How to post a youtube video on facebook comment thread

Embedding a YouTube video link in your Facebook business page is relatively easy. Clicking the Facebook button in YouTube's Share options will put it there immediately. If you want to schedule when the post appears, you'll have to copy the link and post it into Facebook yourself.

Unfortunately, as of 2019, embedding YouTube videos that will play inside a Facebook page isn't possible. However, if you own the video, you can download it from your YouTube account and upload it into Facebook.

Quickly Posting a YouTube Link to Your Facebook Page

  1. Get the YouTube Share Link

  2. Go to the video you want to share on YouTube, and click the "Share" icon beneath the video. This opens the Share window, where you can click the "Facebook" icon.

  3. This takes you to a new tab on your browser, where you'll have to log into Facebook if you're not logged in already. In the new tab you will see the video's thumbnail image and a brief description.

  4. Configure Facebook

  5. At the top of the Facebook page, click the Share menu, which normally defaults to "Share to News Feed or Story." Select "Share on a Page You Manage." A new Page menu appears below the Share menu. Click it, and select the Facebook page where you want the video to appear.

  6. Click the "Posting As" menu on the right. Here, you can select which account will appear beside the post as the poster – either your personal account or your business page account.

  7. Type a message if desired where it says, "Say something about this..." above the video description.

  8. Share on Facebook

  9. Click "Post to Facebook." The tab immediately closes, and the post is added to your page.

  10. If you want to see the post, log back into Facebook and go to your business page or click the post that appears in the right menu of your home page, in the "Recent Posts" section.

Scheduling a YouTube Video Post

If you want to schedule when your post appears on your page, you'll have to do it manually. Clicking the Facebook button in YouTube's share menu won't give you this option.

  1. Copy the Video Share Link

  2. Go to the YouTube video you want to share, and click the "Share" link. When the "Share" window opens, click "Copy."

  3. Paste the Link on Your Page

  4. Navigate to your Facebook page and click "New Post." Click the post text box and then press Ctrl-V on the keyboard to paste the link.

  5. As soon as the video thumbnail and description appear, you can delete the link URL. Type a message if desired where the link URL was.

  6. Share the Video Link

  7. If you want to post the video immediately, click the "Share Now" button. If you want to schedule it, click the arrow beside that button and select another option.

  8. Schedule: allows you to set the time and date when you want to post the video.

  9. Back Date: posts the video immediately with a previous date.

  10. Save Draft: saves the post as a draft, which you can edit and post later.

Giving YouTube Videos Specific Start Times

If you would prefer that the video starts at a specific time, rather than at the beginning, you can set this up in YouTube if you're using a web browser. Suppose, for example, you are sharing a competitor's video and you would rather that your clients don't see its logo in the first 15 seconds. Skip ahead in the video to where you want it to start, and then pause the video.

Now, after you click the "Share" link, you will see a checkbox beside "Start at 0:15" at the bottom of the Share window. Click the checkbox. A time stamp is now added to the end of the URL, "?t=15" indicating that it will start playing 15 seconds into the video, rather than at the beginning. The link created when you click the Facebook share option, or any of the other share options will also have this time stamp, provided the checkbox is clicked.

This option isn't available on YouTube's mobile app.

Downloading YouTube Videos to Upload in Facebook

If you have uploaded a video to YouTube, you do have the option to download it and then upload it to Facebook. Log into your YouTube account in any web browser; click your account icon and then select "YouTube Studio (beta)."

Click the Videos tab in the left panel and then hover over the video you want to download. Click "Menu," and then click the "Download" icon.

Navigate to your Facebook page; click "Create Post" and then click the "Add Photo/Video" button.

Facebook’s aggressive pursuit of video continues unabated, as the company is now allowing users to upload video replies in the form of comments on a post.

Updated on 06-09-2016 by Saqib Shah: Added details on the launch and creation of Facebook video comments.

According to Facebook product engineer Bob Baldwin, video comments are supported on desktop web, iOS, and Android. Consequently, you can use the new visual media option to interact with people and pages, as well as within groups and events. The update will likely result in a lot more data being cramped on to Facebook’s servers, but that’s the social network’s concern not yours — so get uploading.

To post a video response on Facebook, users must tap the camera icon in the comment box beneath a post (as you would if you wanted to post a pic), which will then connect to your smartphone’s camera library, allowing you to share a prerecorded clip.

The new option expands the multimedia features already available within the comments section, including the ability to post images, links, Facebook stickers, and emoji.

Facebook video comments are available worldwide.

Baldwin claims the video comments functionality was created within the span of a day, during Facebook’s 50th Hackathon earlier this year. He adds that the hackers that worked on the new feature included individuals who had previously built multimedia options into posts, and had contributed to the expansion of Facebook Live.

“To add support across interfaces and within two heavy traffic services, like comments and videos …[would] be a challenge in a month, let alone a single day,” writes Baldwin.

Although Snapchat comparisons get thrown about a lot in regards to Facebook, the feature undoubtedly brings it closer to the visual messaging app, which is primarily built upon image and video exchanges.

Facebook will also be hoping that it encourages more people to share videos, making them more comfortable with the medium as a form of communication. This in turn could encourage users to adopt Facebook Live, and begin streaming more frequently.

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How do I share a YouTube video in a Facebook comment?

Search for and select the YouTube video you wish to share on Facebook..
Below the video, tap on "Share" — the icon depicting an arrow pointing right. ... .
Scroll to find Facebook from the list of apps. ... .
Tap "Next" in the upper right-hand corner to share the video after you've made a comment. ... .
Tap Share..


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