Negative pregnancy test day of missed period reddit

This happened to me a few months ago. I was 2 weeks late for my period, had two negative pregnancy tests, and finally went to the doctor. Two days after being to the doctor to get a blood test, I got my period.

PP would be fine to go to, all they are going to do is ask some questions, and give her a blood test. I don't think a gyno is going to be necessary. Periods get skipped all the time, especially when you're younger.

So the questions are: Is she on a form of birth control/ was on it when she last had sex? Has she changed her birth control recently/ skipped pills? Has she changed anything in her life style, including a new male in her life, or maybe having sex more frequently than normal? If the answer to anything above is "yes", she most certainly should not stress out over it. Changing your diet, exercise, moving, any stress, being sick... seriously anything that isn't normal and could possibly upset your body's natural rhythm, will do this.

If she's really worried, I would suggest going to get a blood test, however, skipped periods are not something to worry about on their own. Unless she has other symptoms of female ailments, there is no need to see a gyno. If she does go to PP, and she isn't pregnant, they will tell her what to do next. Most likely, they will tell her to wait it out for her period, and tell her it will come, and it's normal to miss a period occasionally. They'll also tell her that her period will be off kilter a bit, but she should still get it. If she does not, she should definitely seek out a gyno. :)

Negative pregnancy test day of missed period reddit

So my period was supposed to come yesterday. It is normally like clockwork coming every 28 days. With my first two pregnancies I tested on the day my period was due and got an instant positive. In the fall my period was late one time and when I tested I got a negative but then a week later when in the ER for extreme nausea/vomiting I was informed I was pregnant - it ended up being ectopic. So now I’m concerned I have another ectopic pregnancy on my hands. For a normal pregnancy is it possible to not have a positive pregnancy test yet? Should I wait a few more days and test again? I know all pregnancies can be different. I just hate not knowing what is going on with my body since it’s normally very predictable.

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I’m at day 41 of my normally 26-28 day cycle. No period yet. I’ve taken home pregnancy tests and had hcg bloodwork done which were both negative.

Has anyone else experienced this? I’m not sure if I should try another home this point I just wish something would happen (period or positive test) so we can get on with it either way.

I’m not normally irregular so this is really confusing for us. My doctor said it was probably a that’s super helpful 🙄 lol

Thanks for any advice or experiences you can share.

Negative pregnancy test day of missed period reddit

As the title says but I thought I would explain more, I've been feeling some symptoms of early pregnancy, tiredness, nausea, alight cramping (we are trying) but like I said, we have two negative tests, I would also like to explain that when I did the tests both times there wasn't enough pee (it didnt feel like enough to me) could that have impact on the tests? There's times when I honestly feel pregnant but there's times that I don't. Anyone have any similar stories? I don't want to hold on to hope just in case I'm not. I'm gonna head to the doctor's next week if I dont get my period by then, currently have a bad cold (not covid, did a test) right now.

Can you miss your period with a negative pregnancy test?

Missed Period With a Negative Pregnancy Test 1 You are pregnant, but the pregnancy hormones haven't built up enough. 2 You aren’t pregnant. Your period is late for another reason. (More on this below.) 3 You are pregnant, but the test isn’t working. 4 You are pregnant, but something is wrong.

When to see a doctor if your pregnancy test is negative?

If you get a negative test result and you think you are still pregnant – take another test on the day you expect your period. If your period is overdue, test again three days later. If you are still unsure, see your doctor. What is happening when my pregnancy test is negative, and I missed my period?

What does a repeated negative pregnancy test mean?

A repeated negative pregnancy test even with a missed period typically means that you are not pregnant. A negative pregnancy test a week or more after your missed period indicates that your chance of being pregnant is less than 1-2%.

What happens if you take a pregnancy test too early?

If you test too early, a test may not pick up enough hCG to turn positive. If you’re testing before the day of your expected period, you may see a negative result – even if you’re pregnant – if: Your test wasn’t sensitive enough for early testing.