How do you say oxtail in spanish

What kind of meat is oxtail?

Oxtail is most definitely beef. It is simply the tail from Beef Cattle.

What is Rabo de Toro in English?

Oxtail currently comes from a cow (it is cow's tail). In the past, it was the tail of an ox but today we use the term oxtail to mean cow's tail. Is oxtail a delicacy? Today rabo de toro (oxtail) is considered a delicacy in Spain.

What is oxtail soup called?

It is colloquially known as "bone soup". The broth is made with raw oxtail, garlic, salt, black pepper, green onions and other typical Korean flavors. The soup must be simmered at low heat for several hours to soften the meat and make the broth.

Is oxtail a good meat?

The meat of the oxtail, when prepared properly, is tender and succulent, similar to short ribs. There is a good amount of fat and collagen that melt into your dishes as oxtail cooks, which will give a wonderful round texture to sauces and that slightly sticky feel to the meat.