How to see when instagram followers are most active

Know your audience, says an old Roman proverb. Or maybe it was someone else who said that? Regardless of who gets the credit for these wise words, social media marketers should take the advice to heart. 

But wait a minute, you smart, know-it-all Romans. It was a bit easier to assess demographics when your entire audience was gathered on the Forum Romanum than it is when dealing with a virtual one. So, how do you analyze your followers on Instagram?

Instagram has grown into of the most important social media networks in the world, no doubt about it. However, you rarely meet your Instagram followers in person and you can’t really tell their age range, gender, or nationality.

Nevertheless, you can still analyze Instagram follower demographics and use the insights to craft your social media strategy accordingly, increase your reach, and let potential customers discover your new products with ease. This article will tell you how.

For your convenience, you can jump to any section you need:

  1. How to see my Instagram follower demographics?
  2. Can I access historical Instagram follower demographics?
  3. Can I analyze other Instagram accounts, e.g. my competitors?
  4. Can I access Instagram Insights for more than the top 5 countries?
  5. Can I access Instagram Insights for more than the top 5 cities?
  6. Is there a way to look up the demographics of my Instagram followers without switching to Instagram Business?
  7. How can I download Instagram Insights?
  8. How can I check an Instagram influencer’s follower demographics?
  9. How can I use follower demographics to improve my Instagram marketing strategy?
  10. How do I gain Instagram followers from specific demographics?
  11. How can I check Instagram user demographics for different countries?
  12. Conclusion

How to see when instagram followers are most active

In-depth Instagram Demographics

Get in-depth Instagram analytics for your own accounts and for your competitors, too! Compare accounts side by side, and quickly generate and schedule reports. Try it for free:

Try NapoleonCat free for 14 days. No credit card required.

How do you find Instagram demographics for free?

Instagram follower demographics are free for Instagram users with Business Accounts. You can access them inside the platform’s native analytics feature – Instagram Insights.

If you still don’t have Instagram Insights, here’s a quick 32-second how-to video that our team member made.

Once you’re all set, just head over to the menu in the top right-hand corner of your profile and go to “Insights”. You’ll find your Instagram followers’ demographics in the “Your Audience” tab.

How to see when instagram followers are most active
How to access Insights on Instagram.

Apart from the overall number of followers, you will also see how many users followed and unfollowed your profile within the previous week. 

How to see when instagram followers are most active
Instagram follower breakdown in Instagram Insights.

Wondering how to see where your followers are from on Instagram?

When scrolling down the Instagram Insights tab, you’ll find “Top Locations” sections in which you can check where your followers come from in terms of cities and countries. However, it’s only limited to 5.

We’ll show you how to check the number of your followers in each of the world’s countries or top 10 cities later in the article.

How to see when instagram followers are most active
Instagram audience demographics by top 5 cities and top 5 countries.

And how to see the gender of your followers on Instagram? Right below 😉

In the section below locations, you’ll find the overall age range and gender distribution of your followers as well as age distribution for men and women separately.

How to see when instagram followers are most active
Instagram age and gender demographics.

At the bottom of this section, you can find out when your followers are most often online.

Look for patterns in the times and days that your followers are online and post content accordingly in order to maximize your organic reach and engagement rates.

How to see when instagram followers are most active
Instagram statistics – followers’ most active times.

Can I access historical Instagram follower demographics? 

Of course, you can!

However, Instagram Insights only provide follower demographics from the last 30 days. If you wish to follow the numbers on a daily basis and access historical insights, you need to seek help from third-party Instagram analytics tools. NapoleonCat is one of them. 

How to see when instagram followers are most active
Instagram follower breakdown by country – graph.

Once you add your Instagram profile to NapoleonCat, we then start collecting data about your account’s performance and audience. This means:

Unfortunately, you will not be able to access data from your account’s entire timeline prior to connecting your Instagram account with NapoleonCat.

After you wait for around 24 hours for our tool to collect the data, you should be able to access insights from up to 2 months back.

However, once your account is connected, you will be able to analyze your performance for any time period thereafter – in daily, weekly, monthly, or custom increments.

How to see when instagram followers are most active

Instagram follower breakdown tool

Check how many followers you have in each country of the world. Track your followers’ demographics and improve Instagram marketing using one simple tool. Try it for free:

Try NapoleonCat free for 14 days. No credit card required.

Can I analyze other Instagram accounts, e.g., my competitors?

With NapoleonCat’s Analytics (video), you can easily analyze any other Instagram Business account or a personal account that has access to Instagram Insights.

This means that you can track your competitors, with whom you most likely share the same (or a very similar) target audience on Instagram.

By analyzing your competitors on Instagram, you can figure out which kind of content works and which doesn’t, check when your target audience is most engaged, draw inspiration from others, find content ideas, etc.

How to see when instagram followers are most active
Compare Instagram accounts side by side to find out how often you should post on IG.
How to see when instagram followers are most active
Finding the best times to post on Instagram by analyzing the competition.

You can also spot any mistakes your competitors are making, and you’ll easily avoid such hiccups.

And what if you’d like to export all these analytics into detailed Instagram reports?

You can create an in-depth Instagram report for any other account in two minutes. Here’s how:

Can I access Instagram Insights for more than the top 5 countries?

You may be wondering ‘where are my followers from on Instagram‘.

This is another feature offered by NapoleonCat. We provide you with the exact number of followers for every country in the World. Hover over any country on the world map to see where your followers are located. 

How to see when instagram followers are most active
Instagram follower breakdown by countries.

Can I access Instagram Insights for more than the top 5 cities?


You can check your Instagram followers by city. It’s broken down into top 10 cities:

How to see when instagram followers are most active
Instagram followers by city – graph.

How to see when instagram followers are most active
Instagram followers by city – table.

Is there a way to look up my Instagram follower demographics without switching to Instagram Business?

Instagram Insights are also available for Instagram Creator accounts. You’ll be able to access the same data that is available for Business Accounts, i.e., top locations, age range, and Instagram gender demographics.

You can also get Instagram Insights if your Instagram account is connected to a Facebook Page. You won’t need to turn your Business Account on.

How can I download Instagram Insights?

If you use external tools such as NapoleonCat, you’ll be able to download specific bits of information in the form of graphs and tables, as well as complete in-depth reports including all of the Instagram follower demographic data for your profile and your specific posts on Instagram, and more.

NapoleonCat’s reporting tool allows you to design custom social media reports showcasing key metrics for your Instagram page.

You can download your reports in PDF anytime you wish, or schedule automated weekly, monthly, or quarterly reports that get sent to you and your teammates, clients, or business partners via email. 

You can also generate a report for other social media platforms – Facebook and Twitter.

How to see when instagram followers are most active
Instagram follower breakdown by country – Instagram report.

How can I check an Instagram influencer’s follower demographics?

It is not easy to find Instagram influencers relevant to your niche, and when you find one, you can’t access their Instagram follower demographics to see if they have good engagement and a relevant audience. However, you can ask them to share the data with you before you start to work together.

Influencers can share their follower demographics in different forms: some may send you plain screenshots or PowerPoint presentations, while others might provide you with professional reports put together with dedicated tools such as NapoleonCat’s Reports.

Influencers can use this accurate data not only when negotiating branded deals, but also to report the results of ongoing or finished campaigns.

How can I use Instagram demographics to improve my Instagram marketing strategy?

Instagram follower demographics will help you better understand who your followers are and where they’re from. As a result, you’ll be able to assess whether you’re actually reaching your target audience or not. 

Use follower demographics to guide the type of Instagram content that you create. By knowing their age, gender, and location, you’ll be able to craft Instagram posts that are relevant to your audience.

Design your Instagram content plan around customer personas and jump on local topics to boost interest and engagement.

Demographic insights can help you with targeting your Instagram Ads. If you want to reach an audience on Instagram that is similar to your follower base, then target the demographics of your current audience.

How to see when instagram followers are most active

Analyze your audience demographics and refine your targeting

For each country of the world, you can check where you followers come from. Improve your targeting on Instagram. Try it for free:

Try NapoleonCat free for 14 days. No credit card required.

How do I gain Instagram followers from specific demographics?

If you’re at the beginning of your Instagram journey, you may be more concerned about building your audience than analyzing it. But a tactical approach can help you reach a defined demographic group. 

Adjust your brand voice to the way your target group communicates: you wouldn’t use the same choice of words when talking to teenage girls as you would with mature men, for example, would you?

Just as you communicate in a specific way with your family, friends, and your boss, there’s also a way to communicate specifically with your user base – and it depends on who they are. Your brand voice can have any style that you want, as long as it feels true to your brand values and user personas.

Content relevancy is a key factor. If you run a local business, post about things that people from your target location can relate to – e.g., local events or current social issues. Choose topics carefully and think about things that are relevant to people in different stages of life. 

Before you even start to craft your Instagram strategy, remember to check whether this social network is where your target audience hangs out at all. 

You can do it by analyzing your competitors’ different social media accounts with NapoleonCat. It’s enough to check on which of the platforms your competitors are the most active or have the biggest following:

How to see when instagram followers are most active
It appears that Instagram has the biggest potential for high engagement in this particular case.

How can I check Instagram user demographics for different countries? 

If you wish to check how many active Instagram users there are in different countries in 2022 (or where Instagram is most popular) in order to assess whether there’s a potential audience for the products and services you’re selling, you can check current Instagram statistics using our free stats browser.

Choose any country in the world to see its current user demographics, including Instagram gender demographics. We’ll provide you with data not only for Instagram, but also for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Messenger.

Plus, we update the statistics every month!

How to see when instagram followers are most active
Instagram user demographics in Australia, April 2022

Moreover, you can check historical Instagram user demographics dating back to September 2018.

How to see when instagram followers are most active

Track Instagram Follower Growth Over Time

Set a completely custom time range for your Instagram analytics in NapoleonCat. Track your own profiles and your competitors, too! Try it for free:

Try NapoleonCat free for 14 days. No credit card required.

Wrap up

Understanding Instagram audience demographics is crucial for businesses and creators who wish to expand their social media presence.

Tracking the age, gender, and location of your audience on Instagram will help you craft better content and, effectively, improve your performance. Use Instagram’s native solution, Instagram Insights, or leverage external solutions such as NapoleonCat to dig a little bit deeper into the metrics. 

  • How to See Instagram Likes in 2022
  • How to Analyze Competitors on Instagram in 2022
  • How to Track Instagram Follower Growth Over Time
  • Understand Instagram Analytics in 2022
  • 400+ Best Instagram Captions for 2022
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  • How to Get More Comments on Instagram in 2022

How do you see when your followers are most active on Instagram 2022?

Under Insights, you can then click to view data broken down by content, activity, and audience. Select the Audience tab to see data on your followers, including when they access Instagram, as well as their location, age range, and gender. You can toggle between hours and days to view their most active times.

How do you check someone's most recent follows?

Go to the person's Get Instagram post comment or page you want to see the most recent followers. Tap to their followers' list, and you will get to see the list in chronological order, such as the oldest followers displayed at the end and the newest ones on the top.