How often should you get juvederm lip fillers

How often should you get juvederm lip fillers

How often should you get juvederm lip fillers

Juvederm® For Lips: How Often Do You Need a Touch-Up?

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Lip fillers allow you to alter the shape and size of your lips by physically adding volume below the surface. Depending on the type of look you want, you can use fillers for many purposes, including simply making your lips larger, softening wrinkles on or around the lips, tweaking the shape of your lips, or adding definition to the lip borders. One of the major advantages of lip injections with Juvederm® treatments for St. Louis patients is due to the fact that the filler is made with hyaluronic acid. That means it is a temporary treatment that eventually metabolizes, allowing your lips to go back to their normal state over time. It can also be dissolved if you don’t like the look of your ultimate results.

Many people enjoy the benefits of lip fillers, but find that their temporary nature also has a down side, in that they require ongoing maintenance for prolonged results. There’s no definite timeline for how long your hyaluronic fillers will last; their lifespan varies depending on the type of filler used, how much of the filler is injected, where the fillers are injected in the face (or elsewhere), the metabolic rate of the patient, lifestyle factors, and more. The results of some Juvederm® fillers can last for up to a year or longer, but most patients will generally be ready to come back for additional lip injections about six months after their initial session. As fillers break down more quickly in areas where there is a lot of movement, lip fillers usually are metabolized more quickly than those used in other, less active facial areas.

Having to come back to a dermatologist’s office for extra treatments can add to an already busy schedule, but if you love the way your lips look with filler, aftercare is important. Although there’s no real way of avoiding having to schedule repeat sessions for long-term results, if you can’t get back to your injector for a while and simply want to extend the lifespan of your fillers, there are some things you can do to make them last a little longer between treatments. Try to avoid placing too much pressure on your lips, follow aftercare instructions, limit sun exposure, drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated, and don’t smoke.

Ready for lusher, shapelier lips? Talk about your plans for Juvederm® with our experienced physicians at the Laser & Dermatologic Surgery Center. Call us at (314) 878-3839, or send us a message for more advice on lip injections.

How often you can get Juvederm largely depends on the type of Juvederm you get and the goals you are trying to achieve. Here’s a quick guide.

On average, Juvederm lasts about 9 to 12 months, and that’s if we’re talking about the ultra or ultra plus. Can you get it sooner than that? Sure. If you’re looking for  a lot of volume, there’s only so much you can do in one sitting, so you might want to come back in a few weeks, a month, 3 months, or whenever and then maybe keep coming back every three months after that. A patient who wants really full lips but starts out with particularly small lips would do best with multiple visits to achieve their desired look.  We would suggest coming every few weeks to inject a little bit more each time to get to the goal. Kylie Jenner is a perfect example of this. She did not achieve her pouty look in just one day. It took time to get there. 

When filling other places on the face, such as the folds, cheeks, or marionette lines, we may be able to get all of that taken care of with one injection and then not have the patient come back for another 12 months. 

Another factor that comes into play when determining how often to get Juvederm is metabolism. Everyone metabolizes Juvederm differently. There’s an enzyme in our body that naturally breaks down hyaluronic acid, and some people break it down quicker than others, making the lifespan of their filler 6 to 9 months versus 9 to 12 months.

Does Juvederm get better with time? 

The results from Juvederm continue to get better for up to a week. When getting Juvederm there can be some swelling and there’s always a little bit of bruising whenever you do injections. After about 3 to 7 days, all of that settles and you will look even better than you did when you left the office. From that point on, the results don’t really grow or change. Instead the hyaluronic acid slowly gets broken down, just like your own natural hyaluronic acid does. Over the next 6 to 12 months, the filler will gradually dissipate.

Interestingly, despite the degradation of filler occurring slowly over time, it always seems that you wake up one morning and notice that the filler is gone, or is significantly less full. That’s when most people schedule their next appointment.

Have questions? Call or email anytime. I help patients like you every day. I’d love to talk and understand what you want to achieve. 

Have questions?Call or email any time. I’d sincerely love to hear from you.(281) 336-9300

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About Dr. Angela Sturm

Dr. Angela Sturm is a double-board certified facial plastic surgeon with certifications with the American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery and the American Board of Facial Plastic Surgery. Dr. Sturm’s meticulous nature makes for exceptional results and satisfied patients. Dr. Sturm was named Texas Monthly’s Super Doctors Rising Star in 2016-2017, Texas Monthly’s Super Doctor in 2018-2019, H Texas Magazine’s Top Doc in 2013-2018, Top Doc by Houstonia magazine in 2016-2018, Houston Business Journal’s People on the Move and 40 under 40, Blazing Star Award by Texas Women’s Chamber of Commerce, Top Women in Business, one of the Top 30 Influential Women of Houston, Best Female Cosmetic Surgeon in Out Smart, and given the Patients’ Choice Award, On Time Doctor Award and Compassionate Doctor Award by

How long do Juvederm lip fillers last?

Juvederm Ultra XC and Ultra Plus XC both last between six and 12 months. It slowly metabolizes over time. So, patients often return in half that time for maintenance treatments. However, every patient is different and the location of the injection also affects the duration of action.

How often should you top up lip fillers?

You can get repeat treatments every six months. Scientists have found that hyaluronic acid injections prompt the skin to produce more collagen, creating more natural plumpness in the lips.

What happens if you keep getting lip fillers?

“When you repeatedly enlarge the lips — pumping them up as big as possible — the filler can act as a tissue expander, permanently stretching the skin, and causing the lips to sag and deflate when the filler eventually degrades, leaving you in worse shape than when you started,” she explains.

Why do my lip fillers go down so fast?

Too much exposure to UV rays can cause certain types of filler to break down more quickly, which will lead to your body absorbing them sooner than you may like. When on holiday, make sure that you slap on a high SPF, wear a wide-brimmed hat to cover your face and lips, and enjoy some time in the shade.