How do i see my google subscriptions

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How do I cancel a subscription that is billed through my Google Play account?

Follow these steps to cancel subscriptions and recurring charges billed through your Google Play account.

How do i see my google subscriptions

Written by Marshall
Updated over a week ago

Cancel a subscription on the Google Play app

Note: Uninstalling the app will not cancel your subscription.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Store.

  2. Check to make sure you’re signed in to the correct Google Account.

  3. Tap Menu > Subscriptions.

  4. Select the subscription you want to cancel.

  5. Tap Cancel subscription.

  6. Follow the instructions provided.

Cancel a subscription online

Note: Uninstalling the app will not cancel your subscription.

  1. Go to

  2. Check to make sure you’re signed in to the correct Google Account.

  3. At the left, click My subscriptions.

  4. Select the subscription you want to cancel.

  5. Click Manage > Cancel Subscription.

  6. Within the confirmation pop-up, click Yes

For more information regarding subscriptions billed through Google Play, please visit their support center here.

Click here to learn how to cancel subscriptions billed through services other than Google Play.

How do i see my google subscriptions

Subscriptions can get away from you, especially when you forget you signed up for anything to begin with. That’s exactly why you need to know how to easily cancel any Android app subscription at any moment, right from the Google Play Store. Here’s how you can do that.

What type of subscriptions can I cancel?

It seems like almost every app out there has some sort of plan or subscription to use it in a certain capacity. Most of the time, these subscriptions are tied to your Google account. Apps that use Google Play billing will show up in the Google Play Store app and website when you subscribe. If you sign up for subscriptions directly using a credit/debit card, it won’t show up in the Google Play Store.

Using Google Play billing makes it a little easier to track your active subscriptions and see where your money is going. When viewing these subscriptions, you get information about the cost per period you’re paying as well as what type of plan you’re on. You can also see which card or account you’re paying with and can create a backup method.

How to cancel a subscription on Google Play

There are two methods for canceling a subscription from Google Play. First, you can do it on a PC or Mac using Chrome. This is the easiest and preferred method since you can also pause subscriptions if you need to. The other way to cancel subscriptions is to use your Android device and Google Play Store app. We’ll go through both methods.

Cancel or pause on the web

  1. On your device, head to
  2. Make sure you’re logged in to the proper account, and look for My subscriptions at the bottom left menu on your screen.
  3. Look for the subscription you want to cancel, and click Manage.
  4. If you’re ready to cancel, click Cancel Subscription.
  5. A small survey will appear asking you why which you can easily skip. Afterward, you’ll need to confirm by clicking Cancel subscription again.
How do i see my google subscriptions
How do i see my google subscriptions
How do i see my google subscriptions
How do i see my google subscriptions

Note: If possible, you’ll also see an option to pause your subscription in the event that you want to resume it at a later date.

Cancel using Google Play Store app

  1. On your Android device, head to the Google Play Store app.
  2. Tap your profile photo, and select Payments & subscriptions.
  3. Tap Subscriptions.
  4. Find the one you want to cancel, and tap it.
  5. At the bottom, you’ll see a button labeled Cancel subscription. Tap it.
  6. A small survey will appear that you can skip. After, confirm by tapping Cancel subscription.
How do i see my google subscriptions
How do i see my google subscriptions
How do i see my google subscriptions
How do i see my google subscriptions

Once you finish this process, you’ll likely be able to use the service until the next payment date. If you want to subscribe again, you’ll need to do that through the app itself. This is just an easy way to get rid of subscriptions that you don’t want to pay for anymore in a simple manner.

More on Google Play:

  • How to join Android app beta programs on the Google Play Store
  • Google Play system updates for April offer new Play Pass features, app discovery, and more [Updated]
  • Google Play will hide outdated apps that don’t support the latest Android features from new users

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How do i see my google subscriptions

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Andrew Romero's favorite gear

How do I manage my Google Subscriptions?

Go to At the top right, click your profile icon. Click Payments & subscriptions. Next to the subscription you want to update, click Manage.

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Open your Google Account. You might need to sign in. On the left, click Payments & subscriptions. To view a list of items, click Manage purchases, Manage subscriptions, or Manage reservations..
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