
    • – Method 2: Comparing Dataframes Plus Index Labels
    • – Comparing Datasets
    • – Method 3: Compare Dataframes Row by Row
    • – Alternative Comparison
  • Conclusion

What Causes This Error?

Sometimes, you may have to work with more than one dataframe object with the aim of comparing values. Python will trigger this error when you try comparing two pandas series that have different indexes. Therefore, as you compare two pandas, make sure the number of records inside the first dataframe is similar to the number of records within the second dataframe.

Basically, the error occurs when you try to compare non identically-labeled dataframe objects. The error is common when using pandas in data science to compare data values. There are two scenarios that will trigger this error. First, when the two pandas series have different indexes and when dataframes are of different lengths.

– First Cause: Different Index

Suppose you have the following series that you would like to compare:

import pandas as pd
s1 = pd.Series([2, 4, 6], index=[‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’])
s2 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=[‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’])
s1 == s2

You will notice that the two objects in the series are of the same length but their indexes are different. Regardless of whether you are using letters or numbers in your indexes, the labels should always match.

– Second Cause: Different Series Length

When using pandas and you try to compare a series or dataframes of different lengths, you will definitely get this error message.

– Example: With Pandas Series

Suppose you have the following pandas series of different lengths:

import pandas as pd
s1 = pd.Series([2, 4, 6])
s2 = pd.Series([1, 4])
s1 == s2

The reason you are going to get this error is the comparison of pandas series occurs element by element through vectorization. So, each element demands the same index value. Also, keep in mind that the order matters.

– Example: With Pandas Dataframes

Suppose you have two dataframes you want to compare. The first thing you should do is to ensure the number of records inside the first dataframe match the records in the second dataframe.

If you have one dataframe with four products and the other with three products. When you try to run a comparison of these two dataframes it will result in this error.

Here is a quick look at an example of this comparison in action.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
dict1 = {‘Smartphone name’: [‘Samsung S20’, ‘iPhone 10’, ‘Infinix S5’, ‘Nokia’],
‘Price’: [1100, 1150, 110, 250]}
dict2 = {‘Smartphone name’: [‘Samsung S21 Ultra’, ‘iPhone 13’, ‘Infinix S9’],
‘Price’: [1150, 1500, 110]}
df1 = pd.DataFrame(dict1)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(dict2)
df1[‘Price 2’] = df2[‘Price’]
df1[‘matchPrice?’] = np.where(df1[‘Price’] == df2[‘Price’], ‘True’, ‘False’)
print(‘Add third column which tells if the prices are same or not’)

Running this comparison will throw the error in question.

How To Fix the Error

There are several ways of fixing or working around this error.

– Method 1: Work Around

Usually, you are unable to compare two pandas series that have different indexes. However, if the two series are of equal length and you do not mind the index, there is a way you can get around this limitation. To work around this problem, you need to use

For example, let’s suppose in your first example you do not care about the index, you can work around the error like so:

import pandas as pd
s1 = pd.Series([2, 4, 6], index=[‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’])
s2 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], index=[‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’])
s1.reset_index(drop=True) == s2.reset_index(drop=True)

When you use the reset_index method to drop indexes of dataframe, you allow interpreters to just evaluate the data regardless of the index values. In this case, you no longer have to compare identically-labeled dataframe.

There are two ways you can compare data:

  • Row by row
  • Whole dataframe

– Method 2: Comparing Dataframes Plus Index Labels

One way you can establish if two dataframes match perfectly including their index labels is by using the equals() method.

For example, suppose you have the following datasets:

Dataset 1
import pandas as pd
dfa = pd.DataFrame({‘Game points’: [20, 12, 10, 14], ‘player assists’: [4, 7, 15, 12]})
dfb = pd.DataFrame({‘Game points’: [20, 12, 10, 14], ‘player assists’: [4, 7, 15, 12]})
Dataset 2
import pandas as pd
dict1 = {‘Smartphone’: [‘Samsung S20’, ‘iPhone 10’, ‘Infinix S5’],
‘Price’: [1100, 1150, 110]}
dict2 = {‘Smartphone’: [‘Samsung S21 Ultra’, ‘iPhone 13’, ‘Infinix S9’],
‘Price’: [1150, 1500, 110]}
df1 = pd.DataFrame(dict1)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(dict2)

– Comparing Datasets

Using these datasets, you can easily compare their values using the equals() method to check if the sets are a perfect match. You should do the comparison and print the value to know if they are a perfect match or not.

For the first dataset, you can accomplish this like so:

import pandas as pd
dfa = pd.DataFrame({‘Game points’: [20, 12, 10, 14], ‘player assists’: [4, 7, 15, 12]})
dfb = pd.DataFrame({‘Game points’: [20, 12, 10, 14], ‘player assists’: [4, 7, 15, 12]})
check = dfa.equals(dfb)

The output will be True.

To check if the dataframes in the second dataset match, you can use the equal() method as follows:

import pandas as pd
dict1 = {‘Smartphone’: [‘Samsung S20’, ‘iPhone 10’, ‘Infinix S5’],
‘Price’: [1100, 1150, 110]}
dict2 = {‘Smartphone’: [‘Samsung S21 Ultra’, ‘iPhone 13’, ‘Infinix S9’],
‘Price’: [1150, 1500, 110]}
df1 = pd.DataFrame(dict1)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(dict2)
check = df1.equals(df2)

The output in this case will be false.

– Method 3: Compare Dataframes Row by Row

In this approach, you will be comparing dataframes row by row to see the rows whose values are a perfect match. Suppose you have a dataframe that contains data on smartphone name and price, you can compare them row by row. Nonetheless, you can then print the results of each comparison.

Here is how you can accomplish this:

import pandas as pd
dict1 = {‘Smartphone name’: [‘Samsung S20’, ‘iPhone 10’, ‘Infinix S5’],
‘Price’: [1100, 1150, 110]}
dict2 = {‘Smartphone name’: [‘Samsung S21 Ultra’, ‘iPhone 13’, ‘Infinix S9’],
‘Price’: [1150, 1500, 110]}
df1 = pd.DataFrame(dict1)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(dict2)
check = df1.equals(df2)
prcheck = df1.reset_index(drop=True) == df2.reset_index(drop=True)

The output will be:

Smartphone name Price
#0 False False
#1 False False
#2 False True

In this example, it is evident that Infinix S5 and Infinix S9 share the same price 110. All the other values are different.

– Alternative Comparison

Additionally, you can use the Numpy package to compare values. To compare dataframe values using np, call on this np.where() method. Suppose in your previous comparison of smartphone names and prices you want to add a new column to show the results of the comparison. The values will either be true or false. True if the values match.

Before you can use the numpy package, you need to import it. Here is how you can use the package in the previous example.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
dict1 = {‘Smartphone name’: [‘Samsung S20’, ‘iPhone 10’, ‘Infinix S5’],
‘Price’: [1100, 1150, 110]}
dict2 = {‘Smartphone name’: [‘Samsung S21 Ultra’, ‘iPhone 13’, ‘Infinix S9’],
‘Price’: [1150, 1500, 110]}
df1 = pd.DataFrame(dict1)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(dict2)
df1[‘Price 2’] = df2[‘Price’]
df1[‘matchPrice?’] = np.where(df1[‘Price’] == df2[‘Price’], ‘True’, ‘False’)
print(‘The mtachPrice? column indicates if smartphone prices match or not’)

The output will be:

The mtachPrice? column indicates if smartphone prices match or not
Smartphone name Price Price 2 matchPrice?
#0 Samsung S20 1100 1150 False
#1 iPhone 10 1150 1500 False
#2 Infinix S5 110 110 True

The new column matchPrice? is created under the first dataframe (df1). Its purpose is to hold the comparison results depending on these rules:

  • If the price in the first dataset is equal to the second dataset and assign the value True
  • When the price is different, the column will assign the value False

In this example, the price of Infinix S5 and Infinix S9 is the same so the comparison returns true while the values for the other comparisons are false.


As you compare dataframes or series with pandas, you should be careful with how you accomplish it. Here is a quick recap of what you should look out for:

  • The error arises when comparing dataframes or series in Python
  • One of the causes is having different indexes for the dataframes
  • Another is having dataframes of different lengths
  • To solve the error you can suppress the indexes if they are not necessary
  • Ensure the dataframes are of the same length

Pandas valueerror can only compare identically-labeled series objects
With such understanding, you can comfortably compare dataframes in Python without worrying about this error.

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Pandas valueerror can only compare identically-labeled series objects

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Pandas valueerror can only compare identically-labeled series objects

How do you fix can only compare identically

If you try to compare DataFrames with different indexes using the equality comparison operator == , you will raise the ValueError: Can only compare identically-labeled DataFrame objects. You can solve this error by using equals instead of ==. For example, df1. equals(df2) , which ignores the indexes.

Can only compare identically

Reason for Error Can only compare identically-labeled series objects: It is Value Error, occurred when we compare 2 different DataFrames (Pandas 2-D Data Structure). If we compare DataFrames which are having different labels or indexes then this error can be thrown.

How do I compare objects in pandas?

Pandas DataFrame: equals() function The equals() function is used to test whether two objects contain the same elements. This function allows two Series or DataFrames to be compared against each other to see if they have the same shape and elements. NaNs in the same location are considered equal.

How do I compare two DataFrames in pandas?

The compare method in pandas shows the differences between two DataFrames. It compares two data frames, row-wise and column-wise, and presents the differences side by side. The compare method can only compare DataFrames of the same shape, with exact dimensions and identical row and column labels.