My dog has hiccups what do i do

My dog has hiccups what do i do
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Much like humans, dogs and puppies get hiccups occasionally. There is nothing abnormal about this process and for the most part, there isn’t too much you can do about this other than wait for them to stop. However, if you are concerned about your dog's hiccups there are a few things you can dog that might lessen the occurrence of hiccups in your dog.

  1. My dog has hiccups what do i do


    Relax your dog. Just as with hiccups in humans, there is no clear way to stop hiccups in dogs. However, some people swear by total relaxation as a way to eliminate hiccups. Put your dog in a comfortable spot and pet it repeatedly until it is calm. Perhaps if it is relaxed enough the hiccups will end.

  2. My dog has hiccups what do i do


    Slow your dog's eating and drinking down. While the underlying cause of hiccups is unknown, some argue that eating quickly, and thus taking in an excessive amount of air when you eat, can increase the likelihood of hiccups. If your dog has a tendency to eat too fast, you can purchase dog feeders designed to slow your dog's eating.[1]

    • There are special dog dishes that make your dog pick up their food one piece of kibble at a time. For example, the "green egg" design with solid plastic flat finger like projections is made specifically to slow a dog's eating down.
    • If your dog drinks too fast, dishes have been designed with plastic projections that force the dog to lap their water slowly.
    • Consider using a DIY solution. Find a large rock (baseball sized or larger) that you can scrub clean and place it in the center of your dog's dish to slow the dog’s eating or drinking. Only do this if your dog won’t take the rock out and play with it, as rocks can damage a dog’s teeth.


  3. My dog has hiccups what do i do


    Accept that hiccuping occasionally is normal. For the most part, some hiccuping sessions in dogs are unavoidable. Just remember that the hiccups will eventually run their course without causing any harm to your dog.

    • Hiccups are especially prevalent in puppies. It is perfectly normal for your puppy to hiccup quite a bit.

  4. My dog has hiccups what do i do


    Make sure your dog’s vaccinations are up to date. If you are worried about your dog's lung health, then get the dog checked out by a veterinarian. This way any respiratory illnesses, such as kennel cough or dog influenza, won’t be exacerbated by the hiccuping sessions.

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  1. My dog has hiccups what do i do


    Learn about what is happening when we hiccup. Hiccups occur when the diaphragm, a large muscle that is central to breathing, is irritated and starts uncontrollable spasming. These spasms make the dog take a breath in at the same time as the glottis (the opening above the vocal cords) is closing. This stops the inflow of air and a hiccup occurs.[2]

  2. My dog has hiccups what do i do


    Differentiate between hiccups and reverse hiccups (or sometimes called reverse sneezing). Reverse hiccups are generally caused by an irritation to the throat or the sinuses.[3] The dog takes a number of loud, involuntary breaths to clear the irritation or the sinus passages and it sounds like the air intake that happens at the beginning of a normal hiccup.

    • You may want to get your dog's sinuses looked at by a veterinary professional to rule out a medical condition, such as a sinus infection or a tumor, as the cause.

  3. My dog has hiccups what do i do


    Accept that we don't really know why hiccups happen.[4] Some people believe that hiccups are caused by air being swallowed by the dog when it eats or drinks too fast. In addition, it is thought that becoming overly excited, tired or stressed can also cause hiccups. Whatever the cause, hiccups are a natural bodily function that is not a problem under normal circumstances.

    • Reverse hiccups can be caused by minor tickles or irritants to the throat or sinuses or by infections or diseases of the sinuses or upper respiratory tract.

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  • If at any time hiccuping in your dog or puppy gives you concern consult your veterinary professional.

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  • Hiccuping can be exhausting, even though it is perfectly normal. Ensure that your dog has a quiet place to rest and relax if it becomes tired from hiccuping. This can be a kennel or crate or a quiet room in your house.

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  • If your hiccupping dog is suffering from any signs of a serious respiratory or sinus disease (frequent coughing, colored discharge, lethargy, loss of appetite, fever) have it examined by a veterinarian.

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Article SummaryX

To get rid of dog hiccups, place your dog in a comfortable spot and pet it slowly until the dog is relaxed because excitement can sometimes cause hiccups. If your dog eats its food or drinks water very quickly, it might be taking in a lot of air when it eats. Try using a bowl with protruding bumps in the bottom to slow its eating down, or placing a clean rock or tennis ball in the bowl so the dog has to move it to eat. Many dogs get hiccups on occasion due to excitement or eating too quickly, but if your dog experiences hiccups frequently, check with your vet to make sure its vaccinations are up to date. To learn more from our Veterinarian co-author, like how to tell the difference between hiccups and reverse hiccups, keep reading the article!

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Should I be worried if my dog is hiccuping?

Most of the time, dog hiccups are perfectly normal and will resolve themselves in a few minutes. However, once the hiccups start to last for hours and begin to affect your dog's quality of life, you should consider taking your fur baby to the vet.

Why is my dog hiccuping so much?

Dog hiccups are thought to be caused when a dog swallows too much air. This can happen when dogs eat or drink quickly, experience stress, engage in heavy play, become excited, and/or inhale something irritating or caustic. Severe anxiety or rapid breathing can also cause contractions in a dog's diaphragm.

How long do dog hiccups last?

Dog hiccups usually only last a few minutes. Sometimes the hiccup episodes can last 10 to 15 minutes. Usually, hiccups in dogs don't last longer than an hour. If your dog has been having hiccups for more than an hour, you should speak with a veterinarian promptly.