Can the plan b pill cause bleeding

Some women taking Plan B One‑Step may have changes in their period, such as spotting or bleeding before their next period. If your period is more than a week late, it’s possible you might be pregnant. Get a pregnancy test and follow up with your healthcare professional.

Taking the morning after pill can be a little scary if you don’t know what to expect. Many women wonder how the pill will affect their next period, especially because they’re eager to get it and confirm they’re not pregnant. Let’s take a look at what your first period after emergency contraception will look like.

What can you expect for your first period following the morning after pill?

The way the morning after pill works is by delivering a high dose of a hormone called levonorgestrel, a type of progestin or artificial progesterone. When your body gets bombarded with this hormone, it can affect your period (and entire menstrual cycle) in a few different ways:

  • Timing: Your first period after taking emergency contraception may follow your normal schedule. It is common, however, to get it either about a week early or a week late. If your period is two weeks late or more, you should consider taking a pregnancy test.
  • Duration: Your period may last longer than usual after taking emergency contraception.
  • Flow: Some women experience a lighter or heavier flow during their first period after the morning after pill. Heavier flow is more common than lighter.

Next period vs. morning after pill spotting

After taking emergency contraception, it is normal to experience some light bleeding or spotting as an effect of the extra hormones. It is important to note that this bleeding is not the same as your period. Here’s what you can expect from any morning after pill bleeding:

Experiencing light bleeding, often called spotting, after taking the morning-after pill is pretty normal. It’s one of a few mild side effects of emergency contraception that go away on their own.

Why It Can Cause Bleeding

Women take morning-after pills such as Ella and Plan B to reduce their chances of getting pregnant after having unprotected sex. The pills work by delaying or preventing the ovaries from releasing an egg. In doing so, they affect the hormones in your body involving menstruation and pregnancy. Thus, you might notice irregular or unexpected bleeding:

  • In the days after taking the morning-after pill
  • Until your next period
  • In the week before your next period
  • In the week after your next period

The bleeding or spotting should go away on its own. If it lasts more than a few days or becomes heavy, contact your medical provider as this could be a symptom of something more serious.

Get Emergency Contraception At Home

Emergency contraception from Nurx costs as little as $0 with insurance or $45 per pill without insurance.

Effects on Menstrual Bleeding

You might also notice that your period is irregular the month after taking the morning-after pill. Don’t be surprised if it’s:

  • A few days early
  • A few days late
  • Lighter or heavier than normal
  • More or less painful than usual
  • Longer than normal

Again, these effects are typically short-term and your period should return to normal by the following month. If you go a week or more without getting your period as expected, however, take a pregnancy test to make sure your emergency contraceptive worked.

Other Side Effects

Other side effects you might experience after taking the morning-after pill include:

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Abdominal pain
  • Breast tenderness
  • Fatigue

The morning-after pill is still a safe and effective way to prevent pregnancy if you’ve had unprotected sex or your birth control didn’t work. It doesn’t have any known long-term effects.

Yes, bleeding can be a side effect of the morning after pill. While vaginal bleeding is not common with the morning after pill, some women will experience light bleeding for up to three days after taking it. This symptom will typically become lighter and fully resolve after a few days. If it does not stop or the flow becomes heavier, then you should contact your healthcare provider.

Possible Side Effects of the Morning After Pill

The morning after pill does not have any serious or long-term side effects and most women will take the pill without experiencing any complications at all. In rare cases, there can be some minor side effects. These side effects will resolve once the drug has completely left your system. Some of the possible minor side effects include:

  • Nausea, with and without vomiting.
  • Headache.
  • Body fatigue and sleepiness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Light vaginal bleeding.

Emergency contraception is used to prevent pregnancy from occurring if you feel you are at risk of becoming pregnant after having sexual intercourse. Emergency contraception is available over-the-counter at many retailers or as a prescription, which is usually covered by insurance. The morning after pill is extremely safe and effective.

Get Emergency Contraception At Home

Emergency contraception from Nurx costs as little as $0 with insurance or $45 per pill without insurance.

Taking the morning after pill can also temporarily affect your menstrual cycle, causing it to be a week early or even a week late. If your period is more than four weeks late after taking the morning after pill, it is best to take a test to rule out pregnancy.

Does bleeding after Plan B mean it worked?

Some irregular bleeding — also known as spotting — can happen after you take the morning-after pill. It's also normal for your period to be heavier or lighter, or earlier or later than usual after taking EC. But once you get your period after taking emergency contraception (EC), that's a sign that you're not pregnant.

How long can Plan B make you bleed?

Some people who take Plan B experience light bleeding or spotting for up to 1 month afterward, and this goes away on its own. Keep reading to learn more about how Plan B works, some possible side effects, and what to do if this form of emergency contraceptive is ineffective.

What kind of bleeding does Plan B cause?

Some women taking Plan B One‑Step may have changes in their period, such as spotting or bleeding before their next period.