How to take over a facebook page without admin

What if an admin leaves a Facebook group and there are no other admins in the Facebook group? Don’t worry, the Facebook group won’t be deleted, however, it is possible that Facebook can archive the group. To avoid this, we will show you how to claim the admin role in a Facebook group that has no admins.

Without further ado, let’s get into this Facebook group tutorial.

  • Facebook group without admin
  • How to claim admin role in a Facebook group without admin?
  • Can’t become admin of a Facebook group that has no admins
  • Why you should become an admin of a Facebook group without permission?
  • Related tutorial – How to claim an admin role in a Facebook group

When someone creates a new Facebook group, the creator of the Facebook group will become an admin automatically. Then he can also add other admins to the Facebook group if he wants to do so.

However, it is possible that all Facebook group admins have left the group and currently nobody in the Facebook group has the admin role. This can be an issue as a lot of tasks can only be done by the admins.

Also, if a Facebook group doesn’t have an admin for a longer period of time, it is possible that Facebook might archive the Facebook group.

In this case, even regular members can take over the Facebook group as admins, by claiming the admin role in the members section of the Facebook group.

Let’s see how you can do that.

How to claim admin role in a Facebook group without admin?

Here is how to claim the admin role in a Facebook group without admin:

  1. Open the Facebook group
  2. Click on the ‘Members’ tab
  3. Scroll to the ‘Moderators and Admins’ section
  4. Click on ‘Become Admin’.
  5. Click on ‘Confirm’.

Now, you should become the admin of the Facebook group and have admin access in the Facebook group.

If you prefer to watch a video tutorial on how to claim a Facebook group admin role, check out this one:

Keep in mind that this works only if the Facebook group doesn’t have any admin currently.

Can’t become admin of a Facebook group that has no admins

If the Facebook group doesn’t have any administrator currently, but you can’t claim the admin role, here is the most common reason for this.

When a Facebook group doesn’t have an admin, Facebook might invite members of the Facebook group to become admins. These members will be invited based on signals like previous group participation or if they have a moderator role in the group.

When Facebook has invited members to the admin role, regular members can’t claim the admin role in the Facebook group.

Why you should become an admin of a Facebook group without permission?

There are two main reasons why you should become an admin of a Facebook group:

  1. Certain tasks can only be done by the Facebook group admin:
    1. adding moderators to the group
    2. changing the name of the Facebook group
    3. change the Facebook group type or the privacy type
  2. Facebook can archive a Facebook group if it doesn’t have an admin for a longer period of time.

Related tutorial – How to claim an admin role in a Facebook group

If you want to know how to become an admin of a Facebook page, check out this tutorial:

  •  How to claim a Facebook page?

If you have a page that belongs to you, you can claim ownership of a Facebook page in Facebook Business Manager if you are the owner of the Facebook page. Or you can also claim a Facebook page if you haven’t created the page but the company it represents is owned by you.

In this short Facebook page tutorial, we are going to show you how both of these work and how you can claim Facebook pages.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

  • How to claim ownership of a Facebook page?
  • Once you reclaimed your Facebook page
  • How to claim a Facebook page in Business Manager?
  • Why did someone create a Facebook page that is my business?
  • Facebook page ownership disputes
  • Frequently Asked Questions – How To Claim Ownership of a Facebook Page?
  • How to claim a Facebook page that is already claimed?
  • How to claim a Facebook page without admin?

To claim ownership of an unmanaged Facebook page:

  1. Open the unclaimed Facebook page.
  2. If the Facebook page is unclaimed, you will see the label ‘Unofficial page’ under the cover photo.
  3. To claim the Facebook page, click on ‘Is this your business?’ link.
  4. Facebook will get you the exact instructions on what you have to do, such as verifying by a phone number:

You will basically have two options to claim the Facebook page that is an ‘Unofficial page’.

If you don’t have a publicly-listed business phone number, then the other option is to try to reclaim your Facebook page by submitting official business documentation. In this case, you have to click on ‘Verify this Page with documents instead

In this case, you have to scan or take a picture of official business documents that show the name of your business and the address of the business. You can use the following official documents to claim ownership of a Facebook page:

  • utility bill
  • phone bill
  • business licence
  • business tax file
  • certificate of formation
  • articles of incorporation

You have to upload any of these official business documents and wait a couple of days until Facebook Support team reviews the documents. If your ownership can be verified, then you will be able to claim the Facebook business page as well and close any kind of Facebook page ownership dispute.

Once you reclaimed your Facebook page

Once you reclaimed your Facebook page, you can either merge the Facebook page to your Facebook page if you have created an official Facebook page for your business. This can make sense if both the unclaimed Facebook page and your official Facebook page have some following so this way you don’t lose any of the Facebook followers.

If that is not the case and this unclaimed Facebook page has many followers, you simply should take ownership of this Facebook page.

You may be asked for information to verify your relationship with the business. This can include things such as phone number, email, or official business documents in order to claim an unmanaged Page.

How to claim a Facebook page in Business Manager?

Here is how to claim a Facebook page in Business Manager:

  1. Open the Facebook Business Manager account
  2. Click on ‘Business Settings’ from the menu
  3. Click on ‘Accounts’ then ‘Pages’ on the left.
  4. Click on the blue ‘Add’ button.
  5. From the dropdown, select ‘Add a page’.
  6. Add the URL or the name of the Facebook page.
  7. Click on ‘Add’.

Here is a video on how to request access to a Facebook page:

With this, you have claimed the Facebook page in Business Manager.

Now, you can connect the Facebook page with other assets, like ad accounts and Instagram business accounts. You can also manage the Facebook page roles and access levels from the Business Manager.

Why did someone create a Facebook page that is my business?

There are three main reasons why someone might have created a Facebook page for you.

  1. A fan of your business or brand didn’t find your official Facebook page, so he created a fan page for your brand.
  2. A customer checked in to the business, so Facebook autogenerated it.
  3. the Facebook page was generated based on a Wikipedia article. You will see this if you can see a Wikipedia logo at the bottom of the left section on the page.

If any of this happens, follow the instructions above to claim the Facebook page.

Facebook page ownership disputes

If there is another individual that also claimed ownership of your Facebook page, then you have to prove to Facebook that you are the real owner of that business that the Facebook page represents.

You can settle Facebook page ownership disputes by contacting Facebook support and submitting official business documents that prove that you are the owner of the business and you should be able to reclaim the Facebook page ownership.

You can see the list of these official business documents above. To see the full process of settling Facebook page ownership disputes, check out the steps we have outlined in the first half of this tutorial.

Frequently Asked Questions – How To Claim Ownership of a Facebook Page?

Here are the most frequently asked questions related to reclaiming a Facebook business page:

How to claim a Facebook page that is already claimed?

In this case, you have to submit official documentation to Facebook that you are the official owner of the business. You can prove this by scanning or taking a photo of your official business utility bill, phone bill, business licence, business tax file, certificate of formation, articles of incorporation. Just make sure, your busine

How to claim a Facebook page without admin?

You can claim a Facebook page that has no admin by clicking on the ‘Is this your business’ link on a Facebook page without admin.

Then you have to either receive a call on your official business phone number, or you have to submit official business documents that prove that you are the owner of the Facebook page. If you can do either of these, you will be able to claim a Facebook page that is currently not claimed by anyone.

How do I take ownership of a Facebook page?

Select Settings & Privacy, then select Settings. In the left menu, select New Pages Experience, then select Page Transparency. Below Claim this page, click Manage. Select a verified organization to claim responsibility for your Page, then click Assign.

What happens if a Facebook page has no admin?

When a business page no longer has any admins, you'll see an “Unofficial Page” label under the cover image. Click “Is this your business?” The next page will ask you to merge the page with an official verified business page or to provide information to claim this page.

How do you recover or claim a Facebook page that belongs to you?

To recover an old account:.
Go to the profile of the account you'd like to recover..
Click below the cover photo..
Select Find support or report profile..
Choose Something Else, then click Next..
Click Recover this account and follow the steps..

Can you transfer a Facebook page to someone else?

If you want to transfer your Facebook PAGE to another person or account (who must have a Facebook profile) you need to ensure that they are your Facebook "Friend" or have "Liked" your PAGE. Go to your PAGE to manage the Admins > click "Edit Page" > Admin Roles.


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