Can tea tree oil remove dark spots

Benefits of Tea Tree Oil: These ways are the best to tackle your beauty problems; Image Credit: iStock

Who would say no to a flawlessly glowing skin? Well, as true beauty fanatics, we often keep on juggling our skincare products and routines to deal with our skincare woes and often wish for multipurpose products that can be our go-to option. Tea tree oil is one such product that will be surely a mainstay on our beauty shelves. Known for its endless properties, it is a perfect pick to tackle your beauty problems as well. From brightening your skin to combating acne and more, tea tree oil is a purely blissful beauty product that you have been missing out on. And if you are still unsure about how to use it, well fret not as we have a perfect guide for you on the benefits of tea tree oil.

We Have Handpicked Tea Tree Oils For You

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Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil For Skin

1. Combating Acne

Acne is a common issue faced by almost everyone and no matter how many products or remedies we keep trying, it often keeps popping up. Tea tree oil helps in soothing the skin by reducing itchiness and irritation and hence has antibacterial properties as well. Just a few drops of oil are enough to get a soothing effect on your skin. You can also mix a few drops of tea tree oil into a small amount of moisturizer or carrier oil. Apply this mixture to the affected areas immediately after shower for better results.

2. Moisturises The Skin

No matter what skin type you have, it surely needs proper moisturisation and tea tree oil is another perfect ingredient that moisturises and nourishes your skin well. It reduces dryness and flakiness, thereby giving you a smooth skin texture. You can simply mix the oil with carrier oil like coconut oil and use it daily for best results.

Moisturising is core part of any regimen

3. Brightening The Skin

Tea tree oil is known for its endless properties which helps in making your skin better and brightening is just another of them. It helps in tackling blemishes and dark spots, thereby clearing the skin and making it smooth and supple. It is also known to deal with hyperpigmentation and also helps in evening out the skin tone.

4. Soothes Inflammation

Tea tree oil comes with anti inflammatory properties which helps in soothing the skin and also relieves painful and irritated skin. It may also help to reduce redness and swelling that can be caused due to various reasons. You can simply mix just one drop of tea tree oil to carrier oil and just apply it on the affected area.

5. Removes Skin Tags

Skin tags are small flesh coloured growths on the skin. Tea tree oil tends to be an effective treatment due to its antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties. You can directly apply the oil to the affected area for better results.

Tea tree oil is derived from the Melaleuca alternifolia tree, which is indigenous to Australia. The oil has traditionally been used to treat wounds and other skin ailments.

For this reason, it’s often found in over-the-counter (OTC) cosmetics and other beauty products. This includes scar treatments.

Although tea tree oil has been established as remedy for active acne breakouts, it’s unclear whether it can effectively treat acne scars.

Unlike most pimples, acne scars form deep within the skin. These marks can darken with age and sun exposure. Tea tree oil can possibly combat these effects, but there’s no guarantee.

Read on to find out what the research says, possible side effects, products to consider, and more.

It’s widely accepted that tea tree oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. This can help prevent acne lesions, while also reducing swelling associated with inflammatory acne.

In fact, one 2007 study found 5 percent tea tree oil gel to be effective in treating mild to moderate cases of acne.

Despite the abundance of studies on acne and other skin concerns, research on tea tree oil in acne scar treatment is lacking.

One 2015 study established clear benefits in acne treatment, but the results for scarring were inconclusive. Generally speaking, tea tree oil is said to minimize the appearance of raised (hypertrophic) scars, but most acne scars develop below the surface of the skin.

At the very least, using tea tree oil to help manage active acne breakouts may help reduce their severity and risk of scarring.

Though its effects on acne scars aren’t proven, there generally isn’t any harm in trying it out.

Tea tree oil is safe for most users, but it’s important to make sure before youdo a full application.

To do a patch test:

  1. Apply a small amount of the oil or product to the inside of your elbow.
  2. Wait 24 hours or more.
  3. If you don’t experience any irritation or discomfort during this time, the product is likely safe to apply elsewhere.

From there, the way you use the oil will depend on the type of product you purchase.

Pure essential oil forms will need to be diluted with a carrier oil before use. A general rule of thumb is to add at least 1 ounce of carrier oil to every 12 drops of essential oil.

OTC products that contain tea tree oil in them don’t need this extra step — you can simply apply as directed.

In either case, you can get the best results from using tea tree oil as an all-over treatment, applied twice per day.

Topical tea tree oil is considered safe for most users. However, you shouldn’t use tea tree oil if you’ve had reactions to any related products in the past.

Pure essential oils are extremely powerful. You should never use this type of tea tree oil without diluting it with a carrier oil first.

Using undiluted tea tree oil can lead to additional redness, hives, and even rash. The affected area may also be itchy and uncomfortable.

Acne scars can take several weeks, if not months, to fade. Overusing tea tree oil in hopes of fading scars faster will only cause irritation. This may in turn make your scars more noticeable.

The amount of tea tree oil to apply and how often depends on the product you use. Some products containing tea tree oil are intended for daily use, while others might only be used a few times per week.

Concentrations also vary, with pure tea tree oil containing the most active ingredients. OTC beauty products might contain small amounts combined with other ingredients.

Make sure you do a patch test before applying any product to your face or other large area of skin.

Popular tea tree oil products include:

  • Essential Oil Labs 100% Tea Tree Oil. Touted as an all-purpose oil, this product help treat dark spots, acne, dry skin, and burns.
  • The Body Shop Tea Tree Night Lotion. This nighttime, gel-based lotion helps fade acne scars while also preventing future breakouts.
  • Keeva Tea Tree Oil Acne Treatment Cream. With tea tree oil, salicylic acid, and vitamin E, this cream helps reduce acne scars while also treating new pimples.
  • The Body Shop Tea Tree Anti-Imperfection Night Mask. Worn and left on overnight, this tea tree oil–infused clay mask purportedly reduces the appearance of scars and blemishes.

Acne scars can be difficult to treat, and you might need a combination of methods in addition to tea tree oil. Your dermatologist can make more precise recommendations based on your overall skin health and tone, as well as the severity of your scars.

If you don’t see results with tea tree oil after six to eight weeks, you might need a stronger treatment. Acne scars and related hyperpigmentation often respond to laser therapy and dermabrasion.

Finally, tea tree oil may be out if you have any side effects. Discontinue use if you develop a rash or other sign of an allergic reaction.

Which oil is best for removing dark spots?

The best essential oils for hyperpigmentation are lemon and carrot seed oil, both of which have clear scientific evidence pointing to their efficacy. Other oils that may lighten dark spots include geranium, sandalwood and tea tree oil.

Does tea tree oil lighten the skin?

Helps Whiten the Skin Tea tree oil for skin whitening is an effective remedy. It works on the pores of the skin by loosening them.

How do you use tea tree oil for brown spots?

As A Spot Treatment Add 5 drops of tea tree oil to 10ml of a carrier oil of your choice. Use a cotton ball to apply the diluted oil on your dark spots. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash off.

How long does it take for tea tree oil to get rid of spots?

As with any other acne treatment, it's natural to wonder if the treatment will work immediately. But like many other acne treatments, the effects of tea tree take a few weeks to be noticeable. Generally, it takes about 12 weeks for your skin to reap the benefits of tea tree oil.


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