How to see what your facebook profile looks like to others on mobile

Would you like to know what your Facebook profile looks like to other people?

Whether it's a job recruiter or a potential date checking out your online presence, it's a useful exercise to view just what you're putting out there via Facebook.

Take a look through our walkthrough to see what your public Facebook profile looks like. Let us know in the comments if you're happy with what your profile says about you.

1. View As

How to see what your facebook profile looks like to others on mobile


Head to your profile page and click on the cog icon that appears at the bottom right of your cover photo. Select the "View As" option.

2. Public

How to see what your facebook profile looks like to others on mobile


Facebook will then show you what your profile looks like to the average user, with whom you're not friends. You can scroll down your timeline to see which posts are viewable to the public, and take a look through your photos, "about" section, Likes, etc.

3. Specific Person

How to see what your facebook profile looks like to others on mobile


If you want to see how your profile looks to a specific Facebook friend, click the "View as Specific Person" text at the very top of the screen and enter his or her name. You will then see your profile through their eyes.

How to see what your facebook profile looks like to others on mobile

Facebook page can reveal a lot about you to anyone who visits. If your posts are Public, everyone can see whatever you share. There are ways to lock down your Facebook account, like making it harder for people to find or changing the privacy on all your old posts. But if you want to double-check what people can see, you can view your Facebook profile as someone else.

Update: Facebook no longer allows you to view a page as a specific individual, but you can still use “View as Public” to see how your page looks to the general public.

RELATED: How to Make It Harder for People to Find Your Facebook Account

Go to your Facebook page and click the three dots next to your cover photo.

How to see what your facebook profile looks like to others on mobile

Select “View As” from the popup menu.

How to see what your facebook profile looks like to others on mobile

You profile reloads to show you how it looks to the public—so, anyone who isn’t your friend. For me, it’s mainly my old profile pictures and cover photos.

How to see what your facebook profile looks like to others on mobile

You can also view your page as a specific person. At the top of the screen, click View As Specific Person and enter the name of the person you want to view your profile as.

How to see what your facebook profile looks like to others on mobile

RELATED: How to Show or Hide Facebook Posts for Certain People

This is really useful if you’re hiding Facebook posts from one specific person. This is what my page looks like to my boss, Whitson.

How to see what your facebook profile looks like to others on mobile

While you can’t edit or delete any posts while you’re viewing your page as someone else, it will give you a good idea whether there’s anything you need to sort out. Checking every once in a while to see how your profile looks to others is a great little privacy checkup.


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How can I see what my Facebook profile looks like to friends?

Here's how to view what your Facebook profile looks like to others..
Step 1: Go to Settings. ... .
Step 2: Go to Timeline and Tagging. ... .
Step 3: Click “View As” ... .
Step 4: Click “View as Specific Person”.

How can I see what my Facebook looks like to others on Iphone?

Tap. in the bottom right of Facebook, then tap your name. Tap then select View As.