How long should i get a massage for

Massage therapy is one of those treatments that has been around for thousands of years. It has benefits for our physical, mental and emotional health. If you think of massage, you may see it as a luxury treatment, something to do once a year when you spoil yourself for a spa getaway. In reality, you will only get the lasting benefits of a massage if you go for one regularly.

But how often should you get a massage, and will it be worth your time and money to get one more frequently? The easy answer is yes. You absolutely should treat yourself to a massage more often, if your budget allows you to. In today’s modern society, most people have high-stress jobs where they take stressful commutes to work only to spend eight hours of their day in front of a computer screen, encouraging bad posture. Overtime, stress and bad posture can result in chronic issues like back and neck pain, poor sleep and low mood. These are all things a frequent massage can improve.

Let’s look at some of the benefits of going for a frequent massage:

  • Massage can help to reduce stress and the effects of stress on your body
  • Massage can relieve chronic pain
  • Massage relaxes tight and sore muscles
  • Massage can increase athletic performance
  • Massage can help speed up recovery from injury
  • Massage helps you to relax
  • Massage increases circulation
  • Massage promotes the removal of toxins from the body
  • Massage can boost your mood
  • Massage can boost your immunity
  • Massage can increase your range of motion

The more you go for a massage, the more these benefits will start to accumulate, resulting in a better feeling body and a happier you.

How often you should go for a massage depends on your goals, physical and emotional needs

Take a deep breath and think of what is most important to you. Are you looking to improve your athletic performance or nurse an injury? Or would you like to reduce your stress and loosen those tight desk-sitting muscles? Once you know what you would like the end goal of your massage to be, you can start looking at how frequent you should get one.

For pain relief consider going for a massage weekly for a few weeks. You can then reduce the frequency to biweekly or once a month.

For athletic performance you can consider going for a massage biweekly, but if you are a serious athlete and need to prep for endurance, you can go once or even twice a week.

Use the knowledge of your massage therapist. Your massage therapist is the best person to recommend how often you should go for a massage as they are working with your body and muscles. If they know what your end goals are, they can make a good recommendation for you.

In periods of high stress where you start to feel overwhelmed, you should go for a massage more often.

The rule of thumb to remember is this: if you have a good therapist that gives a good massage, once monthly should be enough to keep you feeling good and reaping the benefits of your massage.

This is one of the most common questions I get from new massage clients. There are so many options available it can be confusing as to how long of a session you need. There are several things to consider when choosing a session length, such as your budget, your wellness goals, and your current physical state.

What Are the Typical Session Lengths?

You will not find the same choices of massage sessions everywhere, but here are the typical choices…

  • 30 Minutes
  • 60 Minutes
  • 90 Minutes
  • 120 Minutes

The 60 and 90 minute options are the most common, but you may see less common options such as 45 or 75 minute sessions. Each massage therapist creates sessions that work best for the modalities and skills that we offer. At my Overland Park massage office, the 90 minute session is the most popular.

What Are Your Wellness Goals?

The answer to this question will have a big impact on the length of massage session you should choose. Are you looking to relax and let go of built-up anxiety and tension? Or are you looking for relief from chronic pain in a specific area?

If you have a trouble spot that needs attention, then a 30 minute session can be effective. For instance, 30 minutes of therapeutic massage on the neck can eliminate tension and stress from that area. This is a great session length for work on the feet too. However, 30 minutes is not long enough for a full-body session or to fully relax.

A 60 minute session is enough time to relax and unwind, especially if you can commit to massages on a regular basis. A 60 minute session can also be effective for a chronic trouble spot, such as lower back stiffness or neck and shoulder tension.

To fully relax and have enough time to work on trouble spots, I usually recommend a 90 minute session. That may sound like a long time to you, but your massage therapist may need that much time to give a full body massage and address your specific complaints. Clients that are new to massage are often surprised to find that massage on the calves and feet can help the hips or shoulders relax. Everything is connected, and a longer, full-body massage is the best way to completely relax.

What Types of Massage Are You Considering?

The type of massage you are seeking can affect which session length you choose. Myofascial release and true deep-tissue massage techniques take time, so that the tissue can unwind and melt under the appropriate pressure. These modalities should not be rushed. They can be used with any session length, but the longer the session, the more effective the work will be.

Modalities that require tools, such as cupping or hot stone massage, are also better with longer sessions, because some time is consumed with replacing stones or cups with new ones throughout the session. However, aside from a few exceptions, most massage techniques are not time-sensitive and are effective with shorter session lengths.

Other Common Concerns…

What if You Have to Use the Restroom During a Longer Session?

This does happen on occasion, and, although it seems like it would be very disruptive, the session can continue from where it left off. Most massage rooms have robes available for the client to use if the need to visit the restroom arises.

What if You Fall Asleep and Snore During the Session?

This may seem more likely during a longer session, but trust me when I say that it happens all the time. I consider it a compliment that my clients can relax so much as to fall asleep on the massage table. In addition, snoring is natural, common, and nothing to be embarrassed about.

What if the Massage Table is Not Comfortable?

Some clients can have trouble staying comfortable in one position for a long time. Do not avoid a longer massage session for this reason. An experienced massage therapist will be able to position you so that you are comfortable and create an effective massage session too.

In the End, Just Go with Your Gut

In the end, just go with your gut when booking a massage session. You alone know how long of a session you will enjoy without it becoming too lengthy. If a longer session sounds good, then try it out. The time will probably fly by as you relax and unwind. At my massage studio in Overland Park, I offer a number of different massage techniques and services, from hot stone massages to couples massage training.

Schedule an appointment today!

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Suzanne Schaper

Suzanne Schaper is a Board Certified Massage Therapist serving Lenexa and Overland Park, KS. She loves sharing her knowledge for health and wellness with her customers. "A life free of pain and disease is a more full life." Suzanne enjoys assisting her customers in their pursuit of health and happiness.

Is a 1 hour massage too long?

An hour allows for a full body and specialty massages. Ninety minute is the best for overall health and wellness. If you are curious ask your massage therapist for other durations that can be received and know that there may even be longer more relaxing durations available!

Are 90 minute massage worth it?

60 vs 90: Thirty minutes can make a big difference! It gives the therapist enough time to do any detailed work, incorporating more techniques on areas in need than you'd be able to with a 60 minute massage, and still be able to get to the rest of the body without it feeling rushed.”

Is 30 minutes long enough for a massage?

For a back massage, 30-45 minutes is a good amount of time to give a thorough massage to the shoulders, neck and lower back. For work on other specific areas, then 30 minutes ona regular basis should be enough. For a full body Swedish massage, I would recommend a minumum of 60 minutes and anything up to 90 minutes.

Is it OK to get a massage 2 days in a row?

Can I get a massage two days in a row? You can enjoy a relaxation massage once a year or two days in a row or even twice a day for relaxation without harm. You can benefit from massage sessions once every week or two to keep your muscles, joints and tissues pliable and in good shape.