Causes for missed period and negative pregnancy test

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  • Apr 21, 2022

Possible Causes of Missed Period with Negative Pregnancy Test

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Whenever people miss their period dates, the first thing they grab is a pregnancy test kit. For the couple trying to conceive, missed periods are their first exciting hopes towards the parenthood journey.

But what if the test results come out negative and you still haven’t got your period? 

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There can be various reasons for no periods with a double marker negative pregnancy test. Pregnancy test kits have come a long way, designed in easy DIY kits for self-examinations. But these home test kits are not always perfectly accurate, sometimes even giving false-negative results (if not conducted under mentioned optimal conditions).

Also, menstrual irregularities, such as late or missed periods, occur in nearly 15-25% of women going through childbearing age. This can be due to various conditions besides hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, stress, trauma, weight loss, and other specific health conditions.

This blog will help you with in-depth details and treatments for Amenorrhea (the scientific term for delayed or missed periods), explaining all the possible reasons for pregnancy report negative but no period.

  • What are the Causes of Negative Pregnancy Tests but No Period?
    • Short Term Causes: 
      • 1. Stress-
      • 2. Weight Fluctuation Due to Eating Disorder-
      • 3. PCOS-
      • 4. Breastfeeding-
      • 5. Hormonal Birth Control-
      • 6. Excessive Physical Workout-
      • 7. Fertility treatment 
    • Long Term Causes:
      • 1. Perimenopause-
      • 2. Thyroid-related Issues-
      • 3. POI (Primary Ovarian Insufficiency)-
      • 4. Diabetes
  • What Are the Chances of Getting Pregnant with A Negative Pregnancy Test Result?
    • Do I have to take the test first thing in the morning?
  • Frequently Asked Questions- 
  • Aastha Fertility Care Offers Answers and Compassion: 

What are the Causes of Negative Pregnancy Tests but No Period?

Negative test result

There are two reasons you can get a negative pregnancy test- either you’re not pregnant, or tested too early for the test kit to detect the hCG hormone in urine. The pregnancy test kit works by detecting the hCG hormone produced in the body when you’re pregnant, and it keeps increasing for a few months.

HCG hormone can sometimes mislead

The hCG hormone appears in the urine within the first week after ovulation and rises every 2 to 3 days in the first week till missed period day. If you test during this period, you may see a negative result, even if you are pregnant.

Well, even if you skipped your period and didn’t test early, there are chances that you are not pregnant.

The basic cycles go with ovaries releasing an egg during ovulation, approximately every 28 days. If a sperm fertilizes the egg, the woman will miss her period dates, but if no fertilization happens, a person’s period will likely start within 15-16 days.

But sometimes, there’s a possibility that you’re not pregnant but still missing your periods. This condition refers to Amenorrhea, the absence or lack of menstruation during female fertility years. It usually happens due to a lack of estrogen. Some of the other possible causes for pregnancy report negative but no period is discussed below-

Short Term Causes: 

1. Stress-

High levels of stress can wreak havoc on hormones, affecting the part of the brain that controls the functioning of reproductive hormones. This can result in a temporary menstrual break.

Ease the cause of stress, learn coping strategies, or talk to a mental health professional to learn effective ways to manage your stress.

2. Weight Fluctuation Due to Eating Disorder-

Diet changes or significant weight fluctuation in a short time can mess with your estrogen levels or hormones, causing irregularities in menstrual cycles. Eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia can cause the delay, severely affecting the individual’s quality of life.

3. PCOS-

Nearly 10% of women going through childbearing age suffer from one or other types of PCOS. It refers to a hormonal imbalance affecting a woman’s appearance and health and further causing ovarian cysts. This can result in irregular periods, and abnormal periods of pain and may stop them entirely. Apart from missing periods, other symptoms of PCOS include inflammation, unpredictable bleeding, increasing weight, hair thinning, cramping, vaginal discharge, sleep Apnea or acne, and other skin conditions.

Also Read: PCOS Diet Chart

4. Breastfeeding-

The breastfeeding phase also causes Amenorrhea due to increased production of prolactin. It is a hormone produced by our body during breastfeeding that affects menstruation. But this cause is temporary, and the cycle restores once the person stops breastfeeding.

5. Hormonal Birth Control-

A change in your body’s hormonal levels can also affect the menstrual cycles, resulting in early, delayed to stopped cycles. It can happen if you have recently started the course for antidepressants, contraceptives, or other hormone replacement meds.

6. Excessive Physical Workout-

Irregular menstrual cycles can also be due to spending too much time at the gym. Excessive exercises can lower the metabolism levels where our body tries to conserve the energy, further causing delayed to missed dates. 

7. Fertility treatment 

If you underwent fertility treatment, this causes an off-cycle change. Fertility drugs might extend your menstrual cycle length if your menstrual cycle is short. IVF and IUI can also cause a delayed period.

While some women face period issues for short-term reasons, there is a chance that your body is going through a lot for a long time, which might be a reason for missed periods. These long-term reasons can be perimenopause, diabetes, thyroid-related problem, or primary ovarian insufficiency.

Long Term Causes:

1. Perimenopause-

If you did not have your periods for over 12 months, you’ve entered the perimenopause phase. The average age for this phase is around 50 years, and some of the symptoms that beings at an early age are:

  • Reduced interest in physical intimacy,
  • Irritability or vaginal dryness,
  • lighter or heavier periods,
  • hot flashes,
  • trouble sleeping.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, consult your gynaecologist to start with the ideal treatments.

2. Thyroid-related Issues-

Our thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate the metabolism of our body. Sometimes, the thyroid glands’ hormone level may vary, resulting in hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, affecting the frequency of a person’s period.

Doctors usually advise a blood test to know the cause and symptoms of thyroid-related issues, including-

  • Hair loss or hair thinning,
  • Feeling cold or warm all the time,
  • Extreme tiredness,
  • Sudden weight change.

3. POI (Primary Ovarian Insufficiency)-

This happens when a women’s ovaries stop working as expected before reaching the age. Primary Ovarian Inefficiency cannot be related to perimenopause or early menopause and may affect the frequency of periods, disturbing the normal ovary functions.

4. Diabetes

Anovulation can also have a significant impact on regular menstrual cycles. This happens when the ovary does not release enough eggs in the fallopian tubes. People diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are at an increased risk for anovulation, resulting in irregular menstrual periods.

What Are the Chances of Getting Pregnant with A Negative Pregnancy Test Result?

Causes for missed period and negative pregnancy test

Pregnancy test kits are technological devices designed to detect hCG levels in urine, further presenting the actual results. But sometimes, there are chances that these tests may give false-negative results.

There are 3-5% chances for false-negative results in pregnancy test kits. Further diversifying the range, 1% of these false-negative results are due to the device’s fault, and the remaining 2-4% are because of hCG levels detection.

  • Early Test:

 It means that the hCG hormones of your body are not enough to be detected yet, referring to the early detection fault. It takes at least 8-10 days for our body to produce enough chorionic gonadotropin pregnancy hormone after conception for a home pregnancy test.

 If you have a negative test result but the symptoms suspect hope, try again after a few days to get better clarity.

  • Diluted Urine:

 It is always advised to conduct the test in the early morning when the urine is much more concentrated. Water dilutes the hCG levels, increasing the chances of false results.

  • Ectopic Pregnancy:

 Ectopic pregnancy is when the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, which the standard pregnancy test cannot detect. This further requires urgent clinical attention as it can worsen the cramps, abdominal pain, and bleeding.

Do I have to take the test first thing in the morning?

The pregnancy test kit should detect the hCG if you are pregnant at any time of the day. If you are testing before you have missed your periods, then you have to take it first thing in the morning when the hCG concentration is high in the body. However, you can dilute the hCG concentration present in the body by intaking too much liquid. Try not to drink much fluid if you suspect you’re pregnant and planning to take the test.

Frequently Asked Questions- 

  1. Could a no period with a negative pregnancy test result go wrong?
    Pregnancy test kits are 99% accurate, but 1% false detection chances are still there. Therefore, it is advised to consult your gynaecologist for the final results.
  2. What can be the reasons for pregnancy test negative but no period for 2 months?
    There’s a lot of mystery about menstrual cycles, and many factors affect the same. Aastha Fertility Care team of fertility experts will help diagnose the actual reason for missed or delayed periods, assisting their patients until they are fully recovered.
  3. Could medications interfere with the pregnancy report negative but no period results?
    If you are on birth control or hormonal changes medication, this might affect the pregnancy test results. Consult your doctor to get the final result.

Aastha Fertility Care Offers Answers and Compassion: 

A missed or delayed period combined with negative pregnancy test results can be confusing and irritating, especially if you’re expecting a baby. There can be several explanations for it. But instead of entirely relying on the home pregnancy results, it is advised to consult fertility experts for the final decisions.

The sooner you get the things evaluated, the sooner you can identify the cause and treatment for the same. Aastha Fertility Care provides you with a flexible Online Consultation option with their fertility experts, helping you with all the answers you deserve.

The team of experts at Aastha Fertility Care are licensed, experienced and skilled, working their best to maintain and increase the record for IVF success rates in India.

Book your confidential appointment today for the best fertility treatments!

Can I still be pregnant

could i still be pregnant? If you take a pregnancy test after your period is late and get a negative result, you're unlikely to be pregnant. Home pregnancy tests are very accurate — about 99 percent — but a false negative is still possible.

What causes late periods and negative pregnancy test?

Menstrual irregularities, such as missed or late periods, occur in 14–25% of women of childbearing age. They can result from a range of conditions besides pregnancy, including hormonal imbalances, hormonal birth control, stress, weight loss, trauma, and certain health conditions.