Why won t facebook let me share a post on a page i manage

If you are struggling with always creating new posts for your Facebook page, a great hack you can try is to share engaging posts of other relevant and well-known Facebook pages.

In this short Facebook page tutorial, we are going to show you how to share a post as a page on Facebook and also explain why it is actually a great practice you should try to do.

  • Why you should share posts of other Facebook pages?
    • 1.      You can capitalize on the success of other Facebook posts
    • 2.      You can mix up the content of your Facebook page
    • 3.      You can save a lot of time
  • How to share a post as a page on Facebook?
  • Can’t share a post as a page on Facebook
  • How to share Facebook page posts to personal profile?
  • Other things you can do with a Facebook page

Why you should share posts of other Facebook pages?

Before we would show you the step by step of sharing Facebook posts as a Facebook page, here are some reasons why you should start sharing posts as a page on Facebook.

1.      You can capitalize on the success of other Facebook posts

If a Facebook post proves to be successful, you can have a good chance that it will get good organic engagement for your page if you share the post with your Facebook page audience as well.

2.      You can mix up the content of your Facebook page

If you are always sharing promotional stuff that doesn’t really create engagement, Facebook will stop giving you significant organic reach and even your followers might get fed up with the promotional stuff and stop following your Facebook page.

By sprinkling some engaging and fun posts into your Facebook content calendar you can make your Facebook page more attractive and as these engaging posts should also get higher engagement, Facebook might also increase the reach of your promotional posts as well.

3.      You can save a lot of time

Creating engaging, interesting Facebook posts can take huge time. Coming up with creative ideas and then implementing them, designing a creative, and then adding an engaging Facebook post description all takes time and energy.

If you share posts of other Facebook pages, you can pretty much skip 90% of the work and still get most of the benefits.

Here is how to share a post as a page on Facebook:

  1. Open up your Facebook News Feed and go to a Facebook post that you would like to share
  2. Or you can also search for a specific Facebook page and search for the post that you want to share there.
  3. On the bottom right, you can see the ‘Share’ button, click on it.
  4. Now you get a dropdown with multiple share options. To share a post to your Facebook page, click on ‘Share to a Page’
  5. Once you clicked on it, you have to select which Facebook page you want to share the FB post on.
  6. Finally, you can also tick the option if you want to include the original Facebook post to your shared post. In this case, the Facebook post will also show the Facebook page and the original description.
  7. Add your own description and commentary to the post, and then click on the blue ‘Share’ button.

That’s it, now you have successfully shared the Facebook post of another Facebook page.

Can’t share a post as a page on Facebook

If you can’t share a Facebook post as a Facebookpage, here are some things you have to keep in mind.

As we said, you can only share a Facebook post of another public Facebook page to your Facebook page. You can’t do that with Facebook posts of personal Facebook accounts.

You also won’t be able to share Facebook posts of a Facebook page if they have disabled the option to share their Facebook posts.

Last but not least, you have to have either a Facebook page admin or an editor access role to the Facebook page to be able to share posts as a Facebook page.

How to share Facebook page posts to personal profile?

If you want to share a Facebook page post on your personal Facebook profile, check out this video tutorial:

Other things you can do with a Facebook page

If you want to get free organic reach, here are some other useful articles related to sharing Facebook posts to your Facebook page

  • How to use Facebook as a Facebook page?
  • How to like other Facebook pages with a Facebook page?
  • How to comment as a Facebook page?
  • How to like posts as a Facebook page?
  • How to message people as a Facebook page?

How do I share a Facebook post on a page I manage?

From your business page, click your profile icon under your profile and banner image. Select your personal page. Scroll down to find the post you want to share, and click Share.

Why can't I post on a page I manage on Facebook?

If you can't comment on posts on a Facebook Page and you have the moderator role, it may be due to a setting in Meta Business Manager. Pages and notifications is a setting that helps prevent you from commenting with your Facebook profile when you mean to comment from the business Page.

Why can't I share some posts on Facebook?

If your personal Facebook settings are set to high privacy settings, your family and friends won't be able to share that content; they can only read it. Facebook settings also include privacy sharing options, which are set when the post-originator first publishes the post.

Why won't Facebook Let me share a post to my business page?

Make sure the first pull-down menu says Share On A Page You Manage. If it doesn't, click on the arrow and select this option. Next, make sure the second pull-down menu directly below displays your Page (especially if you manage more than one). If it doesn't, click the pull- down arrow and select the correct page.


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