How long should a three month old nap

See how long your 3-month old wake windows should be as well as a feeding and sleeping schedule you can use for your 3-month old!

How long should a three month old nap

If your baby is three-months old, you’re starting to come out of the fourth trimester and into baby land! Some people love the newborn days, but I really enjoyed it once my baby was able to be a bit more interactive and mobile.

Three months old is the start of more fun and better sleep, and part of that is your baby being able to handle longer wake windows!

Keep reading to find out good wake windows for your three-month old and get a feeding and sleep schedule you can follow!

When Should You Start Using A Wake Window?

I recommend using wake windows from the very beginning. Your baby will also show sleep cues when they’re getting tired, but I also like to be aware of how long your baby has been awake so you can help prevent an overtired baby.

Newborn wake windows are especially short! Those tiny babies are only able to stay awake for a feed before they need to go to sleep again!

As your baby grows, his wake windows will grow too!

Soon he’ll be able to stay up for longer periods of time and take fewer naps. But for now, your 3-month old’s wake window is still pretty small and should be protected to keep your baby from getting to that overtired and overstimulated baby state.

How long should a three month old nap

How Long Should A 3-Month Old Be Awake Between Naps?

At 3 months old, your baby can stay awake for about 90 minutes in between naps. This hour-and-a-half is usually the sweet spot for babies from about 11 to 14 weeks old.

As your baby reaches 16 weeks, you’ll extend your baby’s wake times again to line up with a 4-month old wake window of closer to two hours. When your baby gets closer to 20 weeks, you can extend again to a 5-month old wake window of 2.5 hours!

Now is also a great time to start a nap routine with your little one. Something short and sweet that will cue to your baby’s brain that sleep is coming!

How long should a three month old nap

Feel Confident Tackling your Baby’s Sleep Schedule

Want to feel confident understanding wake windows and your baby’s sleep needs at every age and stage?

Get printable schedules for babies ages Newborn through 4 years old with my Baby Schedule Cheat Sheets. You’ll get sample schedules, and a roadmap for your baby’s wake windows and nap transitions through their first 4 years. Check it out here!

How long should a three month old nap

How Long Should 3-Month-Old Naps Be?

Naps can still be sporadic at this age, especially if your little one struggles with the 45-minute intruder. If you have a good napper, you might get up to 90 minutes of nap time. The 90-minute wake window and 90-minute nap time put your baby on a perfect 3-hour feeding routine.

If your baby needs to eat more frequently, your naps may be up to 60 minutes. Wake windows include the time your baby spends feeding as well.

Can A 3-Month Old Put Himself to Sleep?

If you’ve been practicing independent sleep skills like eat play sleep and follow a consistent routine, then a 3-month old can absolutely put himself to sleep.

Not all 3-month olds can though and not all of the time! Even independent sleepers might need a little help here and there. As your baby grows and nears the 4-month mark, you can consider using a sleep training method if your baby is still struggling.

How long should a three month old nap

Here’s a sample schedule you can use for your 3-month old. This sample schedule has 3 hours in between feeds and has the 90-minute wake windows.

7:00 am – Wake up and feed

8:30–10 am – Nap

10:00 am – Feed

11:30 am–1:00 pm – Nap

1:00 pm – Feed

2:30–4:00 pm – Nap

4:00 pm – Feed

5:00–5:30 – Nap

6:30 Feed / Baby’s bedtime routine

7:00 – Bedtime

Night feeds as needed.

Notice how the wake window before the evening catnap was only 60 minutes. Sometimes you can do a shorter wake window if you just need a quick nap to help your baby make it to bedtime.

Around 3 months old, some babies are able to extend their night sleep and some may even be sleeping through the night! Many things can affect your baby’s night sleep, including routine, development, weight, and sleep habits.

You’ll also want to stop swaddling your baby around 12 weeks if you haven’t transitioned them yet.

Let me know if you have any questions about your baby’s sleep or your baby’s wake windows!

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How long should a three month old nap

I'm Amy and I'm so glad you've stopped by! As a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, my goal is to walk you through the process of getting your baby to sleep, so your whole family gets the rest they need!

My blog is full of things to help you celebrate motherhood including baby nursery ideas, sleep schedules and sleep tips, fun printables, baby registry must-haves, and so much more.

How long should a three month old nap

Should I let my 3 month old nap as long as he wants?

You might aim to have your baby nap at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Let your baby nap for as long as he or she wants, unless your baby has difficulty falling asleep at night. If your baby is taking a third nap in the late afternoon, try to eliminate that nap around age 9 months.

Is a 3 hour nap too long for a 3 month old?

At 3 months old your baby should be taking 3-5 naps per day, each 1 to 3 hours long—with the exception of the last nap of the day which should not go past 6:30, so you may need to cut that nap short.

How long should awake time be for 3 month old?

The typical wake window for a three month old ranges from 75 to 110 minutes. At 12 weeks, some babies may not be ready for the full 110 minutes. On the other hand, by 16 weeks, 75 minutes may be a little too short first thing in the morning.

Is a 30 minute nap OK for a 3 month old?

By 3 months old you should begin to notice a more consistent sleep pattern and can expect a more predictable schedule. At this age babies generally need 4 - 5 naps per day and nap length can be anywhere between 30 minutes and 2 hours. We encourage families to try for at least 2 naps per day in the crib or cot.