How to get paint out of white shirt

How to get paint out of white shirt
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It’s a scenario that might be very familiar to you. Maybe you’re repainting a room in your home, putting the finishing touches on your latest work of art, or doing some at-home crafting with your kids, when you accidentally get a splash of paint on your clothes – but you don’t notice until it’s dry! You might think your clothes are ruined, but don’t give up hope. With a few simple techniques, you should be able to remove the dried paint – whether it’s latex, acrylic, or oil – and have your clothes looking like new again in no time.

  1. How to get paint out of white shirt


    Determine if the paint is latex-based. Oil-based paints are rarely used in home decorating anymore, so your paint stain is probably a water-based latex. Check the label on the tube or can of paint you used to see if it says ‘latex’ or ‘acrylic latex.’ Proceed with the following method if the paint is latex-based, also called water-based.

    • If you can’t find the original paint tube or container and still aren’t sure, try testing a small area of the surface you were painting. Dip a cotton ball into a little bit of denatured alcohol and rub it over a tiny surface area of your painting project. If the paint comes off, it’s latex-based. If it doesn’t come off, it’s oil-based.[1]
    • If you don’t want to risk wiping paint off your project, think back to how you cleaned your brush. Oil paints require solvents like mineral spirits or turpentine to wash brushes, whereas latex-based paints only need water.[2]

  2. How to get paint out of white shirt


    Spray the dried paint stain with aerosol hairspray to loosen the paint. Saturate the stain completely. The alcohol in the aerosol hairspray will loosen the dried paint.[3]


  3. How to get paint out of white shirt


    Use rubbing alcohol instead if you don't have hairspray. Dab the paint stain with a clean wet cloth, then saturate it with isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol). Slowly pour the alcohol straight out of the bottle directly onto the stain.[4]

    • Do a test first on an inconspicuous spot of fabric to make sure the hairspray or alcohol won’t discolor your clothes.

  4. How to get paint out of white shirt


    Rub the fabric with a butter knife to remove as much paint as possible.[5] If your fabric isn’t too delicate, use a butter knife to gently scrape at the paint. Run your knife back and forth across the saturated stain until the paint loosens up.[6]

  5. How to get paint out of white shirt


    Use a toothbrush instead of a knife for more delicate fabrics. Take a soft bristle toothbrush and rub it back and forth across the stain. Loosen up as much of the dried paint as possible.[7]

  6. How to get paint out of white shirt


    Run the clothes under hot water to rinse away the loosened paint. Blot the fabric with a towel to dry it a little. Repeat the process of saturating the stain with hairspray or rubbing alcohol, scrubbing at it, and then rinsing until the stain is no longer visible.

    • If you want, try spraying the fabric with stain remover while you’re running it under the hot water.[8]

  7. How to get paint out of white shirt


    Launder the clothes as normal. Wash your clothes in the washing machine according to the instructions on the care tag. Dry them in the dryer or let them air dry, depending on their specific laundering instructions.[9]

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  1. How to get paint out of white shirt


    Determine if your paint is oil-based. Latex-based paints are more common in home improvement projects, but your paint could still be oil-based. Check the tube or container your paint came in. If you can’t find it, think back to whether you cleaned your brush with water or a solvent like turpentine or mineral spirits. Oil-based paints require solvents for washing brushes.[10]

    • Perform a strip test on a small area of the surface you were painting. Dab a cotton ball in a bit of denatured alcohol and rub it across a tiny area of the paint. If the paint doesn’t come off, it’s oil-based.[11]

  2. How to get paint out of white shirt


    Scrape off paint with a blunt knife, if your clothes aren't delicate. Rub gently at the fabric to loosen up as much paint as you can. Take care not to damage the material.[12]

  3. How to get paint out of white shirt


    Use a soft toothbrush instead of a knife, if your fabric is delicate. Scrape the toothbrush over the paint. Loosen up as much as you can.[13]

  4. How to get paint out of white shirt


    Lay the stain face down and blot with turpentine.[14] Put the fabric down on some paper towels or clean cloths. Dip a sponge in a bit of turpentine and dab the stain from the back to press the paint out of the fabric, rather than further in. Tamp the stain with the sponge. Repeat the process until you can’t get any more paint out this way.

    • Replace the paper towels or cloths under the stain as needed, if they become too covered in paint.[15]
    • If you don't have turpentine, try another removal agent, such as paint thinner.[16]

  5. How to get paint out of white shirt


    Blot the fabric with a cloth or paper towel to soak up excess turpentine. Put a clean cloth or paper towel behind the area. Blot to remove any remaining removal agent.[17]

  6. How to get paint out of white shirt


    Rub a bit of laundry detergent into the fabric as a final spot treatment. Check your care instructions tag to see what laundry detergents are safe for your clothes. Place a small amount on the area that was stained. Lightly work it into the fabric with a cloth or sponge.[18]

  7. How to get paint out of white shirt


    Launder your clothes as you normally would. Follow the care instructions on your tag. Wash and dry your clothes accordingly.[19]

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What is the best way to get paint out of a shirt?

Mix a solution of one part liquid hand dishwashing detergent to one part cool water. Sponge the stain with the detergent solution, tamping it vigorously. Rinse and repeat until no more paint is removed. If the stain remains, try blotting with acetone.

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Does vinegar remove paint stains? A soaking solution of vinegar mixed with water can alternatively be used in case of paint stains, but Tide's liquid detergent was specifically designed to be used against stains, so it's always a more reliable solution.

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How to remove Washable Paint from clothing or fabrics.
Before laundering, rinse the stain from fabric with hot water until no more color can be removed..
Wash in hot water with laundry detergent for about 12 minutes (heavy soil cycle)..