How to clean hard water spots off glass

The spots develop when water dries on glass and leaves behind the minerals that were trapped inside.

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When it comes to cleaning your bathroom, tackling the shower is typically the worst part thanks to the triple threat of moisture, residue, and hard water that builds up on the glass. The last on this list, however, is the main culprit of dingy spots on shower glass. 

"Hard water stains, also known as limescale, are high in minerals which end up leaving behind a chalky residue on surfaces," says Brad Roberson, President, Glass Doctor, a Neighborly company. When the water evaporates, the limescale remains, coating surfaces and clinging onto glass, tiles, and fixtures leaving behind hard, crusty deposits that change in color from white to green." 

If you don't tackle hard water stains regularly, they can become a nightmare to remove. "The longer you wait, the more build-up occurs,"  says Melissa Poepping, founder of The Chemical Free Home. She recommends cleaning your shower every two weeks (or weekly if it sees heavy use), which you can do by making a DIY solution with common household ingredients. 

Necessary Materials 

Hard water stains won't come off with a basic glass cleaner, but luckily pantry staples, like white vinegar and baking soda, will effectively remove the unsightly spots. 

  • Gloves
  • White vinegar 
  • Paper towels 
  • Spray bottle 
  • Sponge 
  • Baking soda 
  • Distilled water
  • Microfiber towel

How to Clean Hard Water Stains 

Once you've gathered all your supplies, you're ready to begin cleaning. Start by warming up a generous amount of white vinegar over the stovetop until hot.  

1. Soak Glass in White Vinegar 

Wearing gloves, Roberson says to dip paper towels into the hot vinegar and stick them to your shower glass. "The slightly acidic nature of vinegar allows it to soak into and loosen the mineral deposits," he says. Let the vinegar sit for 30 to 60 minutes, then remove the paper towels. To keep the glass wet during this time, Roberson says to spray the paper towels occasionally with vinegar from a spray bottle. 

2. Wipe Down Shower Door 

Remove the paper towels when time is up, then sprinkle a damp rag or sponge with a generous amount of baking soda and wipe down the shower door gently. "Avoid vigorously scrubbing, which could scratch the shower door," Roberson says.

3. Rinse With Distilled Water 

Rinse away any residual vinegar and baking soda by pouring distilled water over the glass. By now, the surface should be glistening, but if any limescale remains, Roberson says to repeat the baking soda scrub until all build-up has been removed. Dry with a microfiber towel. 

What to Do If Stains Persist

According to Alicia Sokolowski, the president and co-CEO of Aspen Clean, vinegar is typically able to remove hard water stains—and should work effectively when it comes to this this. "However, if your stains have been left too long and you find vinegar isn't working for you, you can also try using a lemon," she says. 

For this method, cut a lemon in half, dip it in salt, and scrub the grime away. "The abrasives of the salt and the acidity of the lemon eats away the soap scum and mineral build-up, keeping your shower glass shining," says Roberson. Spray some lemon juice on your shower after cleaning to keep the glass spotless for longer. 

How to Slow Future Limescale Build-Up 

If you have hard water in your home, these spots are unfortunately inevitable—but there are some ways to slow and minimize build-up.  

Check Your Water Quality 

It's possible your water has become harder than normal, which can make limescale more difficult to remove. "Our daily household water travels through layers of rocks before we use it, and the more time the water interacts with these minerals, the harder the water gets," says Roberson. If you notice cloudy spots on dishes and glasses, it may be a sign you need to check your home's water quality. If it's too hard, Sokolowski says investing in a water softener will help curb the issue. 

Wipe Down Glass After Use

The best way to prevent build-up from occurring is by wiping down your shower after every use. "Remember, hard water stains form after the water evaporates and the minerals are left behind," Poepping says. "Wiping the area clean immediately eliminates the issue altogether."

To do so, Roberson recommends using a small squeegee after showering to ensure all water is wiped away.

We all may want those sparkling clean windows and glass shower doors we see on TV, but getting them isn’t always that easy. Instead, we’re often left with stubborn hard water stains. These water spots are caused when there’s a high concentration of magnesium and calcium minerals in the water. The minerals build up over time on surfaces, such as your shower door glass, that are in constant contact with hard water. Fortunately, there are lots of options for how to remove watermarks on glass. Even by using just a few household ingredients, you may find it’s easy to remove and prevent future watermarks on glass.

Try Vinegar or Lemon to Remove Hard Water Stains

One of the best household items for cleaning purposes is vinegar. This is non-toxic and can be used to clean many surfaces in your home—including watermarks on glass. Plain white distilled vinegar is ideal for cleaning. There are a number of recipe options for making your own cleaning solution. One of the most common is a solution of 50 percent vinegar mixed with 50 percent tap water. For extremely tough stains, you may find you need a higher concentration of vinegar.

It’s important not to spray any solution directly onto the glass (see “How to Keep Your Door Glass Clean”). Instead, spray the cleaner generously onto a clean towel or cloth.

9 Elements All Purpose Cleaner, Lemon Multi Surface Cleaning Vinegar Spray, 18 oz Bottles (Pack of 3)

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Windex Vinegar Glass Cleaner 23 Ounce (Set of 2) Made in USA

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Next, scrub the glass. The towel even acts as an abrasive, helping remove the spots as the vinegar works on the mineral build-up. Once the surface is fully covered with the solution, allow it to soak a bit. The harder the stains, the longer this may take. Use a dry towel or squeegee to remove the cleaning solution, then wipe off with a clean, dry towel (or paper towel). You can also use a squeegee to remove the water. Be careful to not let the vinegar solution or water dry on the glass surface, as this could leave more spots.

The Rag Company - Professional Microfiber Waffle-Weave Towels, 20in x 40in, (Two-Pack)

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Chemical Guys Waffle Weave Glass and Microfiber Towel

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Vinegar isn’t the only common household item that can help you remove watermarks on glass. Lemon can also work. Like vinegar, it also has acidic properties. You may find that fresh lemon juice will work better than bottled. Rolling the lemon on a countertop will make the lemon easier to juice. You can then squeeze the lemon juice into a spray bottle with water. Spray onto a towel and then wipe over the glass.

You could also simply wipe the lemon itself over the glass surface. Once cut, rub it over the glass and let it soak in before removing with water or a traditional cleaner.

Essential oils are another cleaning possibility. Citrus oils such as lemon and orange may help in removing hard water stains, while also serving as a water repellent against future buildups.

Begin by mixing a few drops of the oil in water. Then apply to the glass with a towel or sponge. Allow the solution to soak and then wipe away.

Abrasive Glass Cleaners for Hard Water Spots

If you prefer to buy your cleaning products, there are plenty of options. Abrasive cleaners are available in powders and liquids, and either are sprinkled on the surface, or applied with a towel or sponge. Just be sure they are safe to use on glass to avoid damaging the surface.

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Invisible Shield Glass Essentials Cleans Your Glass and Hard Surfaces (Hard Water)

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Typically when using these products, begin by wetting the glass and then sprinkle or wipe on the cleaner. With the powder in particular, wetting the surface helps it stick to the surface, forming a cleaning paste.

After cleaning, rinse the surface with water. Abrasives should not be left on the glass because they could leave a residue. However, these are just general guidelines. Always follow manufacturer’s directions and guidelines when using cleaning products.

Best Practices for Glass Water Stains

Finish with a traditional glass cleaner to make sure all residue is removed. Be sure to dry the cleaned glass to help prevent future stains and spots.

Invisible Glass 15 oz. Premium Glass Cleaner, 4-Pack

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Cleaning Cautions

There are a few considerations to keep in mind before taking steps to remove water spots from glass.

  • Be sure that store-bought cleaning products are safe to use on glass before applying them.
  • Since cleaning products may be corrosive or acidic, wear gloves while cleaning the glass surfaces in your home.
  • Always wash your hands after they contact any cleaner, and don’t touch your face after hands have been in contact with the cleaning products until after they’re washed.
  • Make sure you’re in a well-ventilated area when cleaning; and
  • Always read and follow all directions and warning labels.

Keep Hard Water Stains from Coming Back

Once you’ve successfully cleaned and removed the watermarks from your glass, there are also steps you can take to keep your glass, shower doors and mirrors sparkling. If you start to see watermarks on your glass, treat the glass right away. This will help keep them from building up.

Wet & Forget Shower Cleaner - Requires No Scrubbing, 64 OZ. Ready to Use

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You can treat spots regularly with a vinegar solution, as this will keep them easy to clean. Also, don’t let water droplets settle or evaporate onto the glass surface. Wipe them away as soon as you see it forming to help prevent future spots. You can also squeegee the water off the glass, to help keep it clean. Keep in mind that the longer the watermarks are on the glass, the harder they will be to clean.

Easy-Clean Treatments

You can also purchase products that are designed to repel water from the glass surface. These products treat the glass so that water droplets sheet away rather than settling on the surface. These are available in stores where you by cleaning products, specialty retailers or online.

Basco AquaGlideXP Shower Door Glass Water Repellent Kit

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In addition, if you’re planning a bathroom renovation or to purchase new windows, there are glass products available that have already been treated with a special easy-to-clean coating.

Glass shops in your area are available to answer questions you may have about cleaning the glass in your home. They can also guide you in your search for a new shower door or windows. If you’re looking for guidance, assistance or product recommendations, look to for help connecting with companies near you.

How do you get old hard water stains off glass?

A vinegar spray is more useful for removing hard water stains from other surfaces, like glass shower doors and shiny faucets. Like vinegar, the acidity of lemon juice cuts through dried minerals, eliminating the stain.

What removes hard water stains from glass shower doors?

The best way to remove hard water stains from your shower doors is to do so using regular household items such as white vinegar and baking soda.

What is the best product to remove hard water stains from glass?

You can remove hard water stains from glass using white vinegar. Just fill a spray bottle with white vinegar and spray the hard water stains. Let the vinegar sit for 2-3 minutes, then wipe it away with a dry cloth. The acidity in the vinegar will help break down hard water deposits.

Does white vinegar remove hard water stains on glass?

These stains are made up of minerals found in hard water, with some of the most common being lime, silica, and calcium. Tackling these stains as part of your house cleaning routine can seem difficult, but there's a simple and effective solution that's probably already sitting in your cupboard: white vinegar.


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