Discovering statistics using spss andy field 5th edition pdf

Chapter 1. Why is My Evil Lecturer Forcing Me to Learn Statistics?

What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here

Initial observation: finding something that needs explaining

Generating and testing theories and hypotheses

Collecting data: measurement

Collecting data: research design

Chapter 2. The Spine of Statistiscs

What will this chapter tell me?

What is the SPINE of statistics?

E is for estimating parameters

I is for (confidence) interval

N is for null hypothesis significance testing

Reporting significance tests

Chapter 3. The Phoenix of Statistics

NHST as part of wider problems with science

A phoenix from the EMBERS

Pre-registering research and open science

Reporting effect sizes and Bayes factors

Chapter 4. The IBM SPSS Statistics Environment

Versions of IBM SPSS Statistics

Windows, Mac OS, and Linux

Entering data into IBM SPSS Statistics

Extending IBM SPSS Statistics

Chapter 5. Exploring Data With Graphs

The art of presenting data

Boxplots (box-whisker diagrams)

Graphing means: bar charts and error bars

Graphing relationships: the scatterplot

Chapter 6. The Beast of Bias

Normally distributed something or other

Homoscedasticity/homogeneity of variance

Spotting linearity and heteroscedasticity/heterogeneity of variance

Chapter 7. Non-Parametric Models

When to use non-parametric tests

General procedure of non-parametric tests in SPSS

Comparing two independent conditions: the Wilcoxon rank-sum test and Mann-Whitney test

Comparing two related conditions: the Wilcoxon signed-rank test

Differences between several independent groups: the Kruskal-Wallis test

Differences between several related groups: Friedman's ANOVA

Chapter 8. Correlation

Data entry for correlation analysis

Partial and semi-partial correlation

Calculating the effect size

How to report correlation coefficents

Chapter 9. Linear Model (Regression)

An introduction to the linear model (regression)

Sample size and the linear model

Fitting linear models: the general procedure

Using IBM SPPS Statistics to fit a linear model with one predictor

Interpreting a linear model with one predictor

Interpreting a linear model with two or more predictors (multiple regression)

Using IBM SPSS Statistics to fit a linear model with several predictors

Interpreting a linear model with several predictors

Chapter 10. Comparing Two Means

An example: are invisible people mischievous?

Categorical predictors in the linear model

Assumptions of the t-test

Comparaing two means: general procedure

Comparing two independent means using IBM SPSS Statistics

Comparing two related means using IBM SPSS Statistics

Reporting comparisons between two means

Between groups or repeated measures?

Chapter 11. Moderation, Mediation and Multicategory Predictors

Moderation: interactions in the linear model

Categorical predictors in regression

Chapter 12. GLM 1: Comparing Several Independent Means

Using a linear model to compare several means

Assumptions when comparing means

Planned contrasts (contrast coding)

Comparing several means using IBM SPSS Statistics

Output from one-way independent ANOVA

Robust comparisons of several means

Bayesian comparisons of several means

Calculating the effect size

Reporting results from one-way independent ANOVA

Chapter 13. GLM 2: Comparing Means Adjusted For Other Predictors (Analysis of Covariance)

ANCOVA and the general linear model

Assumptions and issues in ANCOVA

Conducting ANCOVA using IBM SPSS Statistics

Testing the assumption of homogeneity of regression slopes

Bayesian analysis with covariates

Calculating the effect size

Chapter 14. GLM 3: Factorial Designs

Independent factorial designs and the linear model

Model assumptions in factorial designs

Factorial designs using IBM SPSS Statistics

Output from factorial designs

Interpreting interaction graphs

Robust models of factorial designs

Bayesian models of factorial designs

Reporting results of two-way ANOVA

Chapter 15. GLM 4: Repeated-Measures Designs

Introduction to repeated-measures designs

Repeated-measures and the linear model

The ANOVA approach to repeated-measures designs

The F-statistics for repeated-measures designs

Assumptions in repeated-measures designs

One-way repeated-measures designs

Chapter 16. GLM 5: Mixed Designs

Assumptions in mixed designs

Mixed designs using IBM SPSS Statistics

Output for mixed factorial designs

Reporting the results of mixed designes

Chapter 17. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)

Practical issues when conducting MANOVA

MANOVA using IBM SPSS Statistics

Reporting results from MANOVA

Following up MANOVA with discriminant analysis

Interpreting discriminant analysis

Reporting results from discriminant analysis

Chapter 18. Exploratory Factor Analysis

When to use factor analysis

Factor analysis uisng IBM SPSS Statistics

Interpreting factor analysis

How to report factor analysis

Reliability analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics

Interpreting reliability analysis

How to report reliability analysis

Chapter 19. categorical Outcomes: Chi-Square and Loglinear Analysis

Analysing categorical data

Associations between two categorical variables

Associations between several categorical variables: loglinear analysis

Assumptions when analysisng categorical data

General procedure for analysing categorical outcomes

Doing chi-square uisng IBM SPSS Statistics

Interpreting the chi-square test

Loglinear analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics

Interpreting loglinear analysis

Reporting the results of loglinear analysis

Chapter 20. Categorical Outcomes: Logistic Regression

What is logitsic regression?

Theory of logistic regression

Sources of bias and common problems

Binary logistic regression

Interpreting logistic regression

Reporting logistic regression

Testing assumptions: another example

Predicting several categories: multinominal logistic regression

Reporting multinominal logistic regression

Chapter 21. Multilevel Linear Models

Theory of multilevel linear models

Multilevel modeling using IBM SPSS Statistics

How to report a multilevel model

A message from the octopus of inescapable despair

Chapter 22. Epilouge


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