How to create a business facebook page with personal account

Facebook supports business accounts so that anyone who wants to create a Page or Ad but not a personal profile can still access the website. Business accounts are only for individuals who do not have personal profiles and do not want to create one. Managing multiple accounts violates Facebook's Terms of Use, so don't create a business account to manage Pages if you already have a profile. People who view a Page that you create with your profile won't see that you are attached to it.

Business Accounts Versus Personal Accounts

  1. Facebook business accounts exist so that people can administer Facebook Pages and campaigns without a personal profile. Business account users cannot view other users' profiles or pages; they only have access to their own Pages and Ads. These accounts are also not viewable to other users. Personal account users, conversely, have the well-known Facebook capabilities such as creating and sharing a profile, having friends and viewing other profiles and Facebook Pages.

Abilities of Business Account Users

  1. Business account users have the ability to view and edit all Pages and Ads that were created with that account. Editing abilities include adding content such as Page updates, basic Page information, videos, photos and events. Business account users also have access to statistics about their Pages and Ads provided by Facebook.

Creating a Business Account

  1. To create a business account, first create a Facebook Ad or Page. Fill in the information and follow the prompts on screen. Facebook will then take you to its login page and ask you if you have an account. Select "I do not have a Facebook account" and enter your email address and date of birth. Facebook then creates your limited-access business account.

Converting to a Personal Profile

  1. If you have a business account but would like to upgrade it to a personal account, click "Create Your Profile" at the top of your business page. From there, Facebook will walk you through providing additional personal information and will create a personal profile that some other users can find, depending on your privacy settings. You will still be able to manage your Ads and Pages by clicking "Applications" in the left column menu and selecting "Ads and Pages." Your personal name will not be publicly linked to them. Once you create a personal profile, you can't change it back to a business account.

Facebook is an online social media platform that millions of people use every day. That makes it ideal for building a positive company image, expanding the customer pool, and improving online presence among your competitors. It is a platform that helps you manage your interaction with customers, send them short answers, and target your audience with ads to spread awareness about your business.

Since the rules have changed, it is no longer possible to create a business Facebook profile without having a personal one. Even though Facebook requires an admin to run the page, you can keep your private information safe and sound even when linked to your business profile. Read on to learn how to do it.

Why Do You Need a Facebook Business Page?

Having a Facebook account for your business can help you yield many benefits in terms of online presence and sales. According to Facebook, there are 1.82 billion daily active users on average, and over 200 million companies use Facebook tools to reach out to their clients. The platform is advantageous for entrepreneurs who run small and medium-sized companies locally and internationally.

You can utilize tools available for your business for free, and there are no monthly payments to run your business page. Moreover, once your new page is ready to go public, you can plan your ads and future digital marketing strategy.

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Creating Personal Accounts

If you are already a Facebook user, you can skip this step of creating a personal account. Otherwise, follow the short and insightful instructions on how to create a secure personal Facebook account.

Since you cannot create a Facebook business account without having a personal one, you need to use your credentials. Note that if you create a fake profile and link it to your business page, it can lead to deactivation. Even if you put your legal name and not a nickname, you will still be able to use a personal account, separate from the business page, by adjusting the settings later.

In the registration form, type your name, email address, strong password, and birthday; you can also add a profile picture. And that is all; your personal profile is ready. Now, let’s adjust your privacy setting according to your needs and comfort.

  • Click on the arrow button located in the upper right-hand corner next to your profile
  • Click on “Settings & Privacy”
  • Choose “Privacy Checkup”

In this section, you should see:

  • Who can see what you share
  • How to keep your account secure
  • How people can find you on Facebook
  • Your data setting on Facebook
  • Your ad preferences on Facebook

When you click on the first topic, you can change who can see your personal information, such as a phone number, email, date of birth, etc. You can select an audience and choose among “Public” (visible to everyone), “Friends,” “Only me” (visible only to you), and “Custom” (choose who you want to share information with and who to exclude).

The second topic on the list informs you how to prevent your Facebook account from being hacked. This includes changing your password to an alphanumeric one, making it more complex, and not sharing it with anyone. You can also opt for double-authentication using SMS, email, or an app.

The third topic is who can find you and send you friend requests that you can change from “Everyone” to “Friends of friends.” People can also find you by your email address or phone number, which can also be restricted. This topic has another essential feature that you can change, which is search engine results. This allows search engines (e.g., Google, Yandex) to link your personal profile to be more searchable by other people.

If you want to keep your personal account separate from the business pages, it is best to turn off the option of linking your account outside Facebook.

The fourth topic lets you remove applications and web pages from using your personal Facebook profile to log into. And you can allow or forbid Facebook to recognize your face in photos or videos.

The last but not least fifth topic is about regulating your ads. It explains how a Facebook ad can be personalized according to your location, interests, etc.

It is useful to explore other account settings and tailor how public or anonymous you wish to stay on the platform.

Create Your Facebook Business Page

Since it is against Facebook’s policy to create a business page without a personal account, make sure you are done with all the settings. To start going, click on the “Menu” in the upper right corner, and select “Page.”

Here is an example of how to create a Facebook business page. You need to give it a page name, a category, and a short description. The description should include essential information about what your company does or about your product. You can also see how the business page looks on different devices (e.g., laptops or smartphones). Once created, you will be able to add:

  • Cover photo
  • Contact info: Business email address, phone numbers, other channels
  • Working hours
  • Location
  • Add two more categories to help customers find you (3 in total)
  • About
  • Story: When you established your business and why, your mission and vision

Facebook Business Manager

The Facebook business manager is a tool available for owners of business pages. The tool allows you to manage Facebook pages, create ads, add team members, and analyze reports. To create an account, you need to go to the login page and do the following:

  • Open the website of the Business Manager
  • Click on “Create Account”
  • Input your business name, your name, and your email address

You can add employees to your business page and manager and give them certain titles allowing them to access the details of the business account and perform assigned roles.

Optimize Your Business Page

In order to attract new clients and gain their trust, your business page should look credible and professional. This means paying attention to small details like having your logo as a profile picture and uploading an eye-catching cover photo. It is also recommended to change the URL to a shorter one with the business username, and it can be found in the left sidebar below the page name.

The next step is to get as many reviews as possible. If it is a new business, ask your customers to leave a comment, engage your family and friends to test and review your products or services.

If you want to be successful, it is important to provide excellent customer service. This includes interacting with your clients, providing them with clear replies/pieces of advice, and, if possible and applicable, free consultations to get to know your products or services better.

Motivate your website visitors to purchase from you by adding call-for-action phrases to your content.

Increase Engagement on Your Business Page

This could be the most challenging part of running a business page on Facebook – engaging your customers to leave comments, sharing posts, and writing reviews. Here are a couple of ideas you could implement in your overall digital marketing strategy:

  • Post insightful videos and photos that can benefit your audience
  • Prioritize quality content over posting tons of information that doesn’t bring any benefit and can be quite time-consuming
  • Encourage your audience to share their opinion by asking questions
  • Start a blog and write about company-related topics


If you still feel uncomfortable sharing your personal details in order to create a Facebook page, you can include half of your real name or shorten it to what your friends call you. Another way to bypass the rule is to ask someone you trust to create a Facebook business page for you.

In any case, you can restrict your privacy and share as little as possible to protect your identity. Your personal Facebook page will not be displayed in your business account, and you will be able to use those two separately.

For more help on how you can use Facebook to boost your business, schedule your free demo with us today.


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