How much does a surgical tech make in oklahoma

How much does a Surgical Technician make in Oklahoma City, OK?

The average surgical technician in Oklahoma City, OK makes $52,980 annually. The average hourly rate for a surgical technician is $25.47/hr. This compares to the national average surgical technician salary of $52,193. Below, we break down the average surgical technician salary in Oklahoma City, OK by the highest paying companies and industries. You can also compare different types of surgical technician salaries in and around Oklahoma City and a salary history chart that shows how the average salary for surgical technicians has changed over time in Oklahoma City.

Surgical Technician Jobs Near Oklahoma City, OK

Highest Paying Companies For Surgical Technicians In Oklahoma City, OK

This chart shows how surgical technician salaries compare at nearby companies. To view companies in a different region, use the location filter below to select a city or state.

Highest Paying Companies For Surgical Technicians In Oklahoma City, OK

Highest Paying Cities Around Oklahoma City, OK For Surgical Technicians

Location can have a major impact on how much surgical technicians get paid. This chart shows how surgical technician salaries can vary depending on where they're located in the United States.

Average Surgical Technician Pay By Industry In Oklahoma City, OK

The salary for a surgical technician can vary depending on what industry the job is in. Here is a breakdown of the average pay across different industries that surgical technicians work in.

Highest Paying Industries in Oklahoma City, OK

Surgical Technician Jobs Near Oklahoma City, OK

Average Surgical Technician Salary Over Time In Oklahoma City, OK

Compare the average surgical technician salary history for individual cities or states with the national average.

Average Surgical Technician Salary In Oklahoma City, OK By Year

Real Surgical Technician Salaries Around Oklahoma City, OK

Surgical Technician Salaries In Oklahoma City FAQs

What Is The Salary Range For a Surgical Technician In Oklahoma City, OK?

The salary range for a surgical technician in Oklahoma City, OK is from $36,000 to $77,000 per year, or $17 to $37 per hour.

What Is A Liveable Salary In Oklahoma City, OK?

A liveable salary in Oklahoma City, OK is $53,000, or $25 per hour. That is the average salary for people living in Oklahoma City.

What Is A Good Salary In Oklahoma City, OK?

A good salary in Oklahoma City, OK is anything over $53,000. That's because the median income in Oklahoma City is $53,000, which means if you earn more than that you're earning more than 50% of the people living in Oklahoma City.

What Is a Surgical Technician's Salary In Oklahoma City, OK?

Search For Surgical Technician Jobs

The largest influence on surgical tech salary is location. Salaries paid to surgical technicians are highly influenced by demand for surgical services, the cost of living, and other factors that are tied to location.

In general, states with large cities and large populations see the most demand for surgical technicians and thus tend to offer higher-paying jobs. However there are exceptions, such as Alaska, which pays a relatively high surgical tech salary due to its remote location and the need to make jobs more attractive.

Below are the 50 US states and the District of Columbia, with select surgical tech salary figures.

Surgical Tech Salary State to State

State Lowest Salary Median Salary Highest Salary Average Salary
(see schools)
$26,420 $37,600 $55,530 $39,140
(see schools)
$42,470 $58,510 $102,500 $63,370
(see schools)
$31,190 $47,730 $69,840 $48,720
(see schools)
$24,980 $35,710 $51,520 $37,090
(see schools)
$31,550 $50,690 $76,320 $52,220
(see schools)
$31,670 $47,390 $69,140 $48,440
(see schools)
$35,800 $54,310 $75,670 $54,590
(see schools)
$42,520 $59,550 $73,360 $58,650
(see schools)
$34,300 $49,440 $68,710 $50,050
(see schools)
$26,380 $38,160 $61,200 $41,080
(see schools)
$25,510 $39,390 $60,810 $41,310
(see schools)
$24,610 $49,110 $71,720 $48,070
(see schools)
$23,220 $36,520 $57,490 $38,900
(see schools)
$32,850 $56,000 $88,430 $57,630
(see schools)
$24,610 $41,010 $64,530 $43,250
(see schools)
$27,890 $43,310 $69,190 $45,770
(see schools)
$24,400 $42,310 $63,460 $43,810
(see schools)
$23,180 $37,190 $55,810 $38,390
(see schools)
$27,160 $40,620 $60,890 $42,580
(see schools)
$29,990 $42,890 $57,590 $43,060
(see schools)
$28,960 $48,330 $76,650 $49,870
(see schools)
$35,020 $56,290 $75,760 $56,190
(see schools)
$29,380 $44,890 $69,670 $47,450
(see schools)
$30,800 $47,180 $64,740 $47,750
(see schools)
$20,980 $34,510 $53,100 $35,400
(see schools)
$28,370 $45,010 $67,580 $46,180
(see schools)
$29,560 $44,440 $65,270 $46,220
(see schools)
$30,380 $43,610 $68,650 $46,380
(see schools)
$30,640 $50,630 $72,030 $49,500
New Hampshire
(see schools)
$31,800 $45,770 $64,280 $47,020
New Jersey
(see schools)
$34,160 $53,420 $75,260 $54,030
New Mexico
(see schools)
$22,170 $39,770 $55,450 $38,990
New York
(see schools)
$28,460 $50,530 $75,260 $51,890
North Carolina
(see schools)
$27,030 $38,040 $56,590 $40,190
North Dakota
(see schools)
$32,360 $44,570 $60,100 $45,460
(see schools)
$26,870 $42,580 $63,360 $43,690
(see schools)
$25,620 $40,100 $58,150 $41,460
(see schools)
$28,410 $47,750 $74,960 $50,170
(see schools)
$29,170 $44,390 $64,950 $45,680
Rhode Island
(see schools)
$40,000 $52,990 $75,020 $54,250
South Carolina
(see schools)
$23,960 $36,070 $51,660 $36,860
South Dakota
(see schools)
$26,630 $39,350 $61,760 $42,270
(see schools)
$24,810 $37,430 $57,490 $39,140
(see schools)
$24,420 $39,300 $58,970 $40,660
(see schools)
$29,710 $41,980 $63,820 $44,030
(see schools)
$31,470 $43,590 $57,330 $43,490
(see schools)
$25,380 $40,580 $64,940 $42,920
(see schools)
$32,010 $49,330 $75,250 $51,340
West Virginia
(see schools)
$21,140 $32,680 $55,460 $35,450
(see schools)
$30,620 $44,810 $67,380 $47,000
(see schools)
$25,080 $39,130 $56,320 $39,150

Figures based on 2012 data courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.

Also see:

  • Surgical Tech Salary by City
  • Surgical Tech Salary (Nationwide)
  • Surgical Tech Schools by State

How much do certified surgical techs make in Oklahoma?

While ZipRecruiter is seeing salaries as high as $102,095 and as low as $27,885, the majority of Surgical Tech salaries currently range between $41,827 (25th percentile) to $65,663 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $82,754 annually in Oklahoma City.

What is the highest paid Surgical Tech?

Surgical Technologists made a median salary of $49,710 in 2020. The best-paid 25 percent made $60,980 that year, while the lowest-paid 25 percent made $41,010.

How much do Xray techs make an hour in Oklahoma?

Salaries by years of experience in Oklahoma.

Can you make six figures as a surgical tech?

Surgical Techs Can Make a Six-Figure Income It depends on a couple of factors: geographic location and facility type. Pay for surgical technicians generally tends to be higher on the west coast—namely, in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Idaho—than on the east coast.