Emerging adults fail to develop health promoting habits because they


Dev Psych Ch 13 & 14

gets a full time job ; gets married

James, an American, will be most likely considered as an adult by his peers and community when he ________, whereas Nirmal, who lives in Bangladesh, will be most likely considered as an adult by his community when he ________.

do not consider how their lifestyle will affect them later in life.

Emerging adults fail to develop health-promoting habits because they

Chronic sleep deprivation may contribute to cardiovascular disease and a shortened life span.

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society, which of the following statements is true about an individual's sleep?

still trying to beat their addiction.

There is a "one-third rule'' for alcoholism: By age 65, one-third are dead or in terrible shape, one-third are abstinent or drinking socially, and one-third are

Married and cohabiting couples have sex more often than noncohabiting couples.

Which of the following statements accurately reflects a key finding from the 1994 "Sex in America" survey?

Casual sex is more common in emerging adulthood than in the late twenties.

Which of the following is included in the patterns of heterosexual behavior for males and females in emerging adulthood?

Piaget stressed that young adults are more quantitatively advanced in their thinking than adolescents in the sense that

According to recent studies, the most effective programs for losing weight include

Muscle tone and strength usually begin to show signs of decline around the age of ________.

One of the most strongly supported interventions for binge eating disorder (BED) is ________.

What does emerging adulthood describe? “Emerging Adulthood” is a term used to describe a period of development spanning from about ages 18 to 29, experienced by most people in their twenties in Westernized cultures and perhaps in other parts of the world as well. It was initially defined by Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, PhD from Clark University in 2000.

What characterizes emerging adulthood?

Emerging adults share the five characteristics of self-focus, instability, identity explorations, feeling in-between, and a sense of possibilities. Emerging adulthood takes place across racial, cultural, and socioeconomic groups, although the experience of emerging adulthood varies among groups.

What does emerging adulthood describe quizlet psychology?

What does emerging adulthood describe quizlet a prolonged?

Why is emerging adulthood important?

How does emerging adulthood differ from adolescence?

If adolescence is the period from ages 10 to 18 and emerging adulthood is the period from (roughly) ages 18 to 25, most identity exploration takes place in emerging adulthood rather than adolescence.

What is emerging adulthood and when does it occur quizlet?

a period when individuals are not adolescents but are not yet fully adults. it is a time to explore careers, self-identity and commitments. -This stage takes place during young adulthood between the ages of approximately 18 to 40 yrs.

Which is a defining marker of emerging adulthood quizlet?

Note: Identity development, posed by Erikson (1950) as the psychosocial task of adolescence, is one of the defining markers of emerging adulthood today.

Who is classified as an emerging adult quizlet?

The period of life between the ages of 18 and 25. Emerging adulthood is now widely thought of as a distinct developmental stage. The sexual-reproductive system is at its most efficient during emerging adulthood.

Why did the life stage called emerging adulthood develop?

The theory of emerging adulthood proposes that a new life stage has arisen between adolescence and young adulthood over the past half-century in industrialized countries. Fifty years ago, most young people in these countries had entered stable adult roles in love and work by their late teens or early twenties.

What is the stage of emerging adulthood largely comprised of?

What is not a core characteristic of emerging adulthood quizlet?

All are CLASSIC challenges of emerging adulthood EXCEPT: Making the transition from being protected by parents, to taking control of life. emerging adulthood is a life stage uniquely defined by: learning about the world.

What challenges do emerging adults face?

Emerging adulthood is a period of development between the ages of 18 to 25 years which is distinct from adolescence and later stages of adulthood. Five major struggles occur during emerging adulthood: identity, instability, being self-focused, feeling in-between, and new possibilities.

What do you believe is the most challenging aspect of emerging adulthood?

Important developmental challenges during EA include the continued formation of identity and values, which occur in the midst of frequent changes in personal relationships, living arrangements, vocational and educational pursuits, and social roles (Shanahan 2000).

What is the difference between emerging adulthood and early adulthood?

Historically, early adulthood spanned from approximately 18 years (the end of adolescence) until 40 to 45 years (beginning of middle adulthood). More recently, developmentalists have divided this age period into two separate stages: Emerging adulthood followed by early adulthood.

What is the main idea of Arnett’s theory of emerging adulthood?

Arnett (2000, 2004a, 2004b) has proposed that the time of life roughly between ages 18-25 be considered a “distinct period” called emerging adulthood (EA). Essentially, this is a time when individuals tend to consider themselves too old to be adolescents, but not yet full-fledged adults.

When emerging adults explore different identities they develop?

Which of the following statements is most representative of emerging adulthood?

How does emerging adulthood as a self focused age differ from the self focus of adolescence quizlet?

Why do emerging adults fail to develop health promoting habits?

They both smoke, often drink too much, and seldom stick with an exercise plan. Emerging adults fail to develop health-promoting habits because they: A. believe that good genes will override any unhealthy behaviors.

Which description best characterizes emerging adulthood quizlet?

What term is used to describe people aged 18 to their early twenties between adolescence and adulthood?

Emerging Adulthood” is a term used to describe a period of development spanning from about ages 18 to 29, experienced by most people in their twenties in Westernized cultures and perhaps in other parts of the world as well. It was initially defined by Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, PhD from Clark University in 2000.

Which is a major transformation in how contemporary emerging adults find love?

What do you experience in early adulthood?

Early adulthood is a period of rapid personal development when individuals experience major life transitions (e.g. leaving the parental home, leaving education, beginning employment, cohabitation and parenthood).

Why is emerging adulthood difficult?

For many reasons, emerging adulthood is an emotionally complex time. Feelings of excitement and optimism that come with newfound independence often are counterbalanced with feelings of confusion, loneliness, and fear due to loss and uncertainty about what the future holds.

How do the five characteristics of emerging adulthood apply to your life?

  • the age of identity explorations;
  • the age of instability;
  • the self-focused age;
  • the age of feeling in-between; and.
  • the age of possibilities.

What are the characteristics of emerging adulthood according to Arnett 2001 )?

What is not a core characteristic of emerging adulthood quizlet?

All are CLASSIC challenges of emerging adulthood EXCEPT: Making the transition from being protected by parents, to taking control of life. emerging adulthood is a life stage uniquely defined by: learning about the world.

What are the characteristics of middle adulthood?

What are the major health risks for emerging adults?

As a transitional period between adolescence and full adulthood, emerging adulthood is characterized by peak levels of risk-taking—such as binge drinking, illicit drug use, drunk or drugged driving, and casual sexual behavior (Claxton and van Dulmen 2013; Krieger et al.

What are the causes of emerging adulthood?

Five features make emerging adulthood distinctive: identity explorations, instability, self-focus, feeling in-between adolescence and adulthood, and a sense of broad possibilities for the future.

Why is the stage of emerging adulthood controversial?

Other researchers argue that emerging adulthood unnecessarily limits the period of identity exploration. They argue that phenomenons like the rate of divorce and frequent job and career changes force people to re-evaluate their identities throughout the life span.

What are criticisms of the concept of emerging adulthood?

The most common critique of the theory is that it does not apply broadly to young people in the age period from the late teens through the 20s (e.g., Heinz, 2009; Hendry & Kloep, 2007; Reitzle, 2006; Schoon, 2006; Silva, 2013; for a book-length debate on this topic, see Arnett, Kloep, Hendry, & Tanner, 2011).