Feeling dizzy 3 days after wisdom teeth removal

Feeling dizzy 3 days after wisdom teeth removal

  • October 15, 2021

Removing impacted wisdom teeth is a little more involved compared to a simple tooth extraction for an erupted tooth. Taking care of yourself after surgery is very important. Our team at Strive Dental Studio will discuss how to care for your mouth at home after your wisdom tooth removal, and give you post-operative care tips to keep you feeling great.

What To Expect After My Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Bleeding and Swelling

Many wonder why they feel nauseous after their wisdom tooth removal surgery, and do not know what to expect. After your surgery you may experience some bleeding or oozing and this is very common. We recommend you rinse gently or wipe the blood away. You can use gauze pads provided to help stop the bleeding. You may also experience some swelling around the cheeks or area where the teeth were removed. Ice can be used to help minimize swelling, and should subside after a few days.

Pain and Diet

After your wisdom tooth removal procedure, you may experience some pain. Patients may be prescribed pain medication or antibiotics after their surgery, or we may recommend over the counter pain medication. The pain should subside after a few days, but if you have any persistent pain that does not go away, we recommend calling our office right away.

Following a soft food diet is recommended after wisdom tooth removal while your mouth is healing. Patients should avoid straws and any sucking motions during recovery. Patients should eat balanced meals and stay hydrated.

Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are common after wisdom tooth removal. In some cases, patients feel nauseous after anesthesia. To help your nausea you can sip coke or ginger ale to help the feeling subside. Typically, nausea should go away after 4-6 hours. If your nausea does not go away, we recommend calling our office. In some cases, patients can feel nauseous 2-4 days after their surgery. This is due to pain medication, or can be caused by dehydration.

What Are Other Complications?

Most patients recover easily, but if you experience any fever or feel dizzy, we encourage you to contact our office right away. Patients may feel stiff after their procedure or have a sore throat. This should also subside, but if these symptoms do not go away, we recommend contacting our office.

Taking Care of your teeth after surgery is important. Patients should still brush and floss gently after having their wisdom teeth removed. If you experience any prolonged pain, this should be addressed right away, and we recommend calling our office.

Interested in Finding Out More?

If you are interested in finding out more about wisdom tooth removal and the recovery process, contact Strive Dental Studio. Our highly trained staff is happy to answer any questions or concerns you have, and we welcome you to schedule an appointment. If you think you may need wisdom tooth removal the first step is scheduling a consultation with us. Our doctors will complete a thorough exam, and create a customized treatment plan. Your oral health is our priority, and we always provide the very best care for all of our patients.

To schedule your appointment, contact Strive Dental Studio, and our staff will be happy to assist you.

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These instructions will cover important information regarding proper post-surgical care for wisdom teeth extraction. If you have been scheduled to have your wisdom teeth removed, it will be important to follow these instructions exactly as we present them.

  • Discomfort is normal after the extraction of wisdom teeth. If you are not allergic or intolerant to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), start taking ibuprofen (also known as Advil® or Motrin®) as instructed by your doctor at the time of your surgery. If your pain is not controlled by the ibuprofen alone, take your prescribed narcotic also. Ibuprofen and your prescribed narcotic can be taken together.
  • Be certain to take your pain medications with food. This will help prevent nausea.
  • Remember, narcotic pain medicine will impair your judgment and reflexes.
  • Gauze pads should be placed directly over the extraction sites and held in place with firm biting pressure. Proper placement will help you not swallow blood, which can make you nauseated. Replace the gauze pads every 20–40 minutes. When the gauze pads have little or no blood on them, they are no longer necessary. The amount of bleeding will vary from person to person. Most of your bleeding will slow within 3–4 hours, but a small amount of bleeding is common for up to 24 hours.
  • Do not rinse on the day of surgery. It may prolong your bleeding. Begin salt water rinses the day after surgery and continue for one week. Rinse with warm salt water 3–4 times each day. To make the salt water solution, dissolve a half-teaspoon of salt in a small glass of warm tap water.
  • If you have been given an irrigating syringe, start irrigation 1 week following surgery. Fill the syringe with warm salt water and place the tip of the syringe into the extraction site to clean. Do this 3–4 times a day for 2 weeks and lessen as the surgical site heals.
  • Swelling is normal after surgery and is a major cause of post-extraction discomfort. Swelling typically peaks by the third day and then starts to resolve. It can be reduced by the use of an ice pack. Apply the ice pack to the side of your face for 15 minutes. Transfer it to the opposite side for another 15 minutes. Continue icing the face for the first 24 hours. Do not freeze the skin. Ice packs are useful for the first 24 hours only. Also, keep your head elevated on two pillows for 2–3 days. These measures will not eliminate swelling, but they help to reduce its severity.
  • To help with medication tolerance, we recommend that you eat right away after your surgery. Start with clear liquids such as broth; gradually ramp up your diet as tolerated. Always cool down any hot foods or liquids during the first 24 hours. If you were sedated for surgery, do not eat fatty, creamy, or oily foods. These foods may cause nausea. You should eat only soft foods for the first 2–3 days. For example, soups, eggs, mashed potatoes, and meatloaf are fine.
  • To help prevent dry socket, do not use a straw for the first week after surgery.
  • Begin brushing your teeth the day after surgery. It is important to brush all of your teeth, even if the teeth and gums are sensitive. Bacterial plaque and food accumulation near the extraction site will delay healing.
  • Do not smoke for at least a week. Smoking will increase your bleeding. The nicotine and tar in tobacco impair healing and may cause a dry socket.
  • Unless told otherwise, do no vigorous physical activity for 3 days following your surgery. Physical activity increases your blood pressure, which will cause an increase in your swelling, pain, and bleeding. You may gradually increase your activity, such as jogging or tennis, 5–7 days after your surgery.

If you have any additional questions, please call our office. Our staff wants to help you in any way we can to make your post-operative recovery successful. Thank you.


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Is it normal to feel sick 3 days after wisdom teeth?

Nausea and Vomiting Typically, nausea should go away after 4-6 hours. If your nausea does not go away, we recommend calling our office. In some cases, patients can feel nauseous 2-4 days after their surgery. This is due to pain medication, or can be caused by dehydration.

Is dizziness a symptom of dry socket?

Moreover, dry socket pain is a sharp, severe pain that will radiate into your ears and the rest of your jaw. Other dry socket symptoms include headaches, dizziness, fever, and insomnia.

Is it normal to feel dizzy days after tooth extraction?

An acute feeling of dizziness following prolonged dental treatment is not uncommon in dental practice. Sudden changes in blood pressure following postural changes after prolonged periods in a supine dental chair may be responsible.

What happens on day 3 after wisdom teeth removal?

3 Days Post Extraction After about 3 days, the empty tooth socket will have mostly healed. There should be no more bleeding present, and swelling should be minimal at this point. You may still experience some tenderness or soreness, but you should no longer feel pain or discomfort.