How long does hydrogen peroxide take to cure nail fungus

You may have come across the craziest recipes when it comes to treating toenail fungus.

Toenail fungus is not only unsightly, but it is also painful and can result in permanent nail damage.

It typically begins as a yellow or white spot at the tip of the fingernail. At this point, you may think the condition is harmless.

However, once you have it, you can’t wear sandals or closed-in shoes anymore.

As the toenail sears with pain, the simple act of slipping into a shoe is pure torture.

When the fungal infection penetrates deeper into the skin, the nail will quickly begin to discolor, crumble, and thicken.

And, the worst bit? The fungus can attack several nails at once.

In most cases, the condition remains mild and isn’t painful.

But if your toenail fungus is worsening over time and damaging your nails, you need aggressive treatment to kill the fungus once and for all.

Table of Contents

  • What Does Hydrogen Peroxide Do?
  • How To Use Hydrogen Peroxide To Treat Toenail Fungus
  • Healthy Habits To Prevent Toenail Fungus
    • 1.     Trim Your Toenails Properly
    • 2.     Always Wear Breathable Shoes
    • 3.     Disinfect Your Shoes Regularly
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How long does hydrogen peroxide take to cure nail fungus

Anyone who has skimmed the internet for an effective fungus remedy might have chanced upon “Hydrogen Peroxide”.

It is a pale, blue chemical compound that is used as a mild antiseptic to treat cuts, scrapes, and of course, infected toenails.

Hydrogen peroxide has a longstanding reputation of being the only substance that is composed of oxygen and water to safely kill fungus and bacteria.

It is incredibly safe and one of the best natural sanitizers to destroy nail fungus.

The fact that it is often used as a mouth rinse is proof that it can certainly kill bacteria and fungus.

Since toenail fungus results in thickening of the surrounding skin, it’s important to soften and exfoliate it.

Most of the skin around the affected nail is dead and must be removed. And, here’s how hydrogen peroxide works against toenail fungus.

When the product is applied to the affected area, it aggressively releases oxygen, resulting in a thick foam.

This, in turn, helps to remove the dead skin while cleaning the area.

Although hydrogen peroxide is not ideal for deep wounds, it is one of the best remedies for toenail fungus.

How To Use Hydrogen Peroxide To Treat Toenail Fungus

How long does hydrogen peroxide take to cure nail fungus

Hydrogen peroxide kills fungus instantly.

The fungus is caused by microscopic organisms called “dermatophytes” that cause deformation and thickening of the toenail over time.

Hydrogen peroxide works to bleach out the yellow spot and slowly kills the fungus within a week.

It quickly disinfects the affected skin as well as the nail bed by eradicating fungus, bacteria, and discolored dead skin.

As a quick bleaching agent, you can apply some on the affected nail bed and watch the discoloration go away in no time.

But what makes it great is that it’s a super gentle and safe germicidal remedy.

You can use it in two ways. If only one toenail is affected, then simply rinse it thoroughly with warm water and dry it off completely.

Next, take a soft cotton pad or sanitary gauze and soak it in the hydrogen peroxide solution.

Place the cotton pad directly onto the infected nail, making sure to cover the surrounding skin as well.

Allow the toenail bed and the skin to absorb the solution for about 5 minutes. Then take a clean cotton pad and dry the area.

Repeat this at least 4 times a day until you can visibly see improvements. The fungus will slowly start to go away and the discoloration will fade.

However, even when the fungus is completely gone, treat your toenail to this solution once a week for the next 2-3 months for permanent results.

If more than one toenail is infected with fungus, then you need a larger solution.

Prepare a mixture of 1 part hydrogen peroxide and 2 parts water. Dip all the infect toenails into the solution for no more than 15 minutes.

At this point, the skin around the toenail might turn white, which is completely normal.

It will go back to its original color in a few minutes.

Fifteen minutes is a good time to ensure that the toenails completely soak up the antiseptic solution.

Once you’re done, rinse your toes and dry them off. Repeat the process every night for at least 5-6 weeks for effective results.

Although the treatment will take time, it’s far better than harsh ointments and medications for toenail fungus.

Healthy Habits To Prevent Toenail Fungus

How long does hydrogen peroxide take to cure nail fungus

Prevention is always better than cure. Since fungi love moist, dark, and warm places, it’s very easy to develop toenail fungal infection.

However, good foot hygiene can easily beat these bad guys and keep your toes healthy and clean. Here’s what you can do:

1.     Trim Your Toenails Properly

How long does hydrogen peroxide take to cure nail fungus

If you’re using a nail file, make sure to be gentle with any sharp edges.

If you’re clipping your toenails, always use a sanitized clipper and cut the nails straight across.

2.     Always Wear Breathable Shoes

How long does hydrogen peroxide take to cure nail fungus

Your shoes should never be touching your toenails. Avoid any footwear that suffocates or jams the toenails.

Instead, wear shoes that have a deep toe box and are breathable as the more air there is, the cleaner and drier your feet will be.

Breathable fabric makes your feet less susceptible to toenail fungus. Leather and canvas are two excellent options to keep your feet clean and sweat-free all day.

3.     Disinfect Your Shoes Regularly

How long does hydrogen peroxide take to cure nail fungus

Spray your shoes with a gentle anti-bacterial spray occasionally.

If you wear them without socks, there are greater chances of bacteria and sweat being trapped in the corners of the shoe. Therefore, disinfect your footwear regularly.

You can even wash your socks in a bit of warm water and hydrogen peroxide to kill the fungi.

Moreover, wash your feet with soap every day and then thoroughly dry them afterward.

Make sure to scrub your feet at least twice a week, especially between the toes to ensure good hygiene.

So that’s it – everything you should know about hydrogen peroxide and toenail fungus.

Use this safe and quick remedy to bid that nasty fungus goodbye.

And, while you’re at it, practice the above-listed foot hygiene tips for squeaky clean toenails!

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How long does hydrogen peroxide take to cure nail fungus

How long does hydrogen peroxide take to cure nail fungus

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How long does it take for hydrogen peroxide to get rid of fungus?

Kill mold and mildew To kill them without having to breathe in toxic bleach fumes, spray with undiluted 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. Rinse. The peroxide will kill the mold and mildew, but you may still need to remove the stains they left behind.

How effective is hydrogen peroxide for toenail fungus?

Hydrogen peroxide can kill fungus that grows on toenails. You can directly wipe hydrogen peroxide on your infected toes or toenails with a clean cloth or cotton swab. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used in a foot soak.

Does hydrogen peroxide cure fingernail fungus?

Fortunately, there are many home remedies that can prove helpful. So far as we know, there is not a single treatment that works in every case. But many people find that if they apply hydrogen peroxide daily to the affected nails they can clear the fungus.

What is the fastest way to cure toenail fungus?

The fastest way to eliminate the infection is through toenail laser treatment. Laser nail therapy specifically targets the microorganisms under your nail while leaving the keratin intact. In just a few treatments, the infection can be entirely eliminated.