God is good all the time and all the time god is good origin

This is a very popular saying among Christians of all denominations today.   In some circles it is almost like a handshake.  One says ” God is Good” the other responds ” All the time”.     I took sometime to reflect on what this means to us, and how very true it is, but more importantly what it means to us as Christians.

God is Good.   Well, yes.  We know that God is good, He is after all God.   All knowing, All Powerful, Omnipotent, Creator of all things.   God created all things.. let us consider that part.  If God is good, and he created ALL things then all things are, or were when they were created, good.   In the creation story, we learn that God looked upon his creation and pronounced that it was GOOD.     Animals, plants, fish, and humans.  All are good.   That means that YOU are also good.  We ask humans suffer from our own human frailties.  We say things, we do things that are not necessarily good. Our behaviors may not be good, but our person, our bodies, our being is good.

Each person not only has the imprint of the Most High God, but is a dwelling place, a tabernacle of the Living God.  THAT is good.   This is also the basis for why we should have respect for every human life.  Not just our family, not  just a friend, but the other brothers and sisters who are on the margins of society.   These are also part of the Body of Christ.  These are the eyes that see how Christian we are.    We turn away from the homeless and the hungry Christ in our presence.  Yet we are the first to turn to Christ when things go badly.  Take heart though !  For God is good.  He will forgive us our sins.  He loves us more than our human minds can understand.

” Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life”.    This is true.  Goodness and mercy follow each of us every day.    ALL THE TIME.   Gods mercy is upon us every single day.

I have owned pets all of my life.  Dogs and cats mostly.    Pets are truly part of Gods mercy and maybe part of God’s parental teaching tools.    During my life when ever days were less than stellar, and in my younger years, when God paid more attention to me than I did to him, my pets were a source of solice, consolation, companionship and humor even when I might not have wanted them.      At the same time we learn patience with them when they had “accidents”  or we were hurt by their reaction to something we did.       I believe that God uses our pets to teach us something about the great commandments.  Love God, Love your neighbor as yourself.

ALL THE TIME ?   When things are bad.  I mean really bad is God good then too ?    In disasters, in death, and in crisis,  God is good and his mercy covers us even then.   Sometimes it is hard to see in the moment.  There is likely much we do not understand, but in faith we trust in the goodness and mercy of God.   Sometimes, we are given moments of understanding much later.  We are always given whatever we need to make it through the trail that we face.   All we need is to believe that.. God is good.. All the time.

Tags: body, Christ, faith, God, God is good, good

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God is good all the time and all the time god is good origin

Years ago, when my family gathered around the dinner table, I was the one who said grace. Not because I knew the Lord, but because I knew this simple prayer:

God is great, God is good, 
And we thank Him for our food;
By His hand we all are fed,
Give us, Lord, our daily bread. Amen.

All through my childhood, I spoke these truths, even before I understood them: God is great. God is good. Indeed, He is a “great God, mighty and awesome” (Deuteronomy 10:17). And He created things that are “pleasing to the eye and good for food” (Genesis 2:9).

But, above all, He is goodness itself.

God is good all the time and all the time god is good origin

Comforting thoughts, in a world gone bad, gone wild, gone mad:

  • “Whatever happens, His goodness is always present.” —Carolyn
  • “He is so good, and cannot do anything that is not good.” —Lynn
  • “Out of sorrow and tragedy, His goodness shines through.” —Amy

Last week, I saw His goodness on display.

I was waiting to board a plane for home, when a conversation caught my ear. “May I escort my new friend to her seat?” I turned to see a young man with a kind smile bending toward an elderly woman in a wheelchair.

“Sorry, but I’ll need to do that,” the flight attendant explained, as she pointed the wheelchair toward the jet way.

Clearly disappointed, he said good-bye, then watched the older woman head for the plane. “Good talking to you, ma’am!” he called out. A moment later, he reclaimed his seat and said to no one in particular, “Some people are so nice.”

“Like you,” two people said in unison. Smiles were exchanged, and a warm glow settled on those who were close enough to witness the uncommon scene.

When we do good deeds, they’re really God deeds. His goodness, His mercy, His kindness pouring through us. Tempted as I am to take credit whenever I manage to do something right, I know where the prompting — and the power — comes from. He alone deserves the praise.

God truly is good. Yes, all the time.

Some memory verses to remind you of God’s goodness:

  • “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34:8).
  • ”For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations” (Psalm 100:5).
  • “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him” (Nahum 1:7).

Heavenly Father, in a world that grows darker by the hour, Your goodness remains a beacon of hope.

God is good all the time and all the time god is good origin

What does the goodness of God mean to you? Take a second to share your thoughts below. Your comments will bless us all!

Your grateful sister, Liz

God is good all the time and all the time god is good origin
God is good all the time and all the time god is good origin
God is good all the time and all the time god is good origin
God is good all the time and all the time god is good origin

P.S. The lovely flower photos this week were taken by our daughter. Thanks, Lil!

What does it mean God is good all the time and all the time God is good?

This means that as long as He exists, He will be good. No factor controls His goodness, God is good all the time. In fact, 'good' began with God. We associate the word “good” with people but forget that God made people in His own image.

Is God perfect Bible verse?

"Matthew 5:48 Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect".

What does God mean when he says it is good?

When God said what He made was good, He was affirming its original design and intent: to reflect and display His good character, power, and nature. In its original state, creation measured up to God's standards. It was the way He wanted it to be. It was exactly the sort of quality He desired.

Who wrote God?

God Is a DJ (Faithless song).