How will you know if someone is on voice call in facebook messenger

Sometimes you are irritated by your children or employees’ behavior because they are indulged in their mobile phones all the time. When this happens, you want to know whom they are talking to with so much concentration and track their Facebook Messenger.

You may also wonder whether they are doing something productive or just chatting on Facebook Messenger. Today, we will help you figure out how to tell if someone is chatting on the Facebook Messenger app.

The manual or the old school method is to take their mobile from them or secretly check out whom they were chatting with. But most people, including small children today, are smart enough to wipe off every trace of evidence from their mobiles when they are involved in unwanted activities. Furthermore, most people prefer keeping their devices locked and inaccessible to others, even to their parents and spouses.

So you want a better and more reliable way of sneaking into their mobile phone, especially their Facebook Messenger chat? Here is how you can detect if someone is chatting on Facebook Messenger.

mSpy is one of the best spy apps for Android and iPhone that parents and employers trust to keep an eye on their kid’s and employees’ Facebook messages, respectively. In this way, they can ensure that their kids are not in any bad company and their employees are not wasting their office time chatting.

The mSpy app works well with both Android and iOS devices. It is easy to install and use. While you retrieve information from a target mobile, the app remains hidden. There is no way by which the target person knows that you are checking on them, except that you tell them yourself.

How will you know if someone is on voice call in facebook messenger

Some of the outstanding features of mSpy that make it the best choice for spying on someone’s phone are:

Keeping the contact list in check.

Call log history monitoring and call recording.

Tracking all chats from various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Tinder, Telegram, TikTok, and many others.

Keeping a check on incoming and outgoing text messages, chats, and MMS, including videos, photos, and emojis.

Here are a few benefits that you get when choosing mSpy – the Facebook tracker app for your children or employees:

Track all Facebook Messenger activities.

See the time and date of each conversation.

Access collected data remotely from your online dashboard.

Spy on Facebook activity even on Android devices without root.

mSpy is one of the best parental control apps because it lets you see what your child is doing on their phone. You can also limit their phone usage and see where they are at all times.

mSpy is also great for monitoring employee phones. You can see what they are doing on their work phone and make sure they are not wasting time or being unproductive.

How to find out who someone is talking to on Facebook Messenger for free?

Are you worried while handing over mobile phones for online classes to your kids? Or do you feel reluctant when you give them devices for completion of school and college work?

While it is almost impossible to monitor all the kids’ activities on mobile manually, you can use some smart hacking apps before you hand over the mobiles to kids and teenagers.

Save your kids from indulging in unwanted activities and chatting with unknown people who may turn out to be pedophiles, abusers, and kidnappers using the Keyword Alert feature of mSpy.

This amazing and convenient feature will let you know whenever your child uses certain suspicious words in Messenger chats. In this way, you will be able to monitor your child more vigilantly, and you may also take appropriate steps at the right time to save your child.

If your child is talking to some stranger, and the profile seems shady, you will get to know, and then you can guide your child appropriately in a friendly manner. Sometimes these predators will disguise themselves on Facebook as a child of the same age, but the Keyword Alert feature will immediately let you know about their intentions.

Similarly, by using the Keyword Alert feature of mSpy, you can prevent your office or business’s sensitive information from getting leaked by the company’s employees. They may get monetary benefits by selling your confidential information to your competitors.

Read more: How To Hack WhatsApp: 7 Ways Your WhatsApp Accounts Can Be Hacked

How to tell if someone is chatting on Facebook Messenger?

To tell if someone is chatting on a Facebook Messenger account, you can use mSpy as a reliable Facebook Messenger spy app. mSpy offers an outstanding keylogger that helps you detect all the chats done from a target mobile phone. When you install the mSpy keylogger, you can monitor each and everything typed by the user of your target device on any platform. 

The best thing about the mSpy keylogger is that it is compatible with both Android and iPhone. It is easy to install and is impossible to detect. It remains completely hidden on the target cell phone. You can also make it visible on the target device, but it depends on what suits you best.

mSpy is also the best choice for monitoring your child’s phone. It allows you to access all your kid’s or employees’ online activities, including texting, browsing history, and much more. In this way, you can prevent them from unwanted online activities.

Other ways to tell whom someone is talking to on Facebook Messenger

If you want to know how to see whom someone is talking to on Facebook Messenger without accessing their phone, you need to figure out your target’s Facebook password.

One way that you can try is social engineering. This method actually refers to the usage of different psychological methods in order to control people into revealing sensitive details.

With this in mind, get a person to offer you their password details without them knowing it, and then hack someone’s Facebook Messenger and secret conversation to see who they are chatting with.

However, if this does not work, consider guessing their password. This sounds more difficult than it is, right? Either way, according to one recent survey conducted by Avast, more than 80% of Facebook Messenger users are using weak passwords.

As a matter of fact, the most popular passcodes people utilize are their wedding anniversary dates, birthdates, and even the name of their pets and kid.

But keep in mind that it does not end there. The majority of people use one password for several accounts. Thus, think of a thing that is significant to your target and enter it to determine whether you can gain access or not.

However, before you can proceed with this method make sure you know the username or email address of your target.

Read more: 10 Best WhatsApp Hacking App

The “Forgot Password” method

Similar to the first method you will also need to know the target’s username or email address on Facebook Messenger. By simply using the “Forgot Password” method you will be able to see who your child is talking to on Facebook Messenger with ease.

On the other hand, this method will also allow you to set a new password for the account after the reset link is delivered to the target’s email. However, if you’re wondering how you can do it since you don’t know their password on email, don’t worry because it is pretty easy. If they are using a Gmail account, then simply follow the steps below.

  • Hack the target’s email account using a phishing app for Gmail.
  • Next, you will have to make a site that lets you make a pseudo-Gmail account.
  • Make an index folder and then make use of a spoofing program so that it will look like the actual Gmail.
  • To access the password, send this to the target.
  • When you are in, go to Facebook and reset the password. Then the link will be delivered to the email address of the target that you currently have access to.
  • Come up with a new password and log in to the target’s account to find out who they are talking to.

The drawback of this method is that you will need to reset the password on a regular basis most especially if the target realizes that he/she can’t access the account.

Read more: 3 Best Ways To Hack An Instagram Account Without Password


Today, you can easily see who someone is talking to on Facebook Messenger. However, among the three methods provided above, we highly recommend that you use a Facebook Messenger spy app like mSpy.

Unlike the first two methods, you don’t need to perform a lot of steps to gain access to a certain account. All you need to do is buy and install the app, and you are ready to go.


Can you spy on someone’s Facebook Messenger?

Yes, you can spy on someone’s Facebook Messenger conversations without them knowing by using a spy app. There are a number of hidden spy apps for Android and iPhone, and they all work in different ways. Be sure to do your research before purchasing any spy app, as there are many fake ones on the market. Once you have the right app, you will be able to see all of the secret conversations that the person has on Messenger, as well as any other apps that they use.

Can you log into someone’s Messenger without them knowing?

Yes, you can log into someone’s Messenger without them knowing by using their phone number. When you sign in to Messenger with your phone number, Facebook will send a confirmation code to that number. Once you have the code, you can enter it into Messenger and immediately start chatting with your friend. However, it’s important to note that this will only work if your friend has their phone number set as their primary login method on Messenger. If they are using Facebook Login, you will not be able to log in without them knowing.

How can I tell if my partner is messaging in secret on Messenger?

When it comes to messaging apps, there can be a lot of secrecy and privacy involved. You may be wondering how to tell if your partner is messaging in secret on Messenger. Here are some signs that may point to this:
– Your partner is always secretive about their phone and what they’re doing on it
– They suddenly become very protective of their phone and won’t let you near it
– They spend a lot of time on their phone when they’re not with you
– They always have the app open and active when they’re around you
If you notice any of these signs, it’s possible that your partner is indeed messaging in secret on Messenger. If you’re concerned about this, you can always ask them directly about it. Otherwise, you may want to consider snooping through their phone to see if you can find any evidence of secret messaging.

How do I see someone’s Facebook Messenger activity?

Facebook tracking app is a very good tool that helps people to see the Facebook Messenger activity of other people. By using this app, you can see the last time someone has been online, as well as the messages they have sent and received. This can be very helpful for keeping track of what your friends are up to, or if you are trying to find out if someone is cheating on you. The app is very easy to use, and it is available for free on the internet.
All you need to do is to install it on your phone, and then log in with your Facebook account. Once you are logged in, you will be able to see the activity of all the people on your list. You can also see the messages that they have sent and received, and you can even see the pictures that they have shared. The app is very useful, and it can be a great help for people who want to keep track of their friends.

Can you tell if someone is checking your Messenger?

Yes, you can tell if someone is checking your Messenger. When someone is checking your Messenger, their profile picture will show up in the top-right corner of the chat window. If you see a green dot next to their name, it means they’re currently active on Messenger.
If you don’t see a green dot next to their name, it’s possible that they’ve turned off their Active Status. To check if someone has turned off their Active Status:
Open a conversation with the person
Tap their name at the top of the conversation
Scroll down and tap Active Status
If you don’t see the option to turn Active Status on or off, it means the person has turned off their Active Status for everyone.
If you’ve turned off your Active Status, people will only be able to tell when you were last active on Messenger if you’ve chosen to share that information with them.

Can you tell if someone is video chatting on Facebook Messenger?

It can be difficult to tell if someone is video chatting on Facebook Messenger if you are not familiar with the app. The person’s profile picture will appear in a small square in the bottom corner of the chat window, and if you hover your mouse over it, you will be able to see their name and how long they have been online. If the person is not currently online, their profile picture will not appear in the chat window.
If you are trying to figure out if someone is video chatting on Facebook Messenger, one of the best ways to tell is by looking at their profile picture. If their profile picture appears in a small square in the bottom corner of the chat window, it is likely that they are currently video chatting. You can also hover your mouse over their profile picture to see their name and how long they have been online. If the person is not currently online, their profile picture will not appear in the chat window.

Can you tell if two people are talking on Messenger?

You can find this next to your Active Status settings. If you turn on Show When You're Active Together: friends and contacts on Messenger will see when you're active in the same chat as them.

How can you tell if someone is busy on another call?

With third party applications such as Truecaller though, you can simply enter a valid number to check if it is busy. On keying in a number, you get to see a red busy icon beside the same. Therefore, it is an easy way to know someone is busy on call without you calling that number at all.

When you call someone on Messenger does it say active?

Active Status shows your friends and connections when you're active, currently in the same chat as them or were recently active on Facebook or Messenger on this profile.