How can i verify if someone was in the military

Are you a banker, a lender or another type of merchant who does business with service members? If so, we have some information you need.

While military members are an important segment of your client base, you must keep in mind that they are entitled to certain rights and protections that other clients do not get.

How can i verify if someone was in the military

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act is a United States federal law that provides for some of these protections for service members. The SCRA calls for, among other things, a lower interest rate for active-duty service members. They are entitled to this protection because as soldiers, they often don’t make a lot of money, and steep interest rates exacerbate the problem. Further, the intent of the law is to relieve active-duty service members from excessive fees and worries while they are in the military serving our country.

The SCRA also stipulates that certain procedures be followed for evictions and repossessions. If, as a person who does business with members of the military, you fail to follow these rules and procedures, it can cost you a lot of money in the form of fines and penalties. Thus, it is critical to check military status before proceeding with any actions against a soldier or service member.

You may wonder how to find out if someone is a service member. You may attempt to get this information on your own by Googling the names of US army soldiers, military members or military personnel. And although this is a way you can get results, the information you find may not be up to date.

Additionally, while it is possible to check government sources on your own to find out if someone is in the Army or another branch of the military, you must have their Social Security number to be able to conduct such a search. And even then, it can be difficult and time-consuming to get accurate information from the U.S. government.

Use SCRACVS for Military Status Verifications

The best, fastest, easiest way to find out if someone is in the military is to get help from a service such as the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Centralized Verification Service. We provide accurate military status verifications quickly (usually within 24 hours) and for a reasonable fee, saving you precious time. And time is money.

Further, you don’t even need to provide us with the person’s Social Security number. While this is the fastest way to get verification, we are able to do it through other means as well. If you provide us with other information, including a person’s name, address, age, email address, and other identifying information, we can still get a verification. The more information you ask for when you do business with a military member, the easier a military status verification is.

If you use a service such as SCRACVS, you can also be assured that your result is real and that you have not fallen victim to any online scammers who may take your money and give you invalid results. We find the military status of the person in question and provide you with the verification you need to take to court with you. This is all we do: we provide military status verifications and affidavits, so you can trust that we get the job done correctly.

If you have any questions about our process, fees or anything else related to our services, please feel free to call, chat or email us for help. Know that we have live people who answer our phones to help you and that you can ask them any questions you need to regarding the military status verification process.

Searching with SCRACVS Saves Time & Money

Finding information online regarding a soldier’s military status — whether it is a current or former, active or reserve member — is a challenge. You may not know where to begin, or if the information you find is reliable. If you want to save time — and money — turn the search over to the SCRACVS. We are a full-service search agency, and we guarantee the veracity of the information we provide. We also provide discount pricing for batch searches, which helps to save you even more money. We deliver the results of the search via email, encrypted for security.

If you want to eliminate the hassle and uncertainty that comes with searching for information about the military status on your own, contact us today.

Attorney Roy Kaufmann serves as the Director of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Centralized Verification Service, located in Washington, D.C. As a recognized authority on the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, Mr. Kaufmann has published hundreds of articles and hosted many webinars. His teachings help law firms and businesses to remain compliant with the SCRA rules and regulations so as to avoid costly fines.

Is a person's military record public?

Military personnel records are open to the public 62 years after they leave the military. (To calculate this, take the current year and subtract 62.) Records of any veteran who separated from the military 62 (or more) years ago can be ordered by anyone for a copying fee (detailed below under “cost”).

Can I look up someone's military record?

You can only get limited information about non-archival records without the consent of the veteran or next-of-kin. Non-archival records are those from 62 years ago to the present. Learn about access to non-archival military records by the general public and researchers.