Average cost of pediatric dental visit without insurance

  • Dental Costs

Procedure Estimate of Procedure Cost Estimate of Procedure Cost
This is an estimate of the total charge for the health care service before any discounts provided to the uninsured.
Number of Visits Number of Visits
When the number of visits varies, it is difficult to estimate the total cost of care. This indicates the number of visits you can expect, calculated using the median. To determine the total you might pay, multiply the Estimate of Procedure Cost and the Statewide Average for Number of Visits.
- Above Average: Expect to visit the provider more than the average number of visits.
- Near Average: Expect the visit the provider close to the average number of visits.
- Below Average: Expect to visit the provider less than the average number of visits.
What You Will Pay What You Will Pay
The estimated charge amount minus the uninsured discount (when available).
Additional X-Ray Image of Tooth from Crown to Root from Inside Mouth $35 N/A $35
Adult Dental Cleaning $130 N/A $130
Bicuspid Tooth Root Canal $2,055 N/A $2,055
Child Dental Cleaning $106 N/A $106
Complete Intraoral X-Ray Series $153 N/A $153
Comprehensive Dental Exam $120 N/A $120
Four Bitewing X-Ray Images $91 N/A $91
Intraoral X-Ray, Periapical Radiographic Image $42 N/A $42
Periodic Dental Exam for an Established Patient $68 N/A $68
Periodic Orthodontic Treatment Visit, Part of a Contract $68 N/A $68
Placing Sealant on Tooth Surface to Prevent Decay $77 N/A $77
Problem Focused Evaluation, Limited to a Specific Oral Health Problem or Complaint $110 N/A $110
Silver (Amalgam) Dental Filling: One Surface, Primary or Permanent $213 N/A $213
Silver (Amalgam) Dental Filling: Three Surfaces, Primary or Permanent $278 N/A $278
Silver (Amalgam) Dental Filling: Two Surfaces, Primary or Permanent $265 N/A $265
Tooth Extraction, Elevation and/or Forceps Removal $259 N/A $259
Topical Fluoride Application $51 N/A $51
Topical Varnish Fluoride Application $64 N/A $64
Two Bitewing X-Ray Images $64 N/A $64
White (Resin) Dental Filling: One Surface, Anterior $218 N/A $218
White (Resin) Dental Filling: One Surface, Posterior $248 N/A $248
White (Resin) Dental Filling: Three Surfaces, Posterior $424 N/A $424
White (Resin) Dental Filling: Two Surfaces, Anterior $253 N/A $253
White (Resin) Dental Filling: Two Surfaces, Posterior $327 N/A $327
Whole Mouth X-Ray from Outside Mouth $162 N/A $162

Before seeking care, contact your health or dental insurance company to confirm if a provider is covered by your plan.

If you find yourself far away from home, you don’t want to worry about dental care and dental costs. Finding your way in another country’s healthcare system can be difficult. Time to take this off your mind! Tandarts Jordaan explains everything you need to know and more about dental costs in the Netherlands.

High-quality smiles at fixed prices

The Netherlands is among Europe’s countries with the shiniest and healthiest teeth. To keep that high-quality dental care affordable, a branch of the Dutch government - the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa: Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit) - carefully regulates and sets the rates for dentistry treatments. In other words: all dentists in the Netherlands charge the same fees.

Let’s check what the prices are for some common dentist treatments in the Netherlands in 2022:

  • Periodic dental checkup: 23,45 euros
  • Dental cleaning for five minutes: 13,84 euros
  • Making and assessing a small X-ray picture: 17,28 euros

Your total dental costs, however, depend on your personal needs. You can always ask your dentist for a cost breakdown of any treatment in advance to avoid financial surprises.

Also good to know about dental costs in the Netherlands

All dentists in the Netherlands need to inform you when any dental treatment exceeds 250 euros. If you earn minimum wage, you might be eligible for financial assistance from the Dutch government. The basic health insurance does cover oral surgery approved by the hospital. The billing procedure for emergencies is the same as for regular visits to the dentist. Minors, when adequately insured, are free of any dentist charge, excluding orthodontics.

What insurance do you need as an expat to cover dental costs?

As you might know already, the basic health care insurance does not cover dental expenses for adults in the Netherlands. If you want to be reimbursed, you’ll need supplemental dental insurance. This will cover at least a large percentage of your dental costs. Make sure to take sufficient insurance on your pearly whites and to adapt the reimbursement rate to optimally cover your dental expenses.

Emergency dentist costs in the Netherlands

Accidents cannot always be avoided. In the case of a genuine dental emergency, such as severe toothache, heavy oral bleeding, or the breaking or loss of a tooth, you can always get immediate treatment by a dentist in the Netherlands.

The first thing you should do, in case of an emergency, is to call your dentist for help. If they are closed or fully booked, you can reach out to an emergency dentist in your area. Even if you’re not registered as a regular patient, they will try to see you the same day. It is important to know that you must pay directly after the treatment if you are not registered at the emergency dentist. Make sure to bring your I.D, a debit or credit card, and your health insurance card to the appointment.

So, what about the cost of an emergency dentist visit? The costs for emergency dental treatment are the same as for regular treatment. In addition, emergency care is reimbursed by your health insurer in the same way as normal dental treatment.

Looking for a top-notch dentist in Amsterdam? Register at Tandarts Jordaan and book your first appointment; it's expat-friendly, and everything - online and offline - is communicated in English. Do you wish to receive additional information first? Contact the practice at 020-6121243 or via [email protected].

How much is a dentist appointment?

Dental procedures cost list.

Is dentistry free in the Netherlands?

Children's dental care Fortunately, all dental care is free for children under the age of 18 under basic Dutch health insurance.

How expensive is dentist in the Netherlands?

High-quality smiles at fixed prices In other words: all dentists in the Netherlands charge the same fees. Let's check what the prices are for some common dentist treatments in the Netherlands in 2022: Periodic dental checkup: 23,45 euros. Dental cleaning for five minutes: 13,84 euros.