My back hurts could it be my kidneys

Your kidneys are located just below the ribcage, with each kidney positioned on either side of your spine. Kidneys help to filter toxins and extra fluids from the body to ensure the rest of your body works normally. Common causes of kidney pain include UTIs, kidney infections, and kidney stones. Because your kidneys rest against your back muscles, it can sometimes be difficult to differentiate kidney pain from back pain. To help you distinguish between the two, we’re breaking down the signs and symptoms of how to tell if it’s back pain or kidney pain.

How to Tell if it’s Back Pain or Kidney Pain


Back pain can be felt at any location of the back, from the top of the spine by the base of the neck all the way down to the bottom of the spine near the tailbone. Possible causes of back pain could include damage to the nerves, muscles, discs, or any of the spine’s vertebrae. Kidney pain occurs in a more specific area than general back pain. The location of kidney pain is typically contained in the region where the kidneys are found on either side of the spine at the base of the rib cage. Depending on the cause, pain may be felt on either one or both sides of the spine. Kidney pain may also radiate to areas other than the back, such as the side, abdomen, groin, or thigh. 

Type of Pain

Depending on the cause of back pain, the type of pain may vary from gradual pain that remains contained in the area of inflammation, as is the case with muscle or ligament strain, to numbness and tingling that is common with sciatic pain. When it comes to kidney pain, the type of pain associated with kidney infections is typically described as a dull, consistent soreness or achiness. Large kidney stones can have a more intense, sharp pain that worsens as the kidney stones begin to pass. 


The timeline is another way to distinguish back pain from kidney pain. Back pain can come and go and can be triggered by certain movements like bending over or sitting up. Pain associated with the kidneys on the other hand generally remains dull and stable and is usually not changed with movement. Kidney pain also does not typically get better on its own, unless that pain is from kidney stones. More often than not, back pain will eventually ease on its own. 

Accompanying Symptoms

Generally, back pain has no accompanying symptoms aside from the pain itself. Kidney pain is far more likely to have other symptoms such as nausea, fever, vomiting, and problems with urinating or bowels. If you don’t have any other symptoms aside from back pain, the issue is probably related to the spine or back muscles, but if you have any other accompanying symptoms with your back pain, call your doctor to make sure it’s not a more serious problem with your kidneys.

Make an Appointment

At Durham Nephrology, we provide comprehensive care to patients in Durham and Oxford, NC with kidney disease and high blood pressure. Our team is experienced in kidney pain and the underlying causes. If you have questions about kidney pain, or if you’re experiencing any symptoms in addition to kidney pain, call us at  919-477-3005 to talk to a staff member and make an appointment. 

Kidney pain, or renal pain, is usually felt in your back (under the ribs, to the right or left of the spine). It can spread to other areas, like the sides, upper abdomen or groin. If you have a kidney stone, you usually feel the pain in your back, side, lower belly or groin.

Back pain due to muscle problems is usually in your lower back. Pain due to kidney problems is usually deeper and higher in your back, under your ribs.

Signs that it is a kidney problem can also include fever, vomiting, pain in your sides or painful urination.

CHECK YOUR SYMPTOMS — Use the kidney pain Symptom Checker and find out if you need to seek medical help.

What causes kidney pain?

Kidneys drain urine to the bladder via tubes called ureters. Your bladder is emptied via the urethra. Problems in any of these areas can cause pain, and may be caused by:

Pain around your kidneys can also be caused by other problems, such as:

How is kidney pain diagnosed?

To diagnose pain in your kidney area, your doctor will talk to you and examine you. You may also be asked to have:

If you have had kidney stones in the past, it may not always be necessary to have a computed tomography (CT) scan, which exposes you to radiation. Ask your doctor if a CT scan is necessary for you. For further information, visit the Choosing Wisely Australia website.

How is kidney pain treated?

Treatment depends on the cause, the severity of the pain and how sick you are feeling.

You may find the pain eases with simple treatments like paracetamol. Talk to your doctor and your pharmacist.

If you have pain that you are worried may be caused by a kidney problem, please see your doctor. If you are pregnant and you have kidney pain, see your doctor.

What does back pain caused by kidneys feel like?

What does kidney pain feel like? Kidney pain often feels like a dull ache that gets worse if someone gently presses on that area. While it is more common to feel kidney pain on only one side, some health problems may affect both kidneys and cause pain on both sides of your back.

What are the 3 early warning signs of kidney disease?

Here are three signs that could indicate that you are beginning to experience a decline in kidney function..
Dizziness and Fatigue. One of the first possible signs of weakening kidneys is the experience of overall weakness in yourself and your overall health. ... .
Swelling (Edema) ... .
Changes in urination..

How do you know when your kidneys hurt?

Kidney pain — also called renal pain — refers to pain from disease or injury to a kidney. You might feel kidney pain or discomfort as a dull, one-sided ache in your upper abdomen, side or back. But pain in these areas is often unrelated to your kidneys.